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108 Cards in this Set

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Erector spinae
I: dorsal rami

A: hold spine erect, lateral flexes the same side
I: dorsal rami

A: hold spine erect, rotate to opposite side
Semispinalis capitis
I: dorsal rami

A: extends head
Semispinalis cervicis
I: dorsal rami

A: extends, rotates vertebral column to opp side
Rectus capitis major and minor
I: suboccipital (dorsal rami C1)

A: extends head
Inferior oblique
I: suboccipital (dorsal rami C1)

A: rotate atlas to same side
Superior oblique
I: suboccipital (dorsal rami C1)

A: extends head; rotates head to same side
Serratus posterior inferior
I: ventral rami

A: respiration
Serratus posterior superior
I: ventral rami

A: respiration
I: accessory (cranial IX) n.

A: elevates, depress, retract scapula
Latissimus dorsi
I: throacodorsal n.

A: adduct, extends, medially rotate arm at shoulder joint
I: dorsal scapular n.

A: retract scapula
Levator scapulae
I: dorsal scapula n.

A: elevates scapula
Serratus anterior
I: Long throacic n.

A: protract scapula, rotate glenoid fossa upward
Teres major
I: Lower subscapular n.

A: medially rotate, adducts, extends arm
Teres minor
I: Axillary n.

A: laterally rotate arm
Pectoralis minor
I: medial and lateral pectoral n.

A: depresses scapula
Pectoralis major
I: medial and lateral pectoral n.

A: adduct, extends, and medially rotate arm
I: axillary n.

A: adducts, abducts, flexes, extends, medially and laterally rotate arm at shoulder
I: upper and lower subscapular n.

A: medially rotate arm at shoulder joint
I: suprascapular n.

A: abduct arm at shoulder
I: suprascapular n.

A: laterally rotate arm at shoulder
I: n to subclavius

A: depresses clavicle
I: radial n

A: extends arm at shoulder and forearm at elbow
I: musculocutaneous n

A: flexes arm at shoulder and forearm at elbow, supinates hand at radioulnar joint
I: musculocutaneous n.

A: flexes forearm at elbow
I: musculocutaneous n.

A: flexes arm at shoulder
Pronator teres
I: median n.

A: pronate the arm at the radioulnar joint
Flexor carpi radialis
I: median n.

A: flexes the forearm at elbow, flexes abducts hand at wrist
Palmaris longus
I: median n

A: flexes hand at wrist and forearm at elbow
Flexor carpi ulnaris
I: ulnar n.

A: flexes forearm at elbow, hand at wrist, and adducts hand at wrist
Flexor digitorum superficialis
I: median n

A: flexes hand at wrist, forearm at elbow, flexes prox and middle phalanges of fingers at MP & PIP joints
Flexor digitorum profundus
I: median n (deep branch)

A: flexes hand at wrist, and all fingers and MP, PIP, and DIP joints
Flexor pollicis longus
I: median n. (deep branch)

A: flexes wrist and thumb at MP and IP joint
Pronator quadratus
I: median n. (deep branch)

A: pronates hand a radioulnar joints
I: radial n.

A: extends forearm at elbow
I: radial n.

A: flexes forearm at elbow
Extensor carpi radialis longus
I: radial n.

A: extends and abducts hand at wrist
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
I: radial n. (deep)

A: extends and abducts hand at wrist
Extensor digitorum
I: radial n. (deep)

A: extends hand at wrist, and fingers at PIP, DIP, and MP joints
Extensor digiti minimi
I: radial n. (deep)

A: extends 5th digit at MP joint
Extensor indicis
I: radial n. (deep)

A: extends index finger
Extensor carpi ulnaris
I: radial n. (deep)

A: extends and adducts hands at wrist
I: radial n (deep)

A: supinate forearm radioulnar joint
Abductor pollicis longus
I: radial n. (deep)

A: abducts thumb and hand at wrist
Extensor pollicis brevis
I: radial n.

A: abducts hand at wrist, extends thumb at MP joint
Extensor pollicis longus
I: radial n.

A: abducts hand at wrist, extends thumb at IP and MP joint
Abductor pollicis brevis
I: median n. (recurrent branch)

A: abducts thumb
Opponens pollicis
I: median n. (recurrent branch)

A: abducts, flexes & medially rotates first metacarpal at carpometacarpal joint
Flexor pollicis brevis
I: radial n (recurrent)

A: flexes thumb at MP joint
Abductor digiti minimi
I: ulnar n. (deep)

A: abducts small finger at MP joint
Flexor digiti minimi
I: ulnar n. (deep)

A: flexes proximal phalanx at MP joint
Opponens digiti minimi
I: ulnar n. (deep)

A: abducts, flexes & laterally rotates 5th metacarpal at carpometacarpal joint
Lumbricals 1 and 2
I: median n.

A: flexes MP and extends IP of index and middle finger
Lumbricals 3 and 4
I: ulnar n. (deep)

A: flexes MP and extends IP of ring and pinky
Palmar interossei
I: ulnar n (deep)

A: adduct the fingers, flexes them at MP and extends at IP
Dorsal interossei
I: ulnar n (deep)

A: abduct the fingers, flexes them at MP and extends IP
Palmaris brevis
I: ulnar n

A: builds up hypothenar eminence - aids in grip
Adductor pollicis
I: ulnar n (deep)

A: adduct thumb at carpometacarpal joint
Psoas major
I: L2 and L3

A: flexes hip and lumbar vertebral column
I: femoral n.

A: flexes hip
I: femoral n.

A: flexes hip and knee, laterally rotates hip
Quadriceps fermois
M: rectus femoris, vastus medialis, intermediatus, lateralis

I: fermoral n.

A: extends knee, rectus femoris also flexes hip
I: femoral and obturator

A: adducts and flexes hip
Adductor longus
I: obturator n.

A: adducts hip
Adductor magnus
I: obturator n.

A: adducts hip
Adductor brevis
I: obturator n.

A: adducts hip
I: obturator n.

A: adducts hip and flexes knee
Gluteus maximus
I: Inferior gluteal n.

A: extends hip
Gluteus medius
I: superior gluteal n.

A: abducts hip
Gluteus minimus
I: superior gluteal n.

A: abducts hip
Tensor faciae latae
I: superior gluteal n.

A: stabilizes the extended knee
I: n. to piriformis

A: laterally rotate hip
Superior gemellus
I: n to obturator internus

A: laterally rotate hip
Obturator internus
I: n. to obturator internus

A: laterally rotate hip
Inferior gemellus
I: n to quadratus femoris

A: laterally rotate hip
Quadratus fermois
I: n. to quadratus femoris

A: laterally rotate hip
Obturator externus
I: obturator

A: laterally rotate hip
Biceps femoris (long head)
I: tibial n.

A. flexes knee and extends hip
Biceps femoris (short head)
I: common fibular n.

A: flexes knee
I: tibial n.

A: flexes knee and extend hip
I: tibial n.

A: flexes knee and extends hip
I: tibial n.

A: flexes knee, plantarflexes
I: tibial n.

A: plantarflex ankle
I: tibial n.

A: plantarflex ankle
I: tibial n.

A: flexes knee and unlocks knee joint
Flexor hallucis longus
I: tibial n.

A: plantarflexes, inverts ankle, and flexes big toe
Flexor digitorum longus
I: tibial n.

A: plantarflexes, inverts ankle, and flexes the lateral 4 toes
Tibialis posterior
I: tibial n.

A: plantarflexes and inverts ankle
Tibialis anterior
I: deep fibular n.

A: dorsiflexes and everts ankle
Extensor hallucis longus
I: deep fibular n.

A: dorsiflexes ankle and extends big toe
Extensor digitorum longus
I: deep fibular n.

A: dorsiflexes ankle and extends the lateral 4 toes
Fibularis tertius
I: superficial fibular n.

A: dorsiflexes and everts ankle
Fibularis longus
I: superficial fibular n.

A: dorsiflexes and everts ankle
Fibularis brevis
I: superficial fibular n.

A: dorsiflexes and everts ankle
Extensor digitorum brevis
I: deep fibular n.

A: extends toes
Extensor hallucis brevis
I: deep fibular n.

A: extends big toe
Abductor hallucis
I: medial plantar n.

A: abducts big toe
Abductor digiti minimi
I: lateral plantar n.

A: abducts little toe
Flexor digitorum brevis
I: medial plantar n.

A: flexes lateral 4 toes
Quadratus plantae
I: lateral plantar n.

A: straightens tendons of flexor digitorum longus
Lumbricals 1st toes
I: medial plantar n.

A: flexes MP and extends IP joints of 2nd toe
Lumbricals 2nd, 3rd, and 4th toes
I: lateral plantar n.

A: flexes MP and extends IP joints of the 3 toes
Flexor hallucis brevis
I: medial plantar n.

A: flexes big toe at MP joint
Flexor digiti minimi
I: lateral plantar n.

A: flexes little toe at MP joint
Adductor hallucis
I: lateral plantar n.

A: adducts big toe
Plantar interossei
I: lateral plantar n.

A: adducts and flexes MP, extend IP joints
Dorsal interossei
I: lateral plantar n.

A: adducts and flexes MP, extend IP joints