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140 Cards in this Set

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What does counseling involve ? (5)
listening, accepting, clarifying, helping clients to form their own conclusions, helping clients develop their own action plan
to change peoples eating behaviors for the improvement of their health and the reduction in the development of chronic diseases
the goal of nutrition counseling
the use of specific nutrition services to treat an illness, injury or condition
the goal of medical nutrition therapy
Nutrition counseling --> ___ --> ____ --> ______
Change in food choices, altered risk factors, better health
an individualized intervention based on the assessment ; includes setting goals for clinical outcomes, problem solving, alternatives for the client to consider, negotiating dietary goals for change, enchaning self management, evaluate and follow- up
nutrition counseling
What are the objectives of the Patient Centered Counseling Model?
Increase awareness of diet-related risks, provide nutrition knowledge, increase confidence to make dietary changes, enhance skills to promote long term changes in intake
What are the 4 steps of patient-centered counseling ? (AAAF)
Assess , Advise, Assist , Follow-up
gathering information about the clients current and past eating patterns, history of health problems, readiness to change, reasons for wanting to keep current eating behaviors; discuss concerns about changing diet ( feelings about certain changes, past experiences with diet changes or attempts) , ask about strategies that may have/havent helped in the past
Assess of Patient Centered counseling model
use open ended questions ; how do you feel about your current diet? what problems have you had because of your diet? what would you liketo change about your diet now? what would motivate you to maintain your current diet? Have you ever made changes in your diet? What helped? What situation make it hard for you to acheive your goal?
Assess of patient centered counseling model
Offering advice ( needs to be specific to client's needs, include reasons for change, include the client's personal preferences, discuss the benefits for dietary change) Advice must be personalized and should validate what the patient is stating!!! builing of rapport and paraphraising
Advise of patient centered counseling model
Intervention( P of PES) Guidance and help given to patient, depends on their readiness to change(State of change) , Responsibility of the counselor ( provides nutrition information, corrects misunderstanding, addresses and validates feelings about dietary changes, provides support, optimistic and motivational in regard to change .... Ex: i know its hard to adhere to your dietary goals during vacation.
Assist of patient centered counseling model
visits are important, may need to revise goals, may need to implement new strategies, evaluating outcomes of behavior change
follow up of patient centered counseling
frame work for thinking and decision making, developed by ADA, provides stradardized launage
Nutrition Care Process
What are the 4 steps of the Nutrition care process?
nutrition Assessment, nutrition diagnosis, nutrition intervention, monitoring and evaluation
What is the purpose of the nutrition assesment in the NCP?
to obtain information, verify information, interpret data ( needed to make decision about the nutrition related problem )
needed to identify the nutrition diagnosis, the nutritional goals for change, the type of nutrition intervention need to achieve the goals, the evaluation of outcomes
The need for assessment in the NCP
What types of data should you collect during assessment?
biochemical, anthropometric, physical examinations, food and nutrition historys, client or patient history
gather data in ADVANCE about the pt that may impact treatment (medical record) ; anthropometric measurements, biochemical data, occupation, education level, cultural back ground, physical activity, functional status, housing situation
1st step in nutrition assessment
gather information from the interview (not avalible in medical record) can be self administered questionaire or collecting anthropometric and food and nutrition data through the interview ; should ask questions that would provide information on physical env, cognitive and mental env, social (support)env, cultural background or religion, economic issues.... trying to find out what factors influence their clients eating and lifestyle behaviors
2nd step in nutrition assessment
What should be done by the counselor after the data is gathered from the assessment? (4)
determine which information is relevant to the problem, organize the data in a meaningful way, document the assessment, determine the nutrition diagnosis
what the RD is treating (nutrition dx = excessive intake of K) standardized language. Documented in a PES statement
Nutrition Diagnosis
what does PES stand for?
P = problem (from nutrition diagnosis sheet)
E= etiology, cause of the problem , risk factors ("related to")
S= Signs and symptoms, defining characteristics of the problem, or severity of problem("as evidenced by")
What are the 2 phases of Nutrition intervention?
1st = goal setting (includes selecting the nutrition intervention)
2nd= implementation
the responsibility lies with the pt, the counselor can help with solving problems/helping with goals and plans, intervention should be based on the Self Management approach (client is involved in their own health care, actively involved in making the decisions)
goal setting of the nutrition intervention
What should you do before continuing with goal setting and intervention?
Praise those behaviors that do not need changing! reinforce the current food choices that the pt is already doing right!!
start by discussing what you see as the most important issues to address; then have the client discuss what they are willing to consider changing;
This stage involves listening, questioning, accepting, clarifying, helping clients find solutions to their problems, helping clients develop their own plan of action.
Nutrition Intervention
mutually negotiated based on
#1- the NCP
#2- desired clinical outcomes (wt loss, meeting my pyramid, meeting DG, lower FBS, lower lipid levels, decreased incidents of emotional eating, decreased waist circumference)
Goal Setting of Nutrition Intervention
What are some questions to ask to help with determining the focus for the goals? during Goal Setting of Nutrition Intervention
Which os these alternatives or changes do you think you could try? what would be the easiest? the hardest?
Is this the right time to make changes?
Do you think you can succeed?
What food could you substitute?
How will things be better or worse after you make the change?
How do you feel about making the change?
During what State of Change is it appropriate to apply goal setting?
preparation, action, maintenance
What are the 4 steps for Goal Setting?
1. goal identification
2. goal importance assessment
3. goal roadblock analysis
4. goal implementation
negotiate, allow client to choose 1 or 2 problems to address first ("which one of the changes do you think that you can make this week?" - this allows the client to accept the changes better, if they choose which problems to work on)
goals selected should be stated in positive, concrete terms - specific, measurable, reasonable, attainable.
Goal Identification (step 1)
"I will eat fruit instead of baked desserts today."

"I will walk for 20 minutes on Monday, Weds, and Friday this week."

are examples of short term goals that are 1 step away from the current behavior (a small step that can be progressively increased)
This helps with self-motivation and self - efficacy
Goal Identification (step 1)
Before moving on to the second step in Goal setting what should the counselor do?
after the client chooses 2 obstacles to work on write 3 to 4 goals that would address those obstacles
RD must assess which goals the pt thinks is important (if not perceived as important by the client, then will probably not be achieved)
On a scale from 1 to 10 how important is this goal to you?
Goal Importance Assessment (2nd step)
What are the 3 factors that affect Goal commitment of the Goal Importance Assessment (2nd Step)?
1. the value the person places on the activity
2. the perceived attainability of the goals
3. Binding pledges people make to other concerning their future performance
"What problems do you see in achieving this goal?"
"What might interfere?"
Includes lack of knowledge, lack of skills, inability to take risks, lack of social support at home
Goal Roadblock Analysis (step 3)
- your job is to give advice on how to overcome these obstacles if they can be overcome - if not identify another goal
client discusses what specific steps they plan to take to achieve the goal ;
achieving goals = increased motivation, knowledge, skill, and interest
the motivation comes from the evaluation of the pt's own behavior
(having standards to measure performance helps motivation to continue: wt loss or lowered BP)
Goal implementation (step 4)
also known as the trans theoretical model; used to understand a client's readiness to change

People progress through 6 stages: contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, termination
Stages of Change Model
In the Stages of Change Model the decision to move to another stage occurs when __________________________
the advantages of a behavior outweigh the disadvantages
The Key to successful counseling and education = ________
assess and identify the stage of change
The _______ step is based on the stage of change
unaware that a problem exists, in denial of the problem, not interested in change, has no plans to change eating habits or lifestyle in the near future, usually has no intention of changing in the next 6 months
precontemplation stage
What can I do to help? What do you know about diabetes and its relationship to cardiovascular disease? How do you feel about making a change?
Precontemplation Questions
intends to change but not soon, aware that problem exists, does inted to do better eventually, however no serious commitment to make a change, keeps putting it off, maybe discouraged by past failures, may be other barriers to trying ( money, effort...)
contemplation stage
What changes have you been thinking of?
What are the advantages or disadvantages to making the change?
What would be the result of making the change?
Contemplation Questions
more determined to change, intends to take action soon(possibly within a month or 2), may already report some small changes in the problem behavior(reading food labels, drinking low fat milk, adding one veggie at dinner) , can plan goals during this stage
preparation stage
What changes have you already made?
how will you make additional changes?
How will your life be improved if you change?
Preparation Questions
actively modifying food choices, behaviors, environments....
requires alot of pt dedication, help your client get to this stage, offer support for those in it, can plan goals
action stage
what are you doing differently?
what problems are you having?
what do you do instead of the former behavior?
action stage questions
stabilize changes made(behavior becomes a habit), has maintained changes for at least 6 months (maintains wt, activity level...) this stage can continue for months years or lifetime, now working with pt to prevent relapse providing support
can plan goals
What challenges have you encountered?
How have you solved them?
What are your next or continuing steps to maintain the new behavior or results?
Maintenance (support ) Questions
changes have been maintained for 5 years
some lifestyle changes require a lifetime of maintenance(wt, blood glucose..)
can plan goals
consciousness raising - focus on the benefits of the change (personalize)
Goal: to have the client think about the problem
Provide nutrition information about the benefits of the change (oral written internet)
no goal setting
Precontemplation - Interventions Based on Stages
unsure, low confidence
Goal: build their confidence
find out why they dont have the confidence or unsure if they can make the changes
examine the pros and cons (activity to do with the client)
discuss any past successes overcoming barriers
provide positive feedback about other behaviors and abilities
encourage to build support networks
no goal setting
contemplation - interventions based on stages
Goal setting,
Motivate: positive feedback, reinforcement of changes, models, risks of behaviors
Practical recommendations
Encourage client to make public the intended change
Preparation - interventions based on stages
negotiate action plan (goal setting , get clients ideas )
praise positive behaviors
Action - interventions based on stages
Goal setting, stimulus control, reinforcement management, self-monitoring techniques, recipe modification, coping responses, developing a social support system
Action and Maintenance - interventions based on stages
____ is the follow up step
____ is the comparison step(can compare to last visit or to a standard)
Purpose: determine progress, modify recommendations, change goals
Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation of NCP
the measured result of the counseling process; a way to asses the benefits of MNT

Can evaluate he success of the client in the following goals set and implementing new eating behaviors, the degree of success of the nutrition intervention, own personal skills as a counselor.
Out come of the Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation of the NCP
What should you discuss with client at a follow up visit (Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation of NCP)?
1st - what went well (success with goals)
2nd- examine any self monitoring records (jointly discuss the records)
3rd - discuss any difficulties or problems that came up ( discuss and determine how to overcome)
4th - if progrss is made establish new short - term goals (based on stage of change)
What should be included int he documentation of the MNT in the Soap notes?
the total assessment
the measurable goals set and plans to acheive them
the nutrition intervention
the evaluation
uses standardized terminology to make a nutrition dx; write the nutrition dx in the form of a PES statement placed in the A section of soap notes
The Nutrition Care Process
What elements are included in the Communication Model? (5)
sender, receiver, message (verbal/nonverbal), feedback(verbal/nonverbal), interference
receiver interprets 2 _____ simultaneously:
Actual verbal and Nonverbal(from the sender and the environment)

Nonverbal includes (tone of voice, facial expressions, dress/appearance)
messages of the Communication model
reaction to a message (surprised, boredom or hostility)
helps determine if the receiver has the correct message
feedback of communication model
factors that affect the interpretation of messages (room size, temp, color, furnature arrangement, crying baby, etc) & physchological interferences ( can cause distortions of the message(bias, prejudice, close minded, fear of illness, cultural differences)
ITs the job of the sender to sense these _________
interferences of communication model
actual words selected by the sender
verbal communication
communication environment
manner and style the communication is delivered
internal qualities int he sender receiver that influences their interpretation

These are all forms of _________
non verbal communication
What are the Guidelines for creating a supportive environment? (5)
discuss problems descriptively rather than evaluative, describe situations with a problem orientation rather than in a manipulative way, offer alternatives provisionally rather than dogmatically, treat clients as equals, be empathetic rather than neutral or self centered
describe the facts objectively instead of evaluating the situation;
ex. you are continuing to eat 4 pork chops and 1/2 lb of chocolate a day, this is frusterating for me, what can we do?
descriptive rather than evaluative
orient clients to the problem ; client may not reveal the real reasons for not following meal plan until they feel secure that they will not be humiliated
problem oriented rather than manipulative
giving advice ___ = RD could change options if other facts emerge
(keeps the door open for the clients to add info)
offering advice in a dogmatic (rigid) manner= threating atmosphere
should say things like...
"here is one thing you may want to consider"
"there may be other ways of handling this problem, and you may have some ideas also."
provisional rather than dogmatic
regard the client as equal
any verbal or non verbal behavior can be interpreted as an attempt to emphasize superiority
collaboration is more effective than trying to persuade the client to do something ; people feel more obligation to uphold the solutions that they particiated in designing
Egalitarian rather than superior
put yourself in the client's shoes, demonstrate desire to understand what it is that the client is feeling
The listener sends the message that he/she wants to understand the words the speaker is saying and their feelings towards the changes; this allows the client to realize that the RD is listening
Empathetic rather than "neutral"
verifies that the message is being understood or interpreted correctly
essinital only when the discussion is centered on critical information that must be understood
often leads to additional info (longer session)
Paraphrasing (verbal comm)

verbal message is usually deliberate
critical skill for RD's to develop
keep your language clear and simpe
tend to be more influential, generally unconscious
the image of a person projects accounts for over half of the total message conveyed

Main forms:
facial expressions, tone of voice, eye contact, gesture, touch
Nonverbal comm
first nonverbal trait noticed - a relaxed/pleasant ___ is congruent with a supportive climate
facial expression
calm, controlled, energetic, and enthusiastic ________ is congruent with a supportive climate
tone of voice
assures interest and desire to communicate _____ ""
eye contact
lean somewhat towards the person, not away is congruent to a supportive climate
works positively in 2 ways :
can communicate instantly a desire to solve a problem (shows concern faster than verbally)
a vehical for feedback(can reveal nervousness and insecurity)
communication between two people to exchange or obtain information (guided by questions)
Goal of _________ to collect valid and accurate info from the respondent while maintaing an interpersonal environment conducive to disclosure
What are the two types of interviews?
Nutrition Interview and Pre-employment interview
consists of gathering information on food habits, preferences, eating behaviors, other factors influencing food intake
nutriiton interview
What are the 4 purposes of Initial Nutrition Interview?
identify diet and lifesyle factors that may affect the diet/health, to make a complete assessment of health status , to identifiy problems that may affect which goals are set for the client, to help RD to suggest alternatives to current practices, continue to build rapport, to discover any nutritional problems that need to be addressed in plan, to provide baseline data to help monitor changes
What are the 4 types of nutrition interviews?
Food record & 24 hr recall (daily food consumption methods)

Diet history & food frequency questionaire (usual or average food consumption)
What are the advangtages of a 24 hr recall?
quick, easy, nonthreating, recording isnt needed
What are the 24 hr recall limitations?
things tend to be left out, relies on memory, pt may with hold info, only getting one day(not usual)
What can give you better results in your 24 hr recall?
ask detailed questions, do more than 1 day/various days, weekend/weekday, multiple pass
What are the advantages of a Food record or Diary?
can track hunger, activity, etc
involves client
can focus on portion size
doesnt rely on memory
What are the limitations of a food record or diary?
may alter diet, time consuming analysis on dietitian (labor intensive)
What are the advantages of a FFQ?
usual diet, lower demand on pt, self administered
What are the limitations of a FFQ?
culturally sensitive, some answers arent avalible
What are the advantages of a diet history?
requires 3 day food record and multiple pass 24 hour recall so it provides a usual diet
What are the limitations of a diet history ?
time consuming, pt must be cooperative
What are the 9 conditions to facilitate an effective interview?
clearly define purpose of the interview, attentiveness, rapport, freedom from interruption, psycholigical privacy, physical surroundings, emotional objectivity, personal context of the respondent, note taking
helps client to undersand why so many questions ; explain that so many questions are needed to make accurate assessment
clearly define purpose of the interview
helps create a cliemt for ease in communicating, RD needs to develop listening skills, listen with empathy rather than to talk extensively, RD assits interviewees in gathering and communicating their thoughts and feelings, RD must listen to verbal message while observing the nonverbal behavior
should be established early in the interview, put interviewee at ease and relieved of anxiety and uncertainty of what is planned, builing of a warm and supportive climate, smooth flow of conversations in a nonjudgemental atmosphere
the personal relationship established bettween the interviewer and the respondent
smiling when appropriate, approving facial expression, nodding approval, giving undivided attention, speaking confidently, making people feel that you are interested in what they are saying
are positive nonverabl actions to help estblish rapport
gives the impression that you are genuenly concerned about the person being interviewed
freedom from interruptions
interviewee and interviewer should be alone, stress that the conversation is confidential and will not be repeated
psychological privacy
comfortable (proper furniture, temp, lighting, plesant)
Good distance between parties (optional distance 3 to 4 ft)
Seating arrangements ( round table is less formal when materials need to be viewed(aviods the hea d of the table position - the fewer furniture barriers the better))
physical surroundings
personal feelings and preferences should be controlled; the goal is to understand behavior not to judge it.
RD needs to learn about understand and accept the cultural differents and lifestyles of other groups
RD needs to be able to control their expressions and avoid nonverbal behaviors recealing their prejudices
emotional objectivity
be aware of the client phsycial and emotional state(pt had a heart attack, pt is scared, angry) RD may need to allow client to vent their feelings and acknowledge them before going on with the interview;
Good to have some background info on interviewee before the meeting
pt info (in medical record if in hosp setting)
martical status, age, occupation, medications, wt. ht, medical history
personal context
tell the perpose of the ________, take breif notes, maintain eye contact, learn abbreviations, use key words or phrases, Comprehensive notes should be dictated or written immediately following the interview
Waiting 15 minutes longer could result in forgetting vaubale information
Note taking
What are the 3 parts of an interview?
opening, exploration, closing
the questions asked should require client to talk ________ of the time
60 to 70%
What are 3 types of interview questions?
Open/closed, primary/secondary, neutral/leading
What are some open questions?
"can you tell me a little about yourself?"
can you tell me about your eating habits?
what about your meals?
what diet have you been folowing?
what did the doctor tell you about your diet?
What are some closed questions?
who cooks the food at home?
can you tell me about any snack you eat between meals?
what skills do you have that are important for the job?
What is an example of a primary question?
now that we have discussed the food you eat at home, tell me about what you eat in restaurants
what is some examples of secondary questions?
how much orange juice do you drink?
what do you use in your coffe?
how many times do you eat in resturants each week?
what are leading questions?
you eat breakfast, dont you?
you arent going to eat desserts anymore are you?
What do you eat for breakfast? an egg or toast?

avoid these try to use working that is more neutral
beings with broad open questions and proceeds to more restrictive questions
"tell me about the food you eat during the day."
"what do you have for snacks between meals?"
"we havnt discussed alcoholic beverages, what about them?"

ask questionsthat begin with "what" or "tell me about..." want people to tell a story
sequencing questions
What are the 6 interviewer responses ?
evaluative , hostile, reassuring, probing, understanding, confrontation
"I suggest that you stop buying those cookies Mrs. Jones." Gives advice not information
evaluative response
"youre not acting very mature mrs jones. Ive told you before to avoid all sweets and desserts if you want to lose weight."
"how do you know about dieting?look how thin you are."
Destroys pt RD relationship
the RD's frestration is uncontrolled
Hostile Response
"dont worry about it mrs jones. it takestime to adjust to new eatin gpatterns. you'll do better next week."
Implies that a problem does not exist or the RD does not want to discuss it.
More difficult tosolve the client's problem
"Blowing off" the problem
reassuring response
attempt to clarify or to gain additional information
examples of details : food quantities, added ingredients,preparation methods and snacks
should be nondirective, nonthreating and nonjudgemntal
"so you think the diet doesnt work. Mrs. Jones, I wonder if you could tell me a little more about that?"
probing response
"you are feeling concerned because you havnt lost any weight, Mrs. Jones, and you are wondering if it was something you ate, or a problem with the diet."
assist in clarifying what was said
RD should focus on the clients feelings and attitudes thather than just on content
paraphrasing helps
understand the client rather than judge them
understanding responses
tactfully call to the person's attention some inconsistency in the story or words and actions
"im a bit concerned . you say you have no problem with the diet and yet you have not lost any weight for a month. what do you think is the problem?"
challenges and envourages the person to recognize some aspect of behavior that needs to be examined should be nonjudgemental and discussion driven
use when good rapport has been established
What are the ABC's of Behavior Modification?
Antecedents, behavior, and consequences
behavior change stategies focusing on ________ often concentrate on physical avalibility, social, emotional, psychological; these strategies can either focus on avoiding the cue or altering the cue
provides incentives by addressing the end of behavior chain --> consequenc ( - rewards - self compliments encouraged - tangible rewards provide motiation)
reinforcement rewards
use when client needs structure and accontability (-everything should be clearly defined)
makes for credibility (-well received-sends notes/ cards/emails/lhug)
pathway to actually performing behavior (-provides a series of succesess)
goal setting
these people/things outside of sessions also influence behaviors - some of our behaviors rae learned by observing/.imitating others
identify road blocks- eliminate their impact
-can be lack of knowledge /skill risk taking/social support
-RD main point in counseling
barrier counseling
Issues that could affect the counseling session between people of different cultures? (5)
client can take offence to direct questions, client may think that personal questions are invaisive/unnessicary, misinterpret way quesiton is asked, RD may not understand client response, lanugage differences
preschool aged children
-who is major influence?
-who do you need to work with?
-teach through what?
-what is a big influence?
family, parent/caregivers, 1.storytelling 2. songs 3. parties, 4. puzzles
School aged chilren
-easy to establish ___ and ___ and ____ habits during childhood
-determine __ stage/_____pattern
-remember meal times
-family is what?
healthful diet/ exercise
developmental/ activity
check mark
good role models
what is increasing?
____ is often central to social life with peers --> gain _______
discuss connections between ______ practices and health
internvetions should target ___/____
in competitive sports who can influence eating patterns to improve athletic performance?
o besity
Adolescent girls
-need enough _______ and _____ education to support both mom and baby
-girls believe in ______ ____
frequent dieting
older adults
-goodnutrition improves ____ of life
-counseling is ___
-need to recognize ____ b/t sensory and physical abilities
-print handouts larger font
slow pace of ___/____ volume
-they have their own ___ of food
check mark
name the 8 behavior change strategies
cue management, countering, reinforcement-rewards, modeling, contracting, encouragement, goalsetting, barrier counseling