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47 Cards in this Set

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cognitive resources, mental effort, or concentration devoted to a cognitive process
the interpretation of sensory information to yield a meaningful description or understanding
Pattern recognition:
the classification of stimulus into a category
the cognitive processes underlying the storage, retention, and retrieval of information
the retrieval of information in which the processor must decide whether the information presented has been previously presented
the retrieval of information in which the processor must generate most of the information without aids
cognitive process(es) used in transforming given information, called premises, into conclusions; it is often seen as a special kind of thinking
Problem solving:
the cognitive process(es) used in transforming starting information into a goal state, using specified means of solution
Knowledge representation:
the mental depiction, storage, and organization of information
a system of communication that is governed by a system of rules (a grammar) and can express an infinite number of propositions
the process(es) by which an individual selects one course of action from among alternatives
a philosophical doctrine emphasizing the role of experience in the acquisition of knowledge
a connection or link between two units or elements
a philosophical doctrine emphasizing the role of innate factors in the acquisition of knowledge
a methodical technique in which trained observers are asked to reflect on, and report on, their conscious experience while performing cognitive tasks
one of the earliest schools of cognitive psychology; it focused on the search for the simplest possible mental elements and the laws governing the ways in which they could be combined
a school of psychology emphasizing questions such as why the mind or a particular cognitive process works the way(s) it does
a school of psychology that seeks to define psychological research in terms of observable measures, emphasizing the scientific study of behavior
Mental representations:
an internal depiction of information
Gestalt psychology:
a school of psychology emphasizing the study of whole entities rather than simple elements; these psychologists concentrate on problems of perception and problem solving and argue that people’s cognitive experience is not reducible to their experience of simple elements (for example, sensations) but, rather, to the overall structure(s) of their experience
Genetic epistemology:
a Piagetian approach to the study of cognitive development that emphasizes the intellectual structures underlying cognitive experiences at different developmental points and the ways in which the structures adapt to environmental experience
Individual differences:
stable patterns of performance that differ qualitatively and/or quantitatively across individuals
Cognitive revolution:
a movement in psychology that culminated after World War II, characterized by a belief in the empirical accessibility of mental states and events
Human factors engineering:
an applied area of research that focuses on the design of equipment and technology that are well suited to people’s cognitive capabilities
Person-machine system:
the idea that machinery operated by a person must be designed to interact with the operator’s physical, cognitive, and motivational capacities and limitations
Limited-capacity processors:
a system that acquires, stores, manipulates, and/or transmits information but has fixed limits on the amount or rate of processing that it can accomplish
a field of study focusing on the structure, use, and acquisition of language
Localization of function:
the “mapping” of brain areas to different cognitive or motor functions; identifying which neural regions control or are active when different activities take place
Computer metaphor:
the basis for the information-processing view of the brain; different types of psychological processes are thought to be analogous to the workings of a computer processor
Artificial intelligence:
a branch of computer science concerned with creating computers that mimic human performance on cognitive tasks
Cognitive science:
an interdisciplinary field drawing on research from cognitive psychology, computer science, philosophy, linguistics, neuroscience, and anthropology; the central issues addressed involve the nature of mind and cognition and how information is acquired, stored, and represented
Cognitive neuropsychology:
a school of psychology that investigates the cognitive abilities and deficits of people with damaged or otherwise unusual brain structures
Naturalistic observation:
a research paradigm in which an observer observes participants in familiar, everyday contexts while ideally remaining as unobtrusive as possible
Ecological validity:
a property of research such that the focus of study is something that occurs naturally outside an experimental laboratory
Experimental control:
a property of research such that the causes of different behaviors or other phenomenon can be isolated and tested; typically, this involves manipulating independent variables and holding constant all factors but the one(s) of interest
Controlled observation:
a research paradigm in which an observer standardizes the conditions of observation for all participants, often introducing specific manipulations and recording responses
Clinical interviews:
a research paradigm in which an investigator begins by asking participants a series of open-ended questions but follows up on the responses with specific questions that have been prepared in advance
a test of a scientific theory in which the researcher manipulates the independent variable
Between-subjects design:
a research paradigm in which different experimental subjects participate in different experimental conditions
Within-subjects design:
a research paradigm in which the same experimental subjects participate in different experimental conditions
an empirical study that appears to involve some, but incomplete, experimental control—for example, through nonrandom assignment of subjects to conditions
Brain imaging:
the construction of pictures of the anatomy and functioning of intact brains though such techniques as computerized axial tomography (CAT or CT), positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
a body of knowledge that selects and highlights certain issues for study; it includes assumptions about how a particular phenomenon ought to be studied and the kinds of experimental methods and measures that are appropriate to use
Information-processing approach:
an approach to cognition that uses a computer metaphor in its explanations; it equates cognition with the acquisition, storage, and manipulation of information (for example, what we see, hear, read about, think about) through a system consisting of various storage places and systems of exchange
an approach to cognition emphasizing parallel processing of information through immense networks of interconnected nodes; models developed in this tradition are sometimes declared to share similarities with the way collections of neurons operate in the brain; hence, some of these models are referred to as neural networks
Neural networks:
an approach to cognition emphasizing parallel processing of information through immense networks of interconnected nodes; models developed in the connectionist tradition are sometimes declared to share similarities with the way collections of neurons operate in the brain; also known as connectionism
Ecological approach:
an approach to the study of cognition emphasizing the natural contexts or settings in which cognitive activities occur, and the influences such settings have in the ways in which cognitive activities are acquired, practiced, and executed