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22 Cards in this Set

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A statement summarizing the attitudes, principles,beliefs and values held by an individual or group?
Each person is worthy in their own right, andeach should have the opportunity to achieve self-fulfillment?


Always a positive quality that enables a person to strive to reach an optimum state of health in all dimensions (spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, social, environmental)?


Health has physical, emotional, spiritual, and social components each one as important as the other?
Philosophy of Symmetry
The mind and body distinction disappears to a whole unified being or organism?
Holistic Philosophy
Also called (deontology) are theories “which look at the nature of the individual act and determine morality from whether that act is right or wrong in itself.”?
Also called (teleology) determines the value of a decision or behavior based upon the consequences?
Using behavioral contracts, goal setting, and self-monitoring to faster the development of a healthier lifestyle?
Behavior Change
Focuses on the acquisition of content to better arm people to make healthy decisions?
Use of simulations, case studies, or scenarios to seek a best approach answer to health choices so that a person can learn to critically analyze heath concerns before they arise?
Helps a person make the best health choices possible for them, not necessarily on the interest of society?
Emphasizes the role of health education in creating political or social change that benefits the health of individuals or groups?
Social Change
Using the health education philosophy approach that best fits the situation with which the educator is confronted?


Be able to listand explain the reasons why health educators need to have a philosophy?
-A person’s philosophies help form the basis of reality for her/him.

-Philosophies can change as a result of new learning or insights.

Be able toexplain how an individual develops a philosophy?
Philosophies are developed through experience, education or study, guidance from mentors, teachers, and/or religious leaders, and from interaction with family and friends.
Why areprofessionals expected to behave ethically?
-Professionals are expected to behave in an ethical mannerbecause, a profession provides a service to the public.

-A behavior of one canimpact the whole profession.

List threereasons people act ethically?
1.Ethics provide a standard by which we live.

2.Ethical behavior brings meaning and purpose to life.

3. Ethical behavior leads to a healthier and more satisfying life.

The first duty is to “do no harm”.

a. Not inflicting harm

b. preventing harm

c. Removing harm

To do good, or action that provides for the greater good of the community.
List 4 of theEthical Issues for Health Education as discussed in notes and be able to givean example in practice?
1.Curriculum development

2.Health behavior change

3.Mission of health educator 4.Research/Publishing

What are the 5Principles of Morality? Be able to give an example?
1.Value of Life

2. Goodness

3. Justice

4. Honesty

5. Individual Freedom

What are the 10Steps in making an ethical decision?
1. Define the problem

2. Identify who is affected

3. Contemplate ultimate goals of situation

4. Identify alternatives

5. Consider all consequences

6. Consider the nature of the alternatives 7.Reflect on yourself

8.Reflect on your society and environment 9.Apply the categorical imperative

10. Choose and act on your choice