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19 Cards in this Set

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hCG? released from?

Released from syncytiotrophoblast of chorion

-maintains corpus luteum (until placenta is developed)

-corpus luteum --> estrogen + progesterone

-prepares mammary glands + uterine lining

-also releases relaxin --> flex of pubic symphysis and cervix dilation

When is placenta fully developed?

12th week or 3rd month

when can you start testing for hCG in urine?

8 days after fertilization

-false neg and pos because of poteins, steroids, thyroid drugs

What causes weight gain? edema in lower limbs? nausea?


-lying down compresses IVC


Tidal vol, exp reserve vol, airway resistance, total body oxygen consumption

tidal vol: inc

exp reserve vol: dec

airway resistance: dec

total body oxygen consumption: inc

Progesterone in parturition

Decreases uterine contractions

-levels must be overcome by estrogen

Role of estrogen in labor? Relaxin? Prostaglandins?

Estrogen = inc oxytocin receptors (uterus)

-release prostaglandins

Relaxin + PG: inc pubic symphysis flexibility

-cervical dilationq

What produces the estrogen needed to overcome progesterone's inhibiting effects during labor?

placenta inc CRH --> inc ACTH (fetal ant. pit) --> inc cortisol and DHEA (fetal adrenal gland)

DHEA = primary male androgen made by adrenal gland

DHEA converted to estrogen by placenta

True vs False Labor

True: contractions = regular with (back) pain, cervical dilation & show

False: contractions = irregular, no pain, no cervical dilation

3 stages of labor?

1. Dilation: reg. contractions, amniotic sac rupture, dilation cervix

2. Expulsion: baby moves through birth canal

3. Placental: uterine contractions, constrict torn bv

Fetal stress

If fetal head is compressed --> intermittent hypoxia (umbilical cord compressed)

-fetal adrenal medulla --> epi and norepi

-clear lungs, mobilize nutrients, inc blood flow to brain and heart

Dystocia? Marked by?

Difficult labor

-bad fetal position; birth canal too small

-C section


Time until 6 weeks post delivery

-organs return back to normal

-uterus involution (dec size)

-lochia (discharge)

Fetal respiratory system after birth

Cord = cut --> inc CO2

respiratory center = stimulated --> muscle contractions

Fetal CV system after birth

Foramen ovale = closed at moment of birth

-deox blood goes to lungs

-fossa ovalis = remnant

Ductus arteriosus --> ligamentum arteriousum

Umbilical vein --> ligamentum venosum

Lactation? Effects on prolactin, progesterone

-Production and release

-PRL inc during pregnancy

-progesterone inhibits PRL until delivery


hypothalamus --> prolactin releasing hormone and inhibits PIH

-ant pit --> prolactin

also increases oxytocin (post pit)

-help second child come, expel placenta, control hemorrhage


cloudy fluids from mammary glands

-late pregnancy and 1st 4 days after birth

-not as nutritious as milk

-has antibodies

Breast feeding and menstrual cycles

Stop ovarian cycles for first few months if feeding happens around 10x a day

-dec GnRH --> dec LH & FSH