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210 Cards in this Set

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Heredity Genes and Regulations

Lecture 15

What are germ cells

egg or sperm

what is the purpose of meiosis

reduce the number of chromosomes by half

Meiosis is a type of nuclear division found

only in germ cell production for sexual reproduciton

What is Meiosis 1

reduction division - chromosomes are halved

what is meiosis II

similar to mitosis

-After cell division, they produce two new cells

-each cell contains a haploid number of single stranded chromosomes

how is genetic diversity insured

by crossing over paired homologous chromosomes

What are the 5 steps of meiosis 1






Key events of meiosis 2 are

chromosomes align

sister chromatids segregate

steps of meiosis 2

prophase II


anaphase II

telophase II

haploid daughter cells

in males how many gametes are produced during meiosis


what is spermatogenesis

process of starting with one spermatogonium and end with 4 sperm cells

how many gametes are produced by females during meiosis


what did gregor mendel do

provide early knowledge on heredity

discovered traits did not blend

parents contributed equally

principle of dominance

what is the principle of dominance

a dominant factor masks a recessive factor

a recessive factor is expressed only when the dominant factor is missing

the dominant and recessive gens are alternative forms of the gene or alleles

what three genetic combinations are possible fora given trait

heterozygous - dominant and recessive alleles

homozygous - dominant

homozygous - recessive

what is the genotype of an organism

its genetic make up

what is the phenotype of an organism

its appearance

how can you determine genotypes and phenotypes

through pungent square analysis

what is the principle of independent assortment

gense on different chromosomes segregate independently of one another during gamete formation

how many chromosomes do human cells contain

46 chromosomes

22 identical paired autosomes and 1 sex

autosomal - recessive traits are expressed only when both alleles are


autosomal dominant traits are expressed in

all individuals

what are variations in mendelian genetics

incomplete dominance which results in blending of traits called partial dominance

can genes have multiple alleles

yes - they result in more genotypes and phenotypes in a population

what is polygenic inheritance

when traits are determined by more than one gene pair

XX chromosomes means the person is a


XY chromosomes means the person is a


a trait determined bya gene on a sex chromosome is a

sex linked triat

most sex linked traits occur on the _____ chromosomes


what may cause a abnormal chromosome number

failure of chromosomes to separate during gamete formation

Non disjunction ( improper speration of chromosomes) results in


the loss of a piece of chromosome is called


breakage of a chromosome followed by reattachment elsewhere is called


Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology

L 16

what is genetic engineering

a procedure by which geneticists remove segments of DNA from one organism and insert them into the DNA of another

Transgenic referes to the result of

genetically modified organism

in recombinant DNA technology genes are

removed from one organism then spliced into another of the same or a different species

Reverse transcription referes to

the extraction of messenger RNA from cells and using it to make DNA

mRNA allows genes to be

mass produced

Polymerase chain reaction allows for

gense to be mass produced

what are the steps of polymerase chain reaction

part of the DNA double helix is extracted and heated to split the strands

then cooled

enzymes are added to catalyze new DNA formulation

cloning is defined by

a process in which an identical copy is made through the use of DNA from one organism and cells from another

egg+somatic donor cell = embryo

How can gene therapy be used in medicine

cure genetic disease

chromosomes, cell division, the cell cylce

L 17


Human body contains 46 chromosomes

where are chromosomes located

in the nucleus

all body cells except the germ cells are called

somatic cells

somatic cells contain

a full complement of chromosomes and are described a diploid

germ cells contain

half the number of chromosomes of somatic cells and are referred to as haploid cells

condensed chromosomes are metabolically


decondensed chromosomes are metabolically


number of chromatids in chromosomes


each somatic cell contains ___ of the same chromosome

2 - one paternal and one maternal

what are the two parts of the cell cycle


cell division or M phase (Mitosis)

what is interphase

divided into 3 parts : G1, S, G2

G1 - cells produce RNA, Proteins, and there molecules (8 to 10 hrs)

During S the DNA replicates (6 to 8 Hours)

During G2, mitochondria divide and precursors of the spindle fibers form (4 to 6 hours)

What are two separate processes during cell divines

Mitosis - nuclear division

Cytoplamsic division

4 stages of mitosis





happens in les than 1 hour

centrioles replicate during interphase and

play a key role in mitosis

centrioles help to

organize spinale fibers that align and divide the chromosomes

in prophase

chromosomes condense

nuclear envelope disappears

centrioles divide and migrate to opposite poles

spindle fibers form and attach to chromosomes

in metaphase

chromosomes line up on equatorial plate of the dividing cells

in anaphase

chromosomes begin to separate

in telophase

chromosomes migrate or are puled to opposite poles

karyokinesis completes

new nuclear envelopes form

chromosomes until

what is cytokinesis

the division of the cytoplasm,

some cells such as _____ don't participate in cell cycle

cardiac cells and blood cells

different cell types complete the cell cycle in ___amounts of time


can chromosomes be analyzed

yes if the cell cycle is stopped while the chromosomes are separated


L 18

what is the leading cause of death in the us


how many types of cancer are there

more than 100

our bodies produce cancerous cells each day but

most are killed by immune system

cancer cells have limited potential to replicate because

they avoid apoptosis (programmed cell death due to broken DNA)

Cancer cells have

no homeostatic function in the body

and have abnormal nuclei and chromosomes

benign tumors ___ growing


malignant tumors ______ gowing and _____

don't stop growing and spread to other parts of the body

what is metastasis

the movement of cancerous cells from one part of the body to the other

what causes cancer

the loss in cell cycle control due to over-ridden checkpoints that are usually regulated by cyclins

steps of cancer forming

conversion - mutation caused by a chemical, biological, or physical agent

development and progression - a promoter stimulates the cell to proliferate uncontrollably

what two genes typically have mutations that result in cancer

proto-oncogenes - control functions related to cell replication

tumor suppressor genes - naturally inhibit cell growth

what external factors can cause cancer

physical or biological agents such as X-rays, radiation, viruses

carcinogens - agents that cause cancer by altering dan

the period between exposure and emergence of cancer is called the

latent period

the most common type of cancer in men and women is

skin cancer

how to cure cancer

surgical removal

chemotherapy and radiation

stimulating body to produce antibodies

drug combination with radiation

herbal cures

what allows for the best chance of cancer treatment cure

catching cancer early

avoid cancer related factors such as carcinogens, uv radiation and poor diet/exercise

Reproductive System

L 19

Body functions required for successful reproduction

anatomical, physiological, biochemical, metabolic, hormonal, neuronal, psychological

female reproductive system consists of what two basic components

reproductive tract (ovaries, uterus, oviducts, cervix, vaina)

External genitalia

what are the functions of the ovaries

produce female gametes (released every 28 days)

produce reproductive hormones

what does the vulva consist of

two folds of skin on both sides of the vaginal opening; The labia major and the labia minor

also has the clitoris which consists of erectile tissue

during ovary germ cell production

a follicle consists of a germ cell

12 follicles enlarge during a menstrual cycle, however only 1 usually fully develop

fraternal twins is possible if

more than one egg ovulates

growth cycle of follicle (egg support cells)

varies per organism (28 days for humans)

uterus consists of

endometrium - lumen epithelium

myometrium - smooth muscle

perimetric - outer epithelial layer

it is the site of fetal development and growth

oviducts consists of

uterine tubes and fallopian tubes

purpose of oviducts is to

transport sperm and egg in opposite directions to fertilize

oviducts consist of

secretory and ciliated epithelium

smooth muscle cells with highly convoluted folds

the menstrual cycle consists of

cyclic physiologic changes in hormone levels, the uterus, and ovaries

what hormones allow for changes in ovary

the pituitary gland

what hormones allow for changes in uterus

ovarian hormones

estrous cycle is ___ in other mammals


male reproductive system consists of



vasa deferens

sex accessory glands




sperm is produced in the


sperm is stored in the


muscles and vascular structures in testies regulate


path of sperm during ejaculation

sperm moves through the epididymal duct to the vas deferent to the urethra, where it exits body

semen consists of fluids produced by

sex glands (prostate, bulbourethra glands and seminal veisicles

prior to the combination fluids semen is just called


sperm ar eformed form special cells called


spermatogonia that undergo meiosis yield four cells called


spermatogenesis includes both

meiosis and speriogenesis

acrosome helps

digest coating surrounding ovum during fertilization

ejaculation is a ____ mechanism


Component vs function


produce perm and male sex steroids

Component vs function


stores sperm

Component vs function

vasa deferentia

conduct sperm to urethra


Component vs function

sex accessory glands

produce seminal fluid that nourishes sperm

Component vs function


conducts sperm to outside

Component vs function


organ copulation

Component vs function


provides proper temp for testes

fertility, pregnancy & ARTs

L 20

fertilization usually occurs in the _____ of the oviduct

upper third

very ___sperm make it to the site of fertilization


sperm contains enzymes ____ that help penetrate protective layer

cumulus cells

zona pelucha

only ___ will fertilize an egg

one sperm will fertilize and then block out all other sperm

polyspermic fertilization results in

aneuploidy and embryocidal

development is divided into what 2 phases

pre embryonic period (5%)

Embryonic period (14%)

Fetal period (81%)

pre embryonic development begins at ____ and ends just after _____



the zygote undergoes rapid cellular divines and forms

a morula

the morula arrives in the uterus 3/4 days later and forms

a fluid filled embryo

a blastocyst will then

implant in the uterine walls 2-3 days later

blastocysts consists of 2 groups of cells that form

a fluid filled embryo

the inner cell mass

becomes the embryo

the trophoblast

gives rise to the embryonic portion of the placenta

while placenta forms, a layer of cells from the ICM of the blastocyst operate and form

amnion - providing protection and nutrients

implantation occurs ___ days after fertilization

5 to 7

implantation does not occur if

the uterine endometrium is not ready, or unhealthy

an ectopic pregnancy is one in which

the embryo implants in the uterine tubes

placental hormones are essential to maintain pregnancy and consist of

human chorionic gonadotrophin



After amnion forms, the cells of the ICM differentiate into three germ cell layers ___ ____ ___

ectoderm - skin, nervous system

mesoderm - musculature connective tissue

endoderm - gut, organs

the formation of three primary germ layers marks the beginning of embryonic development and is called


fetal development begins in the ____ week of pregnancy


the fetal circulatory system contains of three bypasses around

the lungs and liver

the umbilical cord

carries blood and nutrients to and from the placenta

the ductus venous

shunts blood from the umbilical vein directly to the inferior vena cava, bypassing the liver

the ductus arterioles

also shunts blood away from the lungs

who decides it is time for child birth

the fetus which changes hormonal levels

what hormones initiate events of childbirth by stimulating the release of prostaglandins by the placenta

fetal oxytocin, adrenal hormones

maternal oxytocin and prostaglandins stimulate

contraction in the sensitized uterine musculature

milk production is called


lactation is controlled by hormone


milk production begins

2/3 dyas after birth

what doe breasts produce before milk production begins


colostrum allows for

newborns to survive the first few days and help protect it from bacteria

lactation can be maintained for many months, however it will ____ if not used

it will quickly stop

infertility can be caused by

incompetent germ cells

physical abnormalities

hormonal metabolic abnormalities

genetic abnormalities

psychologica emotional status

ART stands for

assisted reproductive technologies

what is the most common ART

intracytoplamic sperm injection (ICSI)

rate of success for ARTs

50% are unsuccessful

infertility rate and success rate of ART declines as

age increase


L 21

What are two reasons for aging


- things fall apart

- loss of cellular and organismal homeostatsis

Antagonistic pleiotropy

-free from selection pressure

organismal senescence is defined as

the aging of a whole organism

organismal senescence is characterized by

decline in the ability to respond to stress

poor homeostasis

increased risk of certain diseased

aging results from a decline in

cell numbers within tissues and their related function

although aging plays a role in diseases contraction, it is also controlled by

life style and status of the immune system

what is effected by aging

all systems of the body

how can aging be delayed

exercise and proper diet

effects of aging on the cardiovascular system

reduced ability to pump blood

hardening of arteries and high blood pressure

effects of agin on pulmonary system

breakdown of alveoli

effects of agin on urinary system

urinary incontinence

decreased kidney function overall

effects of aging on the musculoskeletal system

loss of mass and strength

loss of muscle repair capacity

loss of motor neurons

accumulation of fat

effects of aging on bones and joints

weak porous brittle

joints become difficult to move

what is teratogen

substance that contributes to developmental toxicity

what are agents of teratogenic





_____ live longer than ___

females live longer than males

what is senescence

the combination of processes of deterioration

what are telomeres

linear chromosome ends

repeating conserved nucleotide sequence

shortens with each cell division

terminally short tellers result in

replicative senescene

what is apoptosis

programmed cell death

does aging very by species


influences on life expectancy

biological sex





human adaptations and ecosystem health

l 22

adaptation is the

evolutionary process by which populations attain the ability to deter survive in a given environment

the fundamental basis of adaptation by all organisms is

genetic variation

genetic variation in species arise due to


new combinations due to sexual reproduction

natural selection is

a process by which organism become better adapted to their environment

human races result from variations caused by

geographic seperations

the zone in which all life exists on earth is the


only outside contributer to the biosphere is the


ecosystems consist of

organisms and their environment

their are two basic components of an ecosystem

abiotic and biotic

abiotic components are the

physical and chemical factors needed for life

biotic components are the

organisms that live in an ecological system

a group of organisms of the same species living in a specific region is called a


tow or more populations occupying a region form a


a habitat is the

physical space where an organism lives

a niche consists of

all of an organisms relationships in an ecosystem

producers do what

generate nutrients consumed by all other organisms

major producers are

plants, photosynthetic protists and bacteria

consumers are

organisms that depend on producers for food

four types of consumers are





food webs are

food changes woven togetehr

two phases of the nutrient cycles

organismic and environmental

organismic phase

nutrients are found in the biota

in the environmental phase

nutrient exists in the air water and soil

three important nutrient cycles are

water cylce

carbon cycle

nitrogen cylce

sustainable society is one that lives within

carrying capacity

a sustainable society is built on 5 principles



renewable resources


population control

