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15 Cards in this Set

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What are the two major components of the nervous system?
Sensory and Motor
Define the sensory system.
- may reach conscious (feeling, ie pain), subconscious (heart) or reflex levels
- sensation is mediated thru the somatic (body) & visceral (internal) sensory systems
Define the motor system.
- controls and integrates various parts of the body in response to sensory input
- somatic motor - modulates motor activity to muscle & glands in the periphery
- visceral motor - maintains internal envior
Anatomically speaking the brain is divided into parts. Name the two parts.
- central - brain, brain stem, cerebellum & spinal cord
- peripheral - cranial & spinal nerves
The nervous system is divided into two functional units. Name and describe the two units.
- afferent- towards spine, sensory - from structures involved in conveying & processing conscious & unconscious info
- efferent - away from, motor to structures involved in motor control of voluntary muscles

- afferent - sensory from structures conveying info from viscera (eg. hunger, pressure rate)
- efferent - motor to structures involved in control of smooth muscle and glands of the vicera & skin
List the parts of the central nervous system.
Brain (cerebrum), Diencephalon (through brain), Cerebellum (little cerebrum), brain stem, spinal cord
Describe the function and structure of the Brain.
- divided into two hemispheres
- each hemisphere has four lobes: frontal, temportal, parietal & occipital
- perception of sensory stimuli
- integration & association of stimuli w/ memory
- coordinated motor response to stimuli
- frontal: elaboration of thought, mood behaviour, speech
- parietal: speech, hand skills
- temporal: speech , hearing, memory
- occipital: vision
Describe the function and structures of diencephalon.
- inferior to the cerebrum
- divided into the thalamus & hypothalamus
- thalamus: relay & integration of sensory & motor info b/w brain, brain stem, cerebellum & spinal cord
- hypothalamus: center for integrative control of the ANS & maintenance of homeostasis - does stuff automatically for us
Describe the function and structures of cerebellum.
- attached to brain stem by peduncles
- divided into 3 functional areas:
archicerebellum = ancient, balance
paleocerebellum = old; locomotion
neocerebellum = new; fine motor movement
Describe the structures and function of the brain stem.
- 3 parts: midbrain, pons(bridge) & medulla
- contains vital centres (where you live) for respiration, cardiovascular activity & consciousness
- contains ascending & descending sensory & motor system tracts
Describe the structure and function of the spinal cord.
- located in vertebral canal (aka boney canal)
- continuation of teh brain stem at the foramen magnum (big hole) of the base of skull
- terminates as the conus (cone) medullaris at the first lumbar vertebra (L1)
- has 2 enlargements - cervical (C4 - T1); this segment innervates the lower upper limb - lumbosacral (L1-S3); this segment innervates the lower limb - larger b/c have lots of nerves coming out
- receive sensory info from the periphery - touch, pressure, vibration, pain, temperature & proprioception
- sends motor signals to skeletal muscles - coordination of voluntary motion & maintenance of posture
Define nerve bundle, plexus, and ganglion
NERVE BUNDLE - consists of fibres varying in length
PLEXUS - network of nerves
GANGLION - aggregation of cell bodies & processes
Cranial Nerve I
Olfactory - smell
Cranial Nerve II
Optic - vision
Cranial Nerve III
Oculomotor - moves eyeball & contricts pupil of eye