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184 Cards in this Set

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The costs of a poor hire -
Key direct cost factors:
- Cost to ______
- Cost of ______
- Cost of ______ programs
- advertise
- recruiting
- training
The costs of a poor hire -
Also indirect costs:
- Lost ______ and missed ______
- ______ customers
- Lower ______
- Lower employee ______
- ______ liability (negligent hiring)
- sales, opportunity
- Dissatisfied
- productivity
- morale
- Employment
Strategic HRM starts with a basic question:
"What specific HR policies and practices would help meet the company's goals?"
The answer leads to specific behaviors in ______, ______ and ______.
Staffing, Development and Compensation
Recruiting Policies
- EEO/Affirmative Action:
* Passive non-______
* ______ affirmative action
*AA with ______ hiring
* ______
- discrimination
- Pure
- referential
- Quotas
Ways To Encourage Affirmative Action:
- Establish contacts in ______ communities
- Make the communication ______ appropriate to the target group
- Use minority persons as ______ and ______-makers
- minority
- medium
- interviewers, decision
Recruiting Policies:
- Needs to be seen as a "______ activity" with applicant centered recruiting
* Go to where the ______ are
* What do you have to ______ - your brand/benefits/values
* Treat 'em like ______, not something to be processed
- sales
* customers
* offer
* customers
Recruiting Issues + Policies
- Sources of recruits:
* ______
* ______
* ______: veterans, convicts, handicapped
* Within
* External
* Special
If innovation is the strategy, think about hiring ______ the company.
outside (external)
If cost reduction is the strategy, hire from ______.
If quality is the strategy, hire from ______ - commitment & fit with culture.
Recruiting for what:
- ______ (organizational-based) vs. ______
- ______ vs. ______ staffing (temporary workers & independent contractors)
- In-house, outsourcing
- Regular, flexible
Who recruits (______ vs. ______)
line, staff
Approach to recruiting
- Honesty (truth = ______, fudge = ______ [meet quota])
- Degree of ______ (realistic job preview)
- quality, quantity
- realism
Internal Recruiting (ILM):
- Job posting - ______ selection
- ______/______ of present employees
- ______ inventories (organizational databases)
- Career ______ (promotion & transfer)
- self
- Family/friends
- Skills
- development
External Recruiting:
- ______
- ______
- ______ (Temporary help, public employment agencies, commercial (executive agencies)
- ______ (High schools and Vo/Tech, Colleges/universities (and prof))
- Walk-Ins
- Advertising
- Agencies
- Schools
External Recruiting - Other:
- ______
- ______ services
- ______ associations
- ______ employees (re-recruiting)
* Stay in touch with them - remember birthdays. Try calling after their first month on a new job (they may have had a very poor orientation)
- ______ involvement and networking
- ______ marketing - signs where people congregate
- ______/ Welcome Wagon
- ______ program
- ______
- ______
- Unions
- Military
- Professional
- Former
- Community
- Event
- Realtors
- Intern
- Temporaries
- Customers
Eternal Recruiting - E-Recruiting:
- Job ______ (ex: monster.com, hotjobs.com, etc.)
- ______/Career web sites
- ______ web sites
- boards
- Professional
- Employer
E-Recruiting - Advantages:
- ______ savings
- ______
- ______ pool of applicants
- Cost
- Time
- Larger
E-Recruiting - Disadvantages:
- ______ pool of applicants
- More ______ applicants
- Non-______ browsers - "testing the waters" but don't really want a job
- ______ gaining information
- ______ not e-savvy - lesson diversity
- Huge
- unqualified
- serious
- Competitors
- Minorities
Recruiting Issues + Policies:
- ______ of recruits (Within, External, Special)
- Recruiting for ______ (In-house vs. outsourcing; Regular vs. flexible staffing)
- ______ recruits (line vs. staff)
- Approach to recruiting (degree of ______, realistic job previews)
- Recruiting ______ (agencies, schools, job fairs, e-recruiting)
- ______ to communication (company brand?)
- Sources
- what
- Who
- honesty
- channels
- Message
Hiring - Job Advertisements:
- Even if you write a great job ______, you could still get tripped up when summarizing the job in an advertisement.
- Nuances in an ad can be used as evidence of ______ against applicants of a particular gender, age, or other protected characteristic
- You want to make sure that the words used are ______/______ neutral.
- description
- discrimination
- politically/gender
Hiring - Job Advertisements:
- Help wanted ads placed by federal contractors must state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Ads often express this with the phrase "______" or "EOE"
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Hiring - Job Advertisements:
- Requiring a high school or college degree may be discriminatory in some job categories. You can avoid problems by stating that an applicant must have a "______ or equivalent ______"
degree, experience
Hiring - Job Advertisements:
- The best way to write an ad that meets legal requirements is to keep it ______ and ______: Stick to the skills needed and the basic responsibilities the job entails
- Ex:
* "Fifty-unit apartment complex seeks experienced manager with general maintenance skills."
* "Mid-sized manufacturing company has opening for accountant with tax experience to oversee interstate accounts."
* "Cook trainee position available in new vegetarian restaurant. Flexible hours required."
short, sweet
Hiring - Job Advertisements:
- Some employers who are not federal contractors also use the EOE phrase in their ads; it's a good shorthand way to let potential employees know that you'll give them a fair shake, which can help you attract a more ______ group of applicants.
- Hiring smart doesn't mean attracting the most ______; it means attracting a carefully ______ pool of resumes.
- You need a ______ message that captures what it is that sets your company apart.
- resumes, targeted
- focused
Recruiting Issues + Policies:
- Assessing ______ (cost, quality of hires, timeliness)
Assessing Recruiting Effectiveness:
- Recruiter ______
- ______/Ads: source yield per image
- Assess ______ (Track individual employees' work results; cost per hire; time lapse: job open; offers per hire)
- goals
- Promotion
- hires
Is recruiting important?
- The best you can hire can't be any better than the best of those who ______!
The process of making a "hire" or "no hire" decision regarding each applicant. The process typically involves determining the characteristics required for effective job performance and then measuring applicants on those characteristics, which are typically based on a job analysis.
Everything you do in the hiring process is a ______.
The extent to which the test is a consistent measure is the definition of which selection test?
Selection Tests - Reliability:
- ______ - test-retest - consistency over time (important when measuring a relatively stable trait, ex. intelligence).
- ______ - correlation among evaluations ( ______ OK when applicant is being rated by evaluators who have different perspectives, ex: a manager, a technical specialist, and an HR person).
- ______ - split-half - measures whether a test content is internally consistent (correlation of test items with other test items)
- External
- Inter-rater, low
- Internal consistency
Measure of Reliability: ______
The extent to which the test actually measures what it is intended to measure is the definition of which selection test? It provides evidence for the actions we intend to take (hire, promote, fire, etc.). Three different sources of this evidence.
Validity provides evidence for the actions we intend to take (hire, promote, fire, etc.). Three different sources of this evidence:
- ______: measures the construct it is supposed to measure (ex: finger dexterity test for instrument repairer)
- ______: reasonably representative same (from job analysis); Ex: typing test for secretary [enough?]
-______: comparison (concurrent + predictive) of test scores with independent criterion, usually performance (Ex: verbal aptitude test scores correlated with supervisory performance)
- Construct
- Content
- Criterion-Related
A correlation coefficient of -1.00 means that there is a ______ relationship. The higher one's satisfaction, the ______ his or her intention to quit. As the value of one variable increases the other ______.
negative, lower, decreases
A correlation coefficient of zero means that there is ______ relationship.
A correlation coefficient of 1.00 means that there is a ______ relationship. As the value of one variable increases, the other ______. The higher one's satisfaction, the ______ his or her intention to remain with the company.
positive, increases, higher
Relationship of Performance and Test Scores:
- When someone failed the test, but was a good worker, that is a ______ error. The test said they were no good, so they weren't hired and a good one got away. In this case, test [DOES/DOESN'T] predict performance. This is known as a false-negative
Type II, doesn't
Relationship of Performance and Test Scores:
With a true-positive, test [DOES/DOESN'T] predict performance.
Relationship of Performance and Test Scores:
When a person scored positively on a test, but shouldn't have. The test in this case [DOES/DOESN'T] predict performance. You hired the person but wish you hadn't. This is known as a ______ error and a false-positive.
doesn't, Type I
Relationship of Performance and Test Scores:
- When a person failed the test & have unsatisfactory job performance, then the test is known as a true-negative. The test [DOES/DOESN'T] predict performance.
______ Errors are the worst.
Type I
Which is best>
- If you raise standards and as a result there is a decrease in Type I errors but an increase Type II errors
- If you lower standards and as a result there is a decrease in Type II errors buy an increase in Type I errors
It all depends on your need for employees.
The Multiple Hurdle Selection Approach is also known as ______.
Successive Hurdles
The Additive Models Selection Approach is also known as ______.
Whether you use The Multiple Hurdle Selection Approach (successive hurdles) or The Additive Models Selection Approach (compensatory) all depends on ______. If cost reduction, then ______. If quality, then ______. If innovation, then ______.
strategy, successive hurdles, compensatory, compensatory
With the Additive Models Selection Approach, they try to look at ______ person.
- Application forms: ______ record
* Information must be ______ related
* Question ______ of self-reported information
* ______ Application Blank (WAB) - differential score for various items
- historical
* job
* accuracy
* Weighted
Selection: Resumes
- Like an ______ blank -> historical record, difference - you decide what info to provide
- You must ______ yourself "The closest you will ever come to perfection is when you write your resume."
- Resumes are being optically scanned for ______ words
- ______ are very efficient for HR processing and distribution.
- application
- sell
- key
- E-resumes
Selection - Tests (standardized measure of behavior):
- ______ capacity: ability to perform (standing, lifting, eyesight, etc._
- ______: mental capacity to learn
- ______: manner of acting, feeling, or thinking that shows one's disposition toward certain behaviors (honesty, safety, etc.)
- ______: habitual patterns and behavior traits (sociability, relationship style, dominance, etc.)
- ______: computer, driving, cooking, etc.
- Physical
- Aptitude
- Attitude
- Personality
- Skills
Over 80% of employees fail, not because of ______, but because of ______ (they won't do the job).
capability, attitude
Hire for ______ - Train for ______.
Attitude, Skill
Employment Interviews:
- Types:
* ______
* ______
- ______
* Unstructured
* Structured
- Behavioral - subset of structured
Behavioral Interviews:
- Instead of asking how you would behave, inter-viewer asks you to describe how you ______ behave.
- Interviewer questions and probes . Asks for ______, will not allow you to ______ or ______.
- Interviewer works from a profile of ______ behaviors needed for success on job
- did
- details, theorize, generalize
- desired
Problems with interviewing:
- Lack of ______
- ______
- ______ error
- ______ tendencies or excessive ______
- Concentrate on ______ error
- preparation
- Stereotyping
- Halo
- Central, leniency
- Type I
Hr Field:
1. ______ -> outsource
2. ______ -> in-house
1. Administrative and transactional work
2. Transformational work
International HRM:
- Strategie role: IHRM policies should be congruent with the firm's ______ and its formal and informal ______ and ______.
- This task is complicate by profound differences between countries in labor markets, culture, legal, and economic systems.
strategy, structure, controls
The major problem within International HRM is to balance:
- ______ - control and coordination from HQ
- ______ - flexibility in policies and practices at the subsidiary level
- Integration
- Differentiation
Types of Global Assignees:
- ______ hires
- International ______
- ______ expatriates (<1 year)
- ______ expatriates (>1 year)
- ______ transfers (immigration)
- ______ Nationals, ______ Nationals, ______ Nationals
- Local
- Commuters
- Short-term
- Long-term
- Permanent
- Parent Country, Host Country, Third Country
Types of Global Assignees:
______ - Employees sent from the country in which the organization is headquartered
They're referred to as ______ and follow a(n) ______ staffing approach.
Parent Country Nationals (PCNs), expatriates, ethnocentric
Types of Global Assignees:
______ - Employees from the local population
They're referred to as ______ and follow a(n) ______ staffing approach.
Host Country Nationals (HCNs), local nationals, polycentric
Types of Global Assignees:
- ______ - Employees from a country other than where the parent organization's headquarters or operations are located. They follow a ______ staffing approach.
Third Country Nationals (TCNs), geocentric
Staffing approach:
-______ approach: Key management positions filled by parent-country nationals; Best suited to ______ businesses
Ethnocentric, international
Staffing approach:
- ______ approach: Host-country nationals manage subsidiaries; Best suited to ______ businesses
Polycentric, multidomestic
Staffing approach:
- ______ approach: Seek best people, regardless of nationality; Best suited to ______ businesses
Geocentric, global
Global Staffing - Questions to Consider (strategic)
1. Should ______ or ______ be used to staff a new global operation?
2. Is a uniform workforce planning process effective across ______ and ______?
3. What ______ factors can and cannot be considered in recruiting and selecting new employees?
4. How binding are global ______ agreements?
5. What factors need to be considered if a company has to ______ an overseas location due to economic slowdown?
6. Are there global staffing ______ that are meaningful across countries and cultures?
7. What are the key challenges in ______ global employees?
1. local talent, expatriates
2. boundaries, cultures
3. local
4. employment
5. close
6. metrics
7. relocating
Selection for International Assignments:
- ______ adaptability:
* ______ ability
* ______ resolution skills
* ______ factors
- Cross-cultural
* Language
* Conflict
* Personality
Selection for International Assignments - Consider:
- ______ in living overseas - family factors
- ______ concerns
- ______ and ______ issues
* Dual-career couples
* Elderly parents and children at home
* Adjustment to the host country culture and living conditions
* Cross-cultural training
- Interest
- Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
- Spouse, family
The percentage of female expatriates in the U.S. and in other parts of the world is quite ______.
Reasons cited for the low percentage of female expatriates include:
- International career opportunities are often given exclusively to senior male candidates as a result of ______ disparity
- Perception that female expatriates will not be treated with the same amount of respect overseas as compared to their male counterparts
Some say that the most important ______ occurs when employees start with a firm.
the short-term process of informing new employees about what is expected of them in their new job and helping them cope with the stresses of transition
the long-term process with several phases that helps employees acclimate
Why conduct an orientation?
- Reduces ______ costs
- Reduces ______ and ______
- Reduces ______
- start-up
- anxiety, hazing
- turnover
Why conduct an orientation?
- Saves time for ______ and ______
- Establishes the link between ______ & ______
- Employee learns ______, ______ and ______ of behavior expected by management
- supervisor, coworkers
- effort, results
- values, standards, patterns
Employee Orientation - Role of the Human Resources Department:
- How job ______ contributes to organizational success
- ______ of employment
- ______ requirements
- ______ and ______
- ______of the facilities
- Assistance to ______ personnel
- performance
- Conditions
- Security
- Pay, benefits
- Tour
- supervisory
Employee Orientation - Role of the Supervisor:
- Describes job ______, ______ of work, etc
- Covers basic ______ rules and location of first-aid facilities
- Show workplace ______
- Explains handling of ______, ______leave, etc.
- Advises present employees of new ______
- Introduces new employees to ______ employees
- duties, hours
- safety
- facilities
- overtime, sick
- hires
- present
Employee Orientation - Role of the Supervisor:

- Maintains close contact with new employee
* is ______
* relieves ______
* stimulates feeling of ______
* supportive
* anxiety
* belonging
Develop a ______ Plan for new employees:
- The first ______ is the most critical for any employee
* Tend to feel ______ and ______
* Learning new work ______ and ______
* Getting to know ______
* In many organizations, one-third of ______ occur during the first year
- Each new employee may be assigned a “______” or sponsor.
- Supervisors should create opportunities for ______
- year
* frustrated, isolated
* patterns, procedures
* colleagues
* turnovers
- buddy
- socializing
Model of Training System - 3 phases:
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
1. Needs Assessment
2. Development + Implementation
3. Evaluation
Needs Assessment:
- Level One: ______ Analysis
* ______ environment – shortage of skilled workers or new technology?
* ______ and ______ of the organization
- Organizational
* External
* Strategy, goals
Needs Assessment:
- Level Two: ______ Analysis
* What ______ are performed - KSAs
* What ______ and ______ are essential
* What ______ is necessary
* What type of ______leads to learning
- Task
* tasks
* behaviors, knowledge
* learning
* instruction
Needs Assessment:
- Level Three: ______ Analysis
* Identifying ______ or ______ who are weak or need certain skills
- Person
* workers, groups
Examples of Sources and Methods for Data Collection for the Needs Assessment Stage of the Model of the Training Process:
Written Sources: Employee files, Job descriptions,
Request for training , Job specifications, Request for a job transfer, Job analysis reports, Reasons mentioned for leaving the organization, Records of missed deadlines, Customer complaints, Accident reports, Performance appraisals, Equipment repair requests, Employee Complaints, Equipment down time reports, Employment tests
Examples of Sources and Methods for Data Collection for the Needs Assessment Stage of the Model of the Training Process:
Employees through what methods:
1. ______ interviews
2. ______ sample tests
1. Individual
2. Work
Examples of Sources and Methods for Data Collection for the Needs Assessment Stage of the Model of the Training Process:
Customers through what methods:
1. ______ Interviews
2. ______ cards
1. Group
2. Comment
Examples of Sources and Methods for Data Collection for the Needs Assessment Stage of the Model of the Training Process:

Management Consultants through what methods:
1. ______
2. ______ groups
3. ______
4. Examination of ______ sources
5. Job ______
6. ______ appraisals
7. ______
1. Questionnaires
2. Focus
3. Observation
4. written
5. analysis
6. Performance
7. Testing
Focus of training:
- ______ – most common, OJT and job aids
Focus of training:
- ______ – keep up with changing job demands
Focus of training:
- ______ – makes workers more versatile and flexible, job rotation
Focus of training:
- ______ –
* Content tasks relate directly to team goals
* Group processes relate to the way members function as a team
Focus of training:
- ______ – brainstorming
Focus of training:
- ______ – communication skills
Focus of training:
- ______ - how to respond to differences
Focus of training:
- ______ – clarify policies and help employees apply them
Focus of training:
- ______ – especially front-line service employees
Customer Service
Training and Development Programs
______ Training:
- Specifically designed program for organization
- Cost per trainee is lower
- Convenient and easy to attend
- Frequently interrupted
- Trainees leave training to attend to problems in the plant
- Makes use of instructors from the company more
- Involved in organizing program and selecting instructors
Training and Development Programs
______ Training:
- General concepts for most organizations
- Cost per trainee is high
- Inconvenient and travel adds to cost
- Better concentration
- Trainees cannot attend to problems because they are not at the plant
- Makes use of experts in the content area
- Have to accept what is offered with little input
The cost per trainee for in-house training is [lower/higher] than that of outside training.
Evaluating Training: Top to Bottom
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
1. Results
2. Behavior
3. Learning
4. Reaction
Evaluating Training at the ______ Level:
- Questions being asked: Is the organization or unit better because of the training?
- Measures: Accidents, Quality, Productivity, Turnover, Morale Costs, Profits
Evaluating Training at the ______ Level:
- Questions being asked: Are trainees behaving differently on the job after training? Are they using the skills and knowledge they learned in training?
- Measures: Performance appraisal by superior, peer, client, subordinate
Evaluating Training at the ______ Level:
- Questions being asked: To what extent do trainees have greater knowledge or skills after the training program than they did before?
- Measures: Written test, Performance tests, Graded simulations
Evaluating Training at the ______ Level:
- Questions being asked: Did the trainees like the program, the trainers, the facilities? Do they think the course was useful? What improvements can they suggest?
- Measures: Questionnaires
Is the training worthwhile? Ways to evaluate: How to determine if training expenditures are worthwhile?
- Levels of evaluation: ______, ______ (post; pre+post; pre+post with control group), ______, and/or ______.
reaction, learning, behavior, results
Is the training worthwhile? Ways to evaluate: How to determine if training expenditures are worthwhile?
- Cost-benefit analysis:
* Benefits – increased ______ and ______; reduced ______ and ______; new ______
- productivity, quality; errors, turnover; capabilities
Is the training worthwhile? Ways to evaluate: How to determine if training expenditures are worthwhile?
* Costs – trainer______; ______, ______, ______ + ______costs; lost ______
- Cost-benefit analysis:
- salaries; equipment, material, facility + transportation; productvity
Is the training worthwhile?
- ______ to other organizations or ASTD data
TRAINING AS A REQUIREMENT - will ______ or educational preparation be used as the entry requirement for a position or for a promotion?
* Criterion-related ______ exists if persons with training perform better than those without.
* validity
DECISION BASED ON TRAINING OUTCOMES - if used for personnel decisions (pay raises, separation, etc.), then training result is a ______.
THE TRAINING PROCESS - ______ and ______ may cause ______ impact (equipment used, training materials biased)
content, procedures, adverse
SELECTION FOR TRAINING - ______ exists when entry into training is biased (tests, application procedure, etc.)
Training meets the court’s “good faith” effort standard:
- In ______ (1999) the US Supreme Court ruled that:
Part 1 - An individual who is successful in a job discrimination lawsuit may collect punitive damages if s/he shows that the discrimination was intentional and the employer acted with “malice or reckless indifference” to the employee’s rights.
Part 2 – The plaintiff cannot collect punitive damages from the employer if the manager’s actions “are contrary to the employer’s good-faith efforts to comply with Title VII.”
Kolstad v. American Dental Association (1999)
The key for employers to satisfy the Court’s good-faith effort standard rests on an employer implementing a quality ______ program:
* “The extent to which an employer has adopted anti-discrimination policies and educated its employees…is important in deciding whether it is insulated from punitive liability.”
______ meets the court’s “good faith” effort standard
Training must:
- Focus on preventing harassment against all ______ groups
- Be provided to all new ______, especially new supervisors
- Be ______.
- protected
- employees
- effective
Employers should (training, "good faith" effort)
- Make sure ______ trainers deliver the training (if you outsource the training, check references)
- Monitor the ______ of the training
- Assure ______ – new employees and annually thereafter
- competent
- effectiveness
- timing
Culture Shock – is an insufficient adjustment to a host culture. It’s the cumulative effect of being exposed to unfamiliar cues in a host country and ______ are a Shared Responsibility
Training, Development
______ is an insufficient adjustment to a host culture. It’s the cumulative effect of being exposed to unfamiliar cues in a host country
Culture Shock
Culture Shock is a major contributor to:
- Premature ______ from the global assignment
- Reduced ______ while on assignment
- return
- performance
______ and ______ can help to reduce the effects of culture shock.
Orientation, training
What Influences the Adjustment Process? {Expatriate Orientation}
- Selecting candidates who have a track record of having worked successfully in the ______ of the assignment
- Global assignees’ ______
- Rigorous ______ training can assist the global assignee develop realistic expectations of the new host culture
- culture
- personalities
- cross-cultural
Expatriate Orientation:
A good orientation might include:
- ______ overseas living - a pre-visit to the new site
- ______ training about the host country
* Intercultural ______ skills
* Area studies and ______ learning strategies
* ______ shock management and ______ adjustment
- Trial
- Pre-departure
* business
* language
* Culture, lifestyle
Expatriate Orientation:
A good orientation might include:
* Host country daily ______ issues, including local customs and etiquette
* Local ______, safety, health, and security
* Meetings with ______ who have recently returned home from the location to which the IA is moving
- ______ adjustment - local sponsorship and assistance for arrival and orientation to the new locale and assignment
* living
* laws
* repatriates
- Post-arrival
- Provide a ______ , organized by date, of what the employee should consider doing:
* when ______ the home country
* when ______ in the host country
* when ______ the host country - repatriation planning
- checklist
* leaving
* arriving
* leaving
Ways to Improve the International Experience:
- Offer ______-type services to help expatriates set up their households
* ______ plans (spouse and children) – help with spouse employment
* ______ arrangements (hotel accommodations)
* ______ links (web-based contacts)
* ______ and ______ prevention workshops (antiterrorist training)
* Procedures for obtaining ______ help (food and water precautions)
- concierge
* Family
* Travel
* Communication
* Safety, crime
* medical
Ways to Improve the International Experience:
- Provide opportunities for employees and their families to build ______ networks
- Offer flexible, ______ -style benefits
* expatriates can tailor the benefits to their ______ needs
- social
- cafeteria
* individual
Organizational Challenges in Career Development:
- Who will be ______? Although ______ are ultimately responsible for meeting task needs, many have concluded that ______ must take an active role in planning and implementing the own personal development plans.
responsible, organizations, employees
Organizational Challenges in Career Development:
- How much ______ is appropriate? Employees with an extreme careerist orientation can become more concerned about their ______ than their ______.
emphasis, image, performance
Organizational Challenges in Career Development:
- How will the needs of a talented and ______ workforce be met? Companies need to break down the ______ to advancement that some employees may face. Beware of:
* Word-of-mouth recruitment
*Failure to prepare managers to handle EEO requirements
* Lack of equal mentoring
diverse, barriers
Organizational Career Development :
- Some of the tools traditionally used in the selection process are also valuable for career development: ______ centers, ______ testing, ______ appraisal, and ______ forecasts
assessment, psychological, performance, promotability
decisions made by managers regarding the advancement potential of their subordinates
promotability forecasts
Organizational Career Development:
- Identify people who appear to have great ______.
- Give them ______ experiences.
- ______ planning - examining development needs to support the organization's strategic plans
- When succession planning is done informally (managers plan for their own replacements_, it can often lead to ______ against women and minorities.
- potential
- developmental
- Succession
- discrimination
If you can't motivate, problem employees will become ______ .
high performers that have the potential to move onto bigger & better things (fast track)
high performers that don'e have much of a future, but you want to take care of good people
employees that don't get it right or get it at all, but have potential
Problem employees
Stages of career development:
- Preparation for work ->______ previews
- Organizational entry -> ______ programs
- Early career -> ______ /______ rotation
- Middle career -> ______/______ rotation/______
- Late career -> Being a ______
- realistic
- orientation
- training/job
- training/job/mentoring
- mentor
Managing a career at the ______ level is like driving on a busy highway. Many decisions, taken in real time, affect where you’ll end up. Clues are available from the behavior of other drivers, lane markings and road signs.
Managing a career at the ______ level is the highway controller’s problem. It involves designing the road system, signage, speed limits, and policing.
Jungle Gym analogy
- Each work role in the company represents a ______ on the jungle gym, and managers make their careers by scrambling over the ______ (i.e. moving between positions).
- Managers can move only to a ______ rung, so that one vacancy can trigger off a whole series of other moves.
- Careers in one company can be different from careers in another company (three types).
- rung, frame
- vacant
Command-Centered Jungle Gym:
- Typical of ______ chains or ______ in which there are a great many similar jobs.
- Careers consist of moving between a series of similar ______ posts – commands – that differ mainly in the size of their responsibilities and prestige.
- ______ to higher ranks necessitates moves through specific units that are seen as providing significant broadening experience.
- retail, banks
- managerial
- Promotion
Constructional Jungle Gym:
- Typical of a large ______ products multinational with varied subsidiaries throughout the world.
- Careers are viewed as if they are constructed from a variety of different components, called ______.
- Managers enhance themselves by collecting as many types of experiences as they can, working in many parts of the ______ and many different types of jobs as possible.
- Don’t want to get “stuck” in one ______ – need to become a generalist.
- Measure ______ on the basis of how fast the move, how many jumps they have made, and how big the jumps were.
- consumer
- experiences
- organization
- specialty
- progress
Evolutionary Jungle Gym:
- Diversified ______ firm.
- Managers get involved in something new to the firm that they make their own ______. Esteem grows as the venture grows.
- ______ of the venture drives career. Must be able to jump when business runs out of steam.
- electronics
- venture
- Lifecycle
Jungle Gyms and Strategies:
- The career jungle gym is a product of the firm’s business ______ and its ______ .
- Because it defines career paths in a certain way, it tends to produce managers with particular ______ , ______ and ______ who are more competent in certain strategies than others.
- Career jungle gyms are surprisingly ______ . Managerial careers are exercises in deferred ______ : a manager works hard today for ultimate reward at an indeterminate time in the future.
- A firm’s jungle gyms are ______ -level phenomena, and are far from easy to see.
- strategy, structure
- competencies, experiences, interests
- durable, gratification
- organizational
Jungle Gyms and Strategies:
- ______ -Centered and ______ [Quality]: defender does one thing well and, over time, gets better at doing it.
- Command, Defender
Jungle Gyms and Strategies:
- ______ and ______ [Cost reduction]: not a prime mover, but comes in when business is settled, and analyzes and improves until it becomes one of the lowest-cost producers. Managers must understand the various functions of the business and how they are interrelated. Requires generalists with broad knowledge of how pieces fit.
- Constructional, Analyser
Jungle Gyms and Strategies:
- ______ and ______ [Innovation]: main characteristics include inventiveness, flexibility and nimbleness.
Evolutionary, Prospector
Glass ceiling:
- Women and men receive different ______ experiences during their careers
* Women’s assignments less ______, involve less risk and breadth of responsibility
* Relatively ‘______’ staff jobs, lack of job rotation
- Women receive less ______
- Women less likely to have a ______
- Women less likely to have an ______ assignment
- developmental
* visible
- training
- mentor
- overseas
Career issues in whether or not to accept a global assignment:
•How well does this assignment fit with ______ career goals?
•What kind of personal ______ and ______ will result?
- assignment will make the individual more marketable to any company that needs globally competent managers and executives
•What are the career, family, financial, and personal ______ and ______ associated with this global assignment?
•Other, less risky “______ ” to a long-term international assignment
- ______ international assignments (usually < one year)
- ______ assignments (field trips)
- long-term
- development, challenges
- risks, benefits
- "alternatives"
- short-term
- traveling
The #1 thing that leads to failure of expatriate managers
Family issues
Trends in Career Planning:
- More emphasis on ______ -directed careers - employees must get involved
- ______ coming earlier - flatter organization = shorter ladder
- More honest ______ -assessment - decide what employee and family really want
- More ______ of job moves & promotions - say no to changes
- More ______ by choice - staying with satisfying jobs
- More ______ -career planning - more than just one job at stake
- self
- Midcareer
- self
- rejection
- plateauing
- two
Trends In Career Management:
- Strategic H.R. ______ - link organization HRM strategy to business goals and objectives
- ______ planning - planning for executive replacement
- Training managers in career ______ & ______ skills - must have effective counseling at all levels
- ______ career paths - alternatives to promotion: lateral moves, temporary assignments, early retirement
- New ______ movement systems - section responsible for overseeing careers
- Legitimation of ______ & ______ movement
- Planning
- Succession
- coaching, counseling
- Alternative
- H.R.
- exit, downward
If you want to compete in today’s world marketplace, you’d better be ready to run fast, too.”
- What this means to YOU:
* Be ready to run harder and faster to get your share, it won’t be ______ to you.
* Expect to be a life-long ______
* Competition in the flat world will be more ______ and more intense
* Be ______ , a Swiss-Army knife
* handed
* learner
* equal
* versatile
Developmental uses of Performance Evaluation:
- ______ setting
- Reinforcing and sustaining ______ - feedback
- Basis for ______ for ______
- Goal
- performance
- selection, training
Administrative Uses of Performance Evaluation:
- Basis for ______, ______ and ______ decisions
- Diagnose ______ and ______ needs
- Evaluate ______ of training and development
- Criterion to assess ______ of selection devices
- ______ mechanism – provides consistency between strategy and job behavior
- rewards, promotion, separation
- training, development
- success
- validity
- Control
Performance appraisal includes: ______ , ______ and ______
Identification, Measurement, Management
______ is determining what areas of work a manager should be examining when measuring performance. Rational and legally defensible identification requires a measurement system based on job analysis.
______ : entails making managerial judgments of how “good” or “bad” employee performance was.
______ is the goal of any appraisal system. More than just noting what a worker does, it must also look to what a worker can do to achieve organizational and personal goals. Feedback and coaching.
Identification: What Types of Performance to Measure?
- ______ -based systems assess abilities or other personal characteristics (e.g. pleasant personality)
- ______ -based systems measure the extent to which an employee engages in certain behaviors on the job (e.g. contribution to team success)
- ______ -based systems measure the organizational results of employees’ behavior (e.g. job completion, financial results, etc.)
- Trait
- Behavior
- Results
Graphic Rating Scale and checklists are ______ rating methods.
Ranking and forced distribution are ______ methods of assessing performance.
Behavioral rating approaches, Management by Objectives (MBO) are ______ methods of assessing performance.
Critical incident, essay, and field reviews are ______ methods of assessing performance.
Category Rating Methods
- Graphic Rating Scales - Checklist Forced Choice
1. Less ______ -consuming and ______ to develop
2. ______ results facilitate comparison across individuals
3. Forces appraiser to consider several ______ dimensions
1. Affords no control over rater ______
1. time, costly
2. Quantitative
3. performance

1. errors
Comparative Methods Ranking Paired Comparison - Forced Distribution:
1. Effective with a ______ number of ratees.
2. ______ comparison method is helpful in making personnel decisions.
3. Control ______ -harshness and central ______ errors.
1. ______ .
2. Difficult to ______ between employees in the middle.
3. Unwieldy when ranking ______ employees
1. small
2. Paired
3. leniency, tendency

1. Unidimensional
2. discriminate
3. many
Narrative Methods Critical Incident - Essay:
1. Provides detailed ______.
2. Can identify employee’s ______ aspects.
1. Very ______/difficult to make comparisons across individuals.
2. Can be unduly influenced by appraiser’s ______ ability.
1. feedback
2. unique

1. unstructured
2. writing
Special Methods Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales - Management by Objectives :
1. Forces rater to think in terms of job ______.
2. Incorporates importance of job ______ into appraisal.
1. ______, ______-consuming, and difficult to develop.
1. behavior
2. dimensions

1. Costly, time
Challenges to Effective Performance Measurement – five challenges:
- Rater ______ and ______
- The influence of ______
- Organizational ______
- Focus on ______ or ______
- ______ issues
- errors, bias
- liking
- politics
- individual, group
- Legal
- Females lenient toward ______, not ______
- ______ raters (and low self-confidence) less lenient
- Increased ______ distance leads to more critical ratings
- males, females
- Younger
- psychological
- ______ in position stereotyped as ______ position are rated lower
- Ratings more accurate when good ______, but given more ______ when unfavorable performance
- Females, male
- performance, weight
- ______ : Zero sum, thus poor motivation. Best for making comparisons (e.g. for promotion)
- Rating ______ : best for development
- ______ : motivates superior performance. Best when hard to compare individuals.
- Comparative
- scales
- M.B.O.
- Rater ______ reduces rater errors, Stress performance requirements
- ______ evaluations more accurate, but do not ______
- training
- Secret, motivate
WHAT IS EVALUATED: Performance vs. Person?
- Criteria: should come from ______
- Criteria: depend on ______ (performance vs potential)
- Multiple criteria: ______ and ______
- Criteria ______?
- job
- purpose
- activities, results
- weights
- When: ______, ______of cycle
How often: ______ , ______ -annually
- frequent, end
- annually, semi
- ______ : knows performance
- ______ : offsetting biases, additional information
- ______ : must be trust and non-competitive
- ______ Review: by HRM Office
- ______ evaluation: input from ratee
- ______
- Multiple Appraiser - ______ degrees
- Supervisor
- Committee
- Peers
- Field
- Self
- Combination
- 360
INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP FOCUS – managers need to consider team performance appraisal at two levels:
(1) ______ contribution to team performance
(2) performance of the team as a ______
- Outcome measures may need to be complimented with measures of process. Achieving a result is important, but so, too, is interpersonal relations.
- Measures must reflect criteria that the team can influence
(1) Individual
(2) unit
What case said that performance appraisal is considered a ‘test’ and must be validated?
Brito v. Zia Co. 1973
Legal Issues with Performance Assessment:
- Should be ______ related: based on job analysis.
- Should be ______ and ______- not based on subjective supervisory ratings.
- Should use ______ supervisors who have substantial contact.
- Should use more than ______ appraiser.
- In practice, courts have used less stringent criteria: they simply want to determine if ______ occurred (i.e. are similarly employed individuals treated differently?)
- Should provide subordinates with honest, accurate and fair ______, then make decisions consistent with this feedback.
- job
- objective, standardized
- trained
- one
- discrimination
- feedback
- discrimination
Performance Management for international assignees and foreign managers
Issues affecting expatriate performance:
- ______: roles may be defined in one country, but performed in another
- If a PCN identifies too closely with host subsidiary concerns, he or she may be recalled
- Role ______ and role ______ are important elements in expatriate job satisfaction and task performance
- If it takes ______ months to adjust to the new environment, when should an appraisal be done?
- Should HR provide a numerical “______ factor” to adjust each dimension or the total appraisal score?
- Expectations
- conflict, autonomy
- 3-6
- difficulty
Who should do the evaluation?
- ______- country managers- may not be able to take contextual criteria into account, but can put expatriate performance in a broader organizational context
- ______-country managers- can take contextual criteria into account, but may have culturally-bound biases and can’t put expatriate performance into a broader organizational context
- Parent
- Host