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32 Cards in this Set

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Functions of muscle tissue

1. Motion

2. Maintain posture

3. Heat production

Functional of skeletal muscle

Action is a movement produced by a muscle

- Skeletal muscle rarely acts independently or alone. They act in groups.

Functional groups of skeletal muscle

1. Agonist

Prime movers; produce most of the work


Functional groups of skeletal muscle

2. Antagonist

Opposes, reverses, or steadies a movement

Functional groups of skeletal muscle 

Agonist and antagonist can switch.

Example: Biceps brachii and triceps brachii. Biceps are the agonist when flexing the arm but triceps are the agonist when doing a pull up.

Functional groups of skeletal muscle 

3. Synergists

Assist prime movers by:

- Adding extra force

-Stabilizing movement

-Modifying movement direction


Example: Brachioradialis to the biceps brachii

Functional groups of skeletal muscle

4. Fixators

Immobilize bone or muscle's origin

Example: The abdomen and back muscles act to stop you from falling off your bike

Skeletal muscle terminology

1. Origin

Area where muscle attaches to bone that does not move (remains stationary). Usually more proximal.

Skeletal muscle terminology

2. Belly

Thick region of the muscle

Skeletal muscle terminology

3. Insertion

Area where muscle attaches to bone that moves. Usually more distal.

Origin and Insertion may switch

Example: Biceps brachii. When picking something up, the insertion is in the radius, but when doing a pull up, the insertion is the shoulder.

Facial muscles



Facial muscles

Muscle: Epicranius (frontalis)

Action: Elevates eyebrows & wrinkles forehead

Facial muscles


Facial muscles


Muscle: Epicranius (occipitalis)

Action: Elevates eyebrows & wrinkles forehead

Facial muscles 



Facial muscles 

Muscle: Temporalis

Action: Elevates/retracts jaw

Facial muscles


Facial muscles


Muscle: Orbicularis oculi

Action: Closes eyelids

Facial muscles


Facial muscles


Muscle: Orbicularis oris

Action: Closes lips

Facial muscles


Facial muscles


Muscle: Masseter

Action: Clenches jaw - mastication

Facial muscles


Facial muscles


Muscle: Mentalis

Action: Lower lip pouts

Facial muscles


Facial muscles


Muscle: Buccinator

Action: Compresses cheek, whistles, sucks, and blows air

Facial muscles


Facial muscles


Muscle: Risorius

Action: Contract lips laterally for smiling or laughing

Neck muscles


Neck muscles


Muscle: Platysma

Action: Tenses skin of neck, draws down lip and angle of mouth in surprise expression

Neck muscles


Neck muscles


Muscle: Sternocleidomastoid

Unilateral action: Flexes and laterally rotates head to look over shoulder

Bilateral action: Draws the head forward and down for reading/eating


Origin: Manubrium and medial end of clavicle

Insertion: Mastoid process


Antagonist: Splenius capitis

Neck muscles


Neck muscles


Muscle: Trapezius

Action: Extend & laterally flex neck; Elevates or Depresses scapula; Retracts and Rotates the scapula


From superior to inferior: Clavotrapezius, Acromiotrapezius, Spinotrapezius


Origin: Occipital bone, ligamentum nuchae & spinous processes of C7 to T12

Insertion: Acromion, spine of scapula and clavicle

Neck muscles


Neck muscles


Muscle: Splenius

Unilateral action: Roates head to look over shoulder

Bilateral action: Extends head and neck


Origin: Ligamentum nuchae and spinous processes C7 to T6

Insertion: Mastoid process and occipital bone for Splenius capitis and transverse processes of C1-C3 for Splenius cervicus


Antagonist: Sternocleidomastoid

Neck muscles


Neck muscles


Muscle: Splenius

Unilateral action: Roates head to look over shoulder

Bilateral action: Extends head and neck


Origin: Ligamentum nuchae and spinous processes C7 to T6

Insertion: Mastoid process and occipital bone for Splenius capitis and transverse processes of C1-C3 for Splenius cervicus


Antagonist: Sternocleidomastoid

Torso muscles


Torso muscles


Anterior torso (chest, abdomen, back) muscles

In general are flexors

Torso muscles


Torso muscles


Posterior torso (chest, abdomen, back)  muscles

In general are extensors

Torso muscles


Torso muscles



Muscle: Pectoralis minor

Action: Draws scapula anterior (forward) and inferior (down). 


Origin: Anterior surface of ribs 3-5

Insertion: Coracoid process of scapula

Torso muscles


Torso muscles



Muscle: Serratus anterior

Action: Rotates/protract scapula


Origin: Anteriorlateral surface of ribs 1-8

Insertion: Portion of the anterior surface of the scapula

Torso muscles


Torso muscles



Muscle: Internal intercostals

Action: Elevate ribs during inspiration, depresses the rib cage during forceful expiration


Origin: Superior border of below rib

Insertion: Inferior border of above rib

Torso muscles


Torso muscles



Muscle: External intercostals

Action: Elevate ribs during inspiration


Origin: Inferior border of above rib

Insertion: Superior border of below rib

Torso muscles


Torso muscles



Muscle: Diaphragm

Action: Prime mover of inspiration by increasing volume of thoracic cavity


Origin: Inferior-internal surface of sternum, costal cartilages and lumbar vertebrae

Insertion: Diaphragm central tendon (aponeurosis)