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40 Cards in this Set

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Class Conflict
the struggle between capitalists/bourgeoise (who own the means of production) and the proletariat (people who don't)
Conflict Perspective
-Def = portrays society as always changing and always marked by conflict

-General view of conflict:
---sees social change as beneficial
---started with Karl Marx's writings about the Capitalists and proletariat
---More powerful classes gain more than less powerful

-Marx and Mills
Latent Function vs. manifest function
-Manifest functions = functions intended and seem obvious (ex: going to college to get an education)

-Latent functions = unintended and often unrecognized (going to college and finding your spouse)
Organic Solidarity vs. mechanical solidarity
-Mechanical solidarity = a type of social cohesion that develops when people do similar work and have similar beliefs and values

-Organic solidarity = a type of social cohesion that arises when the people in a society perform a wide variety of specialized jobs and depend on each other
social consensus
A condition in which most members of the society agree on what would be good for everybody and cooperate to achieve it
social forces
-the pressures of influences from society that shape a person's life

examples = grades, sports, leadership, popularity

nature theory = mind is blank states that can be shaped
social integration
-the degree to which people are tied to a social group

-great impact on suicide
sociological imagination
-C. Wright Mills = use sociology to see and master the social forces that shape your life

- Peter Berger = "the power elite"
---things are not what they seem to be

-how you interpret events makes the meaning of the event = self fulfilling prophecy
-The scientific study of human social behavior or the systematic study of human society
---anything that someone does = (eating or sleeping)
structural functionalism
-stable, well integrated


-maintained through consensus and cooperation

-Durkheim, Merton, Comte, Spencer
Symbolic interactionism
-Basic Idea = People interact with each other by interpreting the meaning of each other's actions instead of merely reacting to each other's actions

---our responses are thus based on the meaning we give to other's words, gestures, clothes, facial expressions, etc.

-verstehen, george mead, charles cooley,
hypothesis vs. theory
-hypothesis = tentative statement of how various events are related

-theory = set of logically related hypotheses that explains the relationship among various phenomena
empathetic understanding of their subjects
anomic vs. fatalistic
-anomic = when society lacks rules (great depression)

-fatalistic = lives are too regulated (prisons)
egoistic vs. altruistic
-egoistic = feels little connection (no money, no friends, lives in a motel)

-altruistic = dies to protect others
a tool that puts things in charts to compare/understand data
detached vs. participant observation
-detached = observe as outsiders, from a distance, without getting involved
---less likely affected by observer
---hard to understand communication among subjects

-participant = researchers take part in the activities of the group they are studying
hawthorne effect
the unintended impact of the researcher's presence on subjects behavior
-an analysis of people's lives from their own perspective

-focuses more on meanings (what people think, believe, ponder)
variant subculture vs. deviant subculture
-variant = merely differ from the dominant culture in some way. Their values are still basically acceptable to the society as a whole

-deviant = values that are unacceptable to the dominant culture and are generally considered illegal (gangs, drug users, prostitutes)
social group
-a collection of people who interact with one another and have a certain feeling of unity

-can be a family, a class, or two businesspersons trying to strike a deal
in group vs. out group
-In = is the group to which an individual is strongly tied as a member

-Out = is the group to which an individual is not a member
reference group
-a group that is used as the frame of reference for evaluating one's own behavior

---normative = gang members who all feel proud and successful by mugging, a positive self evaluation (share the same view of themselves)

---comparative = comparing with peers (smart kids in your class, you might feel less of yourself

---associative = based on the people you are associated with (smart kids in your class, you might feel smart to be associated with them.
primary vs. secondary
-Primary = a group whose members interact informally, relate to each other as whole persons, and enjoy their relationship for its own sake (family, friends, neighbors)

-Secondary = a group whose members interact formally, relate to each other as players of particular roles, and expect to profit from each other (sales clerk and customer)
instrumental vs. expressive vs. laissez faire leaders
-Instrumental leaders =
those who achieve their group's goal by getting others to focus on task performance (“let's get to work!”)

-expressive leaders =
achieve group harmony by making others feel good
more concerned with members' feelings, making sure that everybody is happy, so that cohesiveness can reign in that group

-laissez faire leaders =
lets others do their work more or less on their own
little or no social support
idiosyncrasy credit
-leaders are allowed the privilege that allows them to deviate from their group's norms.

-But the rest of the group is supposed to conform

-some people go along with the majority even though they may disagree
-the tendency for members of a cohesive group to maintain consensus to the extent of ignoring the truth.

-May lead to disastrous decisions, with tragic consequences
dyad vs. triad
-dyad = contains two people. ---Members are inclined to be mostpersonal and to interact most intensely with each other

-triad = three people.
---If one leaves, it can still survive
---makes it possible for two people to gang up on the third or for one member to patch up a quarrel between the other two
---loses intimacy compared to dyad
A. Comte

-made up the name sociology

-goal: to use science to make society progress peacefully

-law of 3 stages: religion, metaphysical, sci”organismic analogy”

-all parts of society interdependent; conservative
H. Spencer
-combined Comte's views with Darwin's theory of evolution

-Principles of Sociology: society is a big social organism governed by natural laws

-It'll be stable and harmonious if you let it regulate itself

-the weak die out and strong survive = “survival of the fittest”
R. Merton
- Manifest and Latent functions
E. Durkheim
-1st to use sci. method – observe, be objective

-suicide study used pop. And religious data

-mechanical vs. organic solidarity
M. Weber
-concept of Verstehen (“empathetic understanding”). Why is this person acting this way?

-objective study is insufficient, need to know feelings and thoughts
H. Martineau
-first woman sociologist

-translated and edited Comte's writing
George Mead
-1 of the first American sociologists.

-argued that our personalities are shaped by the way we think others see us

-our view of our self emerges from interaction with parents, “significant others” etc.
Charles Cooley
-“Looking glass self”

-our self image develops from how we think others perceive us

-he also developed the distinction between “primary and secondary groups”
American vs. European
A = more practical

E = macro/idealistic
Feminist Theory
-a form of conflict theory that explains human life from the experiences of women

-bearing for infants is more feminist causing them to be less respected than more violent masculine traits

-Compared with men, women have less power, freedom, respect and money

-women are oppressed, restrained, subordinated, controlled, molded, or abused
Social Marginality
-being excluded from mainstream society

---such as racial or ethnic minorities = women, the poor, the homeless, older persons, gays, people with disabilities, etc.
K. Marx
-His communist philosophy arose out of his view that society is always in a constant state of struggle – rich vs. poor

-Communist Manifesto: argues the solution require violent revolution and then complete regulation of society by the gov't.

-Bourgeoise vs. proletariat

-Modern marxists focus less on economics and argue for social and political equality

-feminists theories, civil rights, gay rights