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75 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
what is the major extensor of the hip joint?
glute max
what makes up the triceps coxae
superior gemellus
obturator internalis
inferior gemellus
where does the triceps coxae attach?
at the greater trochanter of femur
what is the key muscle in surgery?
there are 6 abductors of the thigh...
with obturator externis
other 5 are?
quad femoris
obturator internis
superior gemellus
inferior gemellus
what is the nerve innervation of the glute max?
inferior glute n.
where is the glute max
behind posterior gluteal line
what is abductor of the hip joint
tensor fascia lata
what m. is related to lumbar plexus
psoas major
what m. is related to sacral plexus
piriformis (posterior pelvic wall)
what is the longest and heaviest bone in the body?
the femur
~1/4 total height
what does the femur articulate with firmly (capsular)
os coxa and tibia
the femur forms a gliding joint with what
anterior transition region
gluteal region
back transition
features of proximal femur
head (in acetabulum)
fovea capitis
greater trochanter
trochanteric fossa
lesser trochanter
intertrochanteric line (anterior)
intertrochanteric crest (posterior
fovea capitis
pit in the head of lig. capitis femoris
neck meets shaft at what angle
120 degree
what artery allows for blood supply in femoral head?
foveolar artery (branch of obturator a.)
features of femoral shaft
linea aspera
pectineal line
intercondylar line
popliteal surface
linea aspera has 2 lips
medial lip
lateral lip
medial lip
spiral line (superiorly)
medial supracondylar line
lateral lip
gluteal tuberosity
lateral supracondylar line
pectineal line
approaches lesser trochanter
what inserts on gluteal tuberosity
osseous insert: glute max
non osseus- iliotibial tract
what doesnt always reach lesser trochanter
intertrochanter line
features of distal femur
femoral condyles
femoral epicondyles
patellar surface (trochlea)
intercondylar notch
femoral condyles
medial and lateral
femoral epicondyles
and lateral
femoral medial epicondyle
has adductor tubercle
what is the main flexor of the hip?
illiosoleous m.
where does the illiosoleous m. attach
lesser trochanter of femur
what is near the lateral epicondyle
popliteal sulcus
intercondylar notch
attachment of anterior/posterior cruciate ligaments
iliofemoral ligament attaches to the what
intertrochanteric line
what is the stronger ligament of the femur?
iliofemoral ligament
what m. attaches to the intertrochanteric crest?
quad. tubercle
what side of the femor is featureless?
the front
where does the obturator externis insert?
intertrochanteric pit which is the deepest part of fossa
medial, lateral and intercondylar lines border what
popliteal fossa
where does the knee cap go in?
patellar surface
what inserts on the adductor tubercle?
tendon of adductor magnis inserts on it
fascia lata
deep fascia enveloping thigh musculature
what does the fascia lata attach to
inguinal ligament
fascia lata has 3 areas of ____
invagination for attachment to femur; subdividing thigh into 3 compartments
iliotibial tract (IT band) of fascia lata attaches to
iliac tubercle above
iliotibial tract
thickened fascia lata on lateral thigh
only insertion of tensor fascia lata m.
non-osseous insertion of glute max. m.
attaches below to tibia
the thigh is divided into 3 compartments by
lateral, medial, and posterior intermuscular septums

anterior, posterior, and medial compartments
anterior compartment is bordered by and the nerve innervation is
lateral and medial intermuscular septum borders
femoral n.
medial compartment
obturator n.
posterior compartment has what nerve
sciatic n.
what 2 nerves are major motor nerves off respective plexuses formed exclusively from anterior?
tibial n.
obturator n.
what two nerves from the posterior go together?
femoral n. and common peroneal n.
femoral n. is off of
common peroneal n is off of
what is the biggest nerve in the body?
sciatic n.
2/3 down the thigh it divides into
tibial n. and common peroneal n.
what goes thru pelvic crural canal?
femoral a.
what goes thru obtural canal
obturator n.
what muscle goes thru greater sciatic canal
piriformis m.
anterior femoral compartment
extensor comp. (at the knee, some flex at hip)
-quadriceps femoris
what is the nerve of the anterior comp.
femoral n.
quadriceps femoris m.
extensor of knee joint in anterior comp.
-rectus femoris m.
-straight head
-reflected head
-vastus medialis m.
-vastus lateralis m.
-vastus intermedius m.
what is the tendon of hte quad femoris
common tendon
petellar (quad) tendon to petella
straight head of
rectur femoris m. attaches to tibia
a third muscle of the anterior femoral compartment
articularis genu
what is the 2nd most important m. for flexing thigh
sartorius m.
medial femoral compartment
adductor compartment
-gracillis m.
-pectineus m.
-adductor group mm.
-obturator externus m.
what is the major nerve of medial compartment
obturator n.
what mm. make up the adductor group
adductor longus m.
adductor brevis m.
adductor magnus m.
-ischial part
-pubic part
what two of the adductor group mm. insert on femur?
adductor longus m. and adductor brevis m.
the tendon of the adductor magnus muscle attaches on
adductor tubercle
what is the longest muscle in the body?
sartorius m.
the sartorius m. is the
flexor of the knee and hip joint and abductor of limb
muscle of anterior thigh
the origin of sartorius m. is
just below iliac spine (sartorial notch)