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38 Cards in this Set

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lifespan development-field of
study that examines patterns of growth, change, and stability in behavior throughout the entire life span.
PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY-UNCONSCIOUS forces act to determine personality and behavior.
1)id-unconscious, pleasure principle.
2)ego-rational and reasonable.
Reality principle.
3)superego-person's conscious,
right and wrong.
lifespan takes a scientific approach. Lifespan development focuses on human development.
PSYCOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT-Erickson-changes in our interactions with and understandings of one another as well as in our knowledge and understanding of us as members of society.
physical development-emphasizes how brain, nervous system, muscles, sensory capabilities, needs for food, drink, and sleep affect behavior.
BEHAVORIAL PERSPECTIVE-observable behavior and outside stimuli in the environment.
cognitive development-emphasizes intellectual abilities, including learning,
memory, problem solving, and intelligence.
BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION-promoting the frquency of desirable behaviors and decreasing the incidence of unwanted ones.
personality development-emphasizes enduring characteristics that differentiate one person from another.
SOCIAL-COGNITIVE LEARNING THEORY-learning observed the behavior of another person, called a model.
social development-how interactions with others and social relationships grow and change over time.
focuses on the processes that
allow people to know, understand and think about the
Biological approach-different levels of the environment simultaneously influence individuals.
1)microsystem-immediate environment in which children lead their daily lives. Homes, friends, teachers.
2)mesosystem-provides connections between the various aspects of the microsystem. Children to parents, students to teachers.
3)exosystem-represents broader
influences-social institutions
such as local government,community.
4)macrosystem-larger cultural influences on an individual. Attitudes and ideologies of the culture.
5)chronosystem- underlies each of the previous systems. Involves the way the passage of time including
historical events and more gradual changes.
INFORMATION PROCESSING APPROCHES-identify the ways individuals take in, use, and store information.
individualism-emphasizes personal identity, uniqueness,
freedom, and the worth of the individual.
SOCIOCULTURAL THEORY- emphasizes how cognitive development proceeds as a result of social interactions between members of a culture.
collectivism-well-being of the group is more important
than that if the individual.
have a natural capacity to make decisions about their lives and control their behavior.
COHORT-group of people born at
around the same timein the same place. Similiat characteristics.
COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE APPROACHES- examines cognitive development through
the lens of brain processes.
continuous change-change is gradual. Achievements at one level build on previous level.
discontinous change-occurs in
steps. Behavior and processes
are qualitatively different at different stages.
EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE- seeks to identify behavior that is the result of our genetic inheritance from our ancestors.
Critical periods-certai enviromental stimuli are necessary for normal development.
susceptible to certain enviromental stimuli, but consequences of absent stimuli are reversible.
SCIENTIFIC METHOD-process of posing and answering questions using careful, controlled techniques that include systematic, orderly observation and the collection
of data.
LIFESPAN APPROACH-emphasize growth and change throughout life relatedness of different periods.
infancy and adolescence emphasized by early developmentalists as most important periods.
HYPOTHESIS-prediction stated in a way that permits it to be tested.
NATURE(genetic factors)
discovering inherited genetic traits and abilities.
NURTURE(enviromental factors)
enviromental influences that affect a person's development.
CORRELATIONAL REASEARCH- seeks to identify whether an association or relationship between two factors exists.
THEORIES-broad, organized explanations and predictions
concerning phenomena of interest.
EXPERIMENTAL REASEARCH-designed to discover casual relationship between various factors.
lifespan development-field of
study that examines patterns of growth, change, and stability in behavior throughout the entire life span.
PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY-UNCONSCIOUS forces act to determine personality and behavior.
1)id-unconscious, pleasure principle.
2)ego-rational and reasonable.
Reality principle.
3)superego-person's conscious,
right and wrong.
lifespan takes a scientific approach. Lifespan development focuses on human development.
PSYCOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT-Erickson-changes in our interactions with and understandings of one another as well as in our knowledge and understanding of us as members of society.
physical development-emphasizes how brain, nervous system, muscles, sensory capabilities, needs for food, drink, and sleep affect behavior.
BEHAVORIAL PERSPECTIVE-observable behavior and outside stimuli in the environment.
cognitive development-emphasizes intellectual abilities, including learning,
memory, problem solving, and intelligence.
BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION-promoting the frquency of desirable behaviors and decreasing the incidence of unwanted ones.
personality development-emphasizes enduring characteristics that differentiate one person from another.
SOCIAL-COGNITIVE LEARNING THEORY-learning observed the behavior of another person, called a model.
social development-how interactions with others and social relationships grow and change over time.
focuses on the processes that
allow people to know, understand and think about the
Biological approach-different levels of the environment simultaneously influence individuals.
1)microsystem-immediate environment in which children lead their daily lives. Homes, friends, teachers.
2)mesosystem-provides connections between the various aspects of the microsystem. Children to parents, students to teachers.
3)exosystem-represents broader
influences-social institutions
such as local government,community.
4)macrosystem-larger cultural influences on an individual. Attitudes and ideologies of the culture.
5)chronosystem- underlies each of the previous systems. Involves the way the passage of time including
historical events and more gradual changes.
INFORMATION PROCESSING APPROCHES-identify the ways individuals take in, use, and store information.
individualism-emphasizes personal identity, uniqueness,
freedom, and the worth of the individual.
SOCIOCULTURAL THEORY- emphasizes how cognitive development proceeds as a result of social interactions between members of a culture.
collectivism-well-being of the group is more important
than that if the individual.
have a natural capacity to make decisions about their lives and control their behavior.
COHORT-group of people born at
around the same timein the same place. Similiat characteristics.
COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE APPROACHES- examines cognitive development through
the lens of brain processes.
continuous change-change is gradual. Achievements at one level build on previous level.
discontinous change-occurs in
steps. Behavior and processes
are qualitatively different at different stages.
EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE- seeks to identify behavior that is the result of our genetic inheritance from our ancestors.
Critical periods-certai enviromental stimuli are necessary for normal development.
susceptible to certain enviromental stimuli, but consequences of absent stimuli are reversible.
SCIENTIFIC METHOD-process of posing and answering questions using careful, controlled techniques that include systematic, orderly observation and the collection
of data.
LIFESPAN APPROACH-emphasize growth and change throughout life relatedness of different periods.
infancy and adolescence emphasized by early developmentalists as most important periods.
HYPOTHESIS-prediction stated in a way that permits it to be tested.
NATURE(genetic factors)
discovering inherited genetic traits and abilities.
NURTURE(enviromental factors)
enviromental influences that affect a person's development.
CORRELATIONAL REASEARCH- seeks to identify whether an association or relationship between two factors exists.
THEORIES-broad, organized explanations and predictions
concerning phenomena of interest.
EXPERIMENTAL REASEARCH-designed to discover casual relationship between various factors.
is measured as they age.
MONOZYGOTIC TWINS-twins who are identically
CROSS_SECTIONAL RESEARCH-people of different ages are
compared at the same point in time.
DIZYGOTIC twins-twins who are produced when two seperate ova are fertilized bytwo seperate sperm at the same time
1)protect participants from harm
2)informed consent of participants
3)limits on the use of deception
4)maintain privacy.
GENOTYPE-underlying combination of genetic material present(not outwardly visible) in an organism.
THEORIES-broad explanations of facts or phenomena, based on systematic integration of prior findings and therories.
PHENOTYPE-obseveable trait
HYPOTHESIS-theory-based predictions that can be tested.
POLYGENIC INHERITANCE-inheritance in which a combination of multiple gene pairs is responsible for the production of a particular trait.
SCIENTIFIC METHOD-process of posing and answering questions systematically
BEHAVIORALGENETICS-study of effects of behavior and psycological characteristics.
CORRELATIONAL RESEARCH-to determine if two factors are associated.
DOWN SYNDROME-presence of extra chromosome on the 21st pair.
cause-effect relationship.