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44 Cards in this Set

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Autonomic Nervous System controls what?
ANS controls contractions of smooth muscles, cardiac muscle, and secretions of glands
Generally, how many neurons are required for autonomic control?
Typically for the ANS, 2 neurons are required to reach a target.
What cranial nerves carry preganglionic parasympathetic fibers?
CN III, VII, IX, and X carry preganglionic parasympathetic fibers
What are the postganglionic parasympathetic fibers associated with?
The postganglionic parasympathetic fibers of CN III, VII, IX, and X travel with the branches of the trigeminal nerve (ophalmic, maxillary, and mandibular [lingual branch] nerves)
What is V1?
V1 is the opthalmic nerve of the trigeminal nerve (CN V)
What is V2?
V2 is the maxillary nerve of the trigeminal nerve (CN V)
What is V3?
V3 is the mandibular nerve of the trigeminal nerve (CN V)
What is the name of CN III and where is its origin?
CN III- oculomotor nerve, originates from Edinger-Westphal Nucleus
Where does preganglionic fibers from CN III synapse?
Preganglionic fibers from CN III synapse on ciliary ganglion
In what does the postganglionic fibers of CN III travel?
Postganglionic fibers of CN III travel in short ciliary nerves
What is the destination of postganglionic fibers of CN III?
Postganglionic fibers of CN III travel in short ciliary nerves to reach the ciliary apparatus and the sphincter pupillae muscle
How do the sympathetic fibers travel to the eye and what do they innervate?
Sympathetic fibers travel up the carotid plexus to the ciliary ganglion to innervate the dilator pupillae
How do trigeminal sensory nerves reach the ciliary ganglion?
Trigeminal sensory nerves travel in the nasociliary nerve to reach the ciliary ganglion.
What is the big secretory motor nerve to the head?
CN VII is the big secretory motor nerve of the head.
What does the facial nerve innervate (generally)?
Facial nerve innervates muscles of facial expression, provides taste fibers to the palate and tongue, provides visceral sensory fibers (VA) from the nasal cavity and paranasal air sinuses, provides preganglionic parasympathetic fibers (*stimulate secretion of all glands from eyeballs to hyoid bone, except parotid gland)
Where do preganglionic fibers of the facial nerve originate?
Preganglionic fibers of the facial nerve originate from the superior salvatory nucleus.
As what nerves (name) do the preganglionic facial nerve fibers travel?
Preganglionic facial nerve fibers travel as either the greater petrosal nerve or the chorda tympani nerve.
What does the chorda tympani join to innervate the submandibular and sublingual glands?
Chorda tympani (of facial nerve) joins the lingual nerve (CN V3) to innervate the submandibular and sublingual glands
What joins the greater petrosal nerve (facial nerve) to form the nerve of the pterygoid canal?
The deep petrosal nerve (postganglionic sympathetic) joins the greater petrosal nerve (facial) to form the nerve of the pterygoid canal
At what structure does the facial nerve branch into the greater petrosal nerve?
As the geniculate ganglion (petrous portion of temporal bone), facial nerve branches off as greater petrosal nerve.
Where does the greater petrosal nerve (facial nerve) join the deep petrosal nerve?
The greater petrosal nerve joins the deep petrosal nerve at the top of the foramen lacerum (to form the nerve of the pterygoid canal)
What does the nerve of the pterygoid canal communicate with?
Nerve of the pterygoid canal communicates with pterygopalatine ganglion (only greater petrosal nerve synapses)
Where do the postganglionic parasympathetic fibers from the greater petrosal nerve travel to after synapsing on pterygopalatine ganglion?
Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers from the greater petrosal nerve join maxillary division of trigeminal nerve
What fiber provides postganglionic parasympathetic drive to paranasal air sinuses, nasal cavity, and roof of the mouth?
The postganglionic fibers from the greater petrosal nerve after synapsing on pterygopalatine ganglion provide parasympathetic innervation to paranasal air sinuses, nasal cavity, and roof of the mouth
What joins the lacrimal nerve to innervate the lacrimal gland and what is its route?
Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers (from facial nerve that synapsed on pterygopalatine ganglion) join the zygomaticotemporal branch of CN V2 which then branches into communicating zygomatic nerve that then joins the lacrimal nerve of CN V1 to innervate the lacrimal gland.
Describe the cause of Crocodile Tears Syndrome (Bogorad's Syndrome)
Facial nerve damage proximal to geniculate ganglion (where greater petrosal nerve branches off). Regrowing axons that normally course thru the chorda tympani get redirected to the greater petrosal nerve. Stimulus that once caused salivation now causes lacrimation.
Describe the cause of vasomotor rhinitis
Either over-active parasympathetic or under-active sympathetic tone causes watery nasal discharge, sneezing, and blood vessel congestion of nasal mucous membranes.
Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis
Videan neurectomy- nerve of pterygoid canal (greater petrosal nerve from facial nerve + deep petrosal nerve) is severed- treats vasomotor rhinitis
What is the genu of the facial nerve?
Genu of the facial nerve is where the facial nerve turns to run posteriorly in the petrous portion of the temporal bone.
What happens just prior the facial nerve entering the stylomastoid foramen?
The facial nerve branches into 1. a motor nerve of the stapedius muscle
2. chorda tympani nerve that runs across the medial surface of the tympanic membrane
Where does the chorda tympani nerve (facial nerve branch) travel after running across the medial surface of the tympanic membrane?
The chorda tympani nerve enters the infratemporal fossa to join the lingual nerve destined for the submandibular ganglion
In the infratemporal fossa region what does the lingual nerve contain?
The lingual nerve contains preganglionic parasympathetic fibers and postganglionic parasympathetic fibers (chorda tympani nerve)
What does the lingual nerve innervate?
Lingual nerve innervates lingual and sublingual salivary glands (via chorda tympani travelling with it)
General function of chorda tympani?
Chorda tympani (parasympathetic) supplies all salivary glands from hyoid bone to the lower teeth (except parotid gland)
What does the glossopharyngeal nerve join before leaving thru the jugular foramen?
Preganglionic parasympathetic neurons of the inferior salvatory nucleus (in medulla) join the glossopharyngeal nerve
What branches off the glossopharyngeal nerve after the jugular foramen?
Glossopharyngeal nerve gives off a branch that joins the tympanic plexus, the preganglionic parasympathetic fibers reform into the lesser petrosal nerve
On what does the preganglionic parasympathetic fibers of the lesser petrosal nerve synapse?
Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers of the lesser petrosal nerve synapse on the otic ganglion
What do the postganglionic fibers (from the lesser petrosal nerve that synapsed on the otic ganglion) join?
Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers (from the lesser petrosal nerve that synapsed on the otic ganglion) join the auriculotemporal nerve to reach the parotid gland
Describe what causes Frey's syndrome
Secretory fibers originally directed at parotid gland get damaged; as they regenerate the nerves are redirected to sweat glands on the side of the face. Flushing/sweating of cheeks is seen in response to stimuli that normally causes parotid salivary secretions
Treatment of Frey's syndrome?
Frey's syndrome is treated by severing tympanic nerve (which carries preganglionic parasympathetic fibers from glossopharyngeal nerve
Origin of sympathetic preganglionic fibers?
Preganglionic sympathetic fibers originate from lateral horn of spinal cord (T1/T2 for those that course to superior cervical ganglion)
What route do the sympathetic preganglionic fibers leave the spinal cord?
Preganglionic sympathetic fibers exit thru the ventral route of the spinal cord
What nerve do the postganglionic sympathetic fibers follow?
Postganglionic sympathetic fibers follow the deep petrosal nerve to reach the nasal cavity, orbit, and paranasal sinuses.
Where else can postganglionic sympathetic fibers follow besides the deep petrosal nerve?
Postganglionic sympathetic fibers can travel in the plexus of nerves around the carotid artery to reach the remaining structures of the head.