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14 Cards in this Set

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Question: This organ has been studied in the Aplysia genus of slugs by Eric Kandel. It is home to the suprachiasmatic (SOOP-ruhk-eye-as-MAT-ic) nucleus. It was divided into fifty-two regions by Korbinian Brodmann, and other regions of this organ include Wernicke's (VERN-ick-eez) area and Broca's area. It is surrounded by three membranes collectively known as the (*) meninges (men-IN-jeez), and its stem is home to the pons and the medulla oblongata. For 10 points, name this organ which contains the temporal and frontal lobes.
The largest part of this organ is divided into Brodmann areas. One part of this organ, the substantia nigra, produces dopamine; that part, like its striatum, is part of the basal ganglia. Those components are implicated in (*) Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease. The lobes of one part of this organ include the occipital and parietal, and this organ includes a portion involved in motor control called the cerebellum. For 10 points, name this central organ of the nervous system, contained in the cranium.
The outermost "marginal zone" of this organ contains the reelin-producing Cajal-Retzius cells. The central sulcus in this organ is known as the fissure of Rolando. This organ is surrounded by the pia mater, a delicate membrane that is the innermost of the three meninges that surround it. Areas named for Wernicke and Broca are found in this organ, which also contains an almond-shaped area that is involved in fear conditioning. For 10 points, the corpus callosum connects the two halves of what organ that contains the amygdala, cerebrum, and cerebellum?
This structure is divided into Brodmann areas, and develops from the telencephalon ("TEAL"-en- SEFF-ah-"lawn"). The corpus callosum ("CORE"-puss kuh-LOE-sum) connects the two hemispheres of this structure, which is divided into temporal, parietal, occipital, and frontal lobes. For 10 points, name this largest area of the brain, which controls voluntary thoughts and actions.
Cerebrum (do not prompt on brain)
One theory which explains this part of the body's functioning relied on data collected by J.C Eccles and is known as the Marr-Albus theory. One component of this structure, which arises from the pontine nuclei creates the series of enlargements known as rosettes. In addition to mossy fibers, one type of cell in this structure receives input from the inferior olivary nucleus via climbing fibers. Known as Purkinje cells, the above mentioned theory notes that those fibers in this structure provide a "teaching signal" associated with synaptic plasticity. For 10 points, name this part of the brain, which is responsible for motor control, equilibrium and posture, and is not the cerebrum.
Cerebellum (do not prompt on brain)
This organ has a system consisting of several parts, including the amygdala, which helps the body respond to emotions. This organ is comprised of two distinct hemispheres which are connected by the corpus callosum. FTP, name this organ consisting of wernicke's and Broca's areas
This sub-organ is located in the back of the head. It is part of the cerebrum and its primary function is to control vision.
Occipital lobe
This lobe of the cerebrum consists of the sensory and motor cortexes. Visual functions, reading, and language are functions of this lobe.
Parietal lobe
This portion of the cerebrum controls visual and auditory memories. It contains wernicke's area.
Temporal lobe
This portion of the cerebrum controls creative thought, problem solving, intellect, judgment, behavior, attention, abstract thinking, physical reactions, muscle movements, coordinated movements, smell and personality.
Frontal lobe
This part of the limbic system controls mood, thirst, hunger, and temperature.
This part of the limbic system controls the attention span and senses pain.
This part of the limbic system helps the body respond to emotions, memories, and fear.
This part of the limbic system is used for learning memory.