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46 Cards in this Set

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Family life cycle

authoritarian parenting

strict rules, harsh punishments, high obedience low happiness and self-esteem, parents fail to explain rules

authoritative parents

rules guidelines, parents respond to questions, more nurturing, forgiving punishments, happy successful capable children

permissive parents

few rules, rarely discipline, more of a friend, low happiness, problems with authority

uninvolved parents

low demands, low communication, low responsiveness, detached patents, lowest self-estem, low self-control, low competent

events that can lead to trauma

may threaten life or safety make them feel overwhelmed, unexpected, no preparation, feelings of being powerless to prevent it, happened repeatedly, someone was intentionally cruel, happened in childhood

emotional and psychological symptoms of trauma

shock, denial, disbelief, anger, irritability, mood swings, guilt, shame, self-blame, feeling sad or hopeless, confusion, difficulty concentrating, anxiety and fear, withdrawing from others, feeling disconnected or numb

physical symptoms of trauma

insomnia, easily startled, racing heartbeat, aches and pains, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, defines and agitation, muscle tension

various signs of abuse

suspicious injury, somatic complaints without reason, behavioral presentations, controlling partner

Human genetics autosomal dominant

human genetics autosomal recessive

human genetics x-linked

rarely affects females, always passes to males, females are carriers

human genetics

there is a specific gene that mutated causing a disorder

Person in Environment theory

behavior cannot be understood without considering various aspects (social, political, family, environment, spiritual, physical, economic)

Oral Stage

Anal Stage

Phallic stage

Latency stage

Genital stage

Individual psychology
emphasizing the drive to overcome feelings of inferiority by compensation and the need to achieve personal goals that have value for society.

self psychology

the self is the central organizing and motivation force in personality, objective is to develop a sense of self-cohesion

self-object needs

mirroring-validates child sense of perfect self

idealization- child borrows strength from others and identifies with some more capability

Twinning- child need alter ego for a sense of belonging

ego psychology

focus on the rational and conscious process of the ego, manage stress and effects

ego psychology treatment addresses

how clients behave in situations, client perception of situations, coping ability, capacity for relating to others

psychoanalytic theory

resolve unconscious sexual and aggressive impulses and societal demands to restrain impulses

levels of awareness

preconscious- ready available thoughts and feelings

conscious- all information that is being paid attention to

unconscious- thoughts and feelings that one is unaware of


operates on the pleasure principle- achieve pleasure and avoid pain


prevents id from impulses


moral standards from society and parents. Causes people to feel guilty when they go against societies rules

psychosexual stages

oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital


inability to move from one stage to that next. Shows up in adults

oedipus complex

during the phallic stage, males sexual desire is to his mother and hostility towards his father

psychoanalytic therapy

primary technique is analysis

alder- compensation

attempt to shed normal feelings of inferiority

psychosocial stages

looked at identity crisis, stages can be resolved at later dates

Trust V Mistrust

birth to one year, is my world loving, stable, trusting? is it predictable and supportive?

autonomy V shame and doubt

1-3, can i do things by myself or do i rely on others?

Initiative V Guilt

3-6, am i good or bad? tell others how they feel.

Industry V Inferiority

6-12, am i successful or worthless? kids want to be encouraged and acknowledged

Identity V Role Confusion

early teens, Who am i? trying to decide who they are

Generatively V stagnation

middle adult, will I succeed in life? Will I find a career I love?

Intamacy V Isolation

young adult, will I share my life with someone or life alone?

ego Integrity V Despair

Older adult, Have I live a full life? Did I have a life of meaning?

Attachment theory

Children are programmed to attach to someone, first attachment is to the caregiver, critical in the first 5 years

Attachment Styles

social development micro

learning how to behave and interact with other, Relies on emotional development