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45 Cards in this Set

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what is the most frequently repoted bacterial STD in the US?
chamydia, it is known as the "silent killer" bc 3/4 of infected women & 1/2 of infected men have NO SYMPTOMS
who have the highest incidence of infection of chlamydia?
blacks & females
in 2002, in what order of decreasing incidence are the following STDs?
2002: highest to lowest incidence:
chlamydia (on the rise!!)

this has changed from the 90's; gonorrhea used to be higher than chlamydia
what race has by far the highest incidence of gonorrhea?
what is the recommended treatment of gonorrhea?

if chlamydia is NOT ruled out:
add Azithromycin or Doxycycline
what is a potential dissemination location of gonorrhea?
the knee.
painful & swollen
what is the MC CC of vaginitis?
abnormal vaginal discharge
what is the mechanism of bacterial vaginosis?
alteration in normal flora
loss of H2O2 producing bacteria leads to
overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria
TQ what is the MCC of bacterial vaginosis?
gardnerella vaginalis

pt is at increased rist for:
premature labor & delivery
vaginal cuff infections
what are the risk factors for bacterial vaginosis?
IUD insertion
what are the bacterial vaginosis diagnostic test and labs that he stressed in class?
saline mounts (WET PREP)
fishy odor secondary to release of amines
what are the Amsels Criteria?
BV diagnosis: 3 out of 4 needed:
thin white-grey malodorous discharge
pH > 4.5
"CLUE CELLS" present & WBCs mostly absent
fishy odor on KOH prep after intercourse (+ AMINES TEST)
T or F:
infant mortality due to herpes simlex is increasing
it is decreasing (yay!)
T or F: there is no vertical transmission of herpes
there is and it still happened during births, increased risk in c-sections
in what race is genital herpes highest?
in what age bracket & gender is herpes highest?
females 40-49
then females 30-39
what STD presents with small frothy foam and vaginal dischage?
trichomonas infection
what is the MC office visit reason at gyn office?
normal vaginal pH
< or = 4.5
what is the tx for BV?
oral 500 mg for a week, or
oral 2 g single dose


clindamycin intravaginally
what STD?
> 4.5 pH
thin, white-grey discharge
fishy odor, worse after intercourse
no WBCs
bacterial vaginosis
which of the following is WRONG about trichomonas vaginitis?
<4.5 pH
yellow-green frothy discharge
WBCs > 10 per hpf
pH is > 4.5
not less
what STD?
< 4.5 pH
white "cottage cheese"
labia dysurea
budding yeast with KOH prep
candida vulvovaginitis
TQ info: T or F:
tichomonads are FLAGELLATED parasits,
have a high transmission rate,
& pts are often asymptomatic
what STD has "strawberry cervix" that is 2-5% specific?
trichomonas vaginitis
TQ?: pH & diagnosis for trich?
pH 5-7
motion seen in wet mount (FLAGELLATED)
DIAMOND AUGAR!! for diagnosis
tx for trichomnas?
metronidaole 2 g single dose

**partner should be tx'd also**
T or F:
yeast is the 2nd MCC of vaginitis?
which STD is "whiff test negative?"
vulvovaginal candidiasis
tx of vulvovaginal candidiasis?
**azole** (3-7 days)
list all the CDC STD diseases
(i could see this as a "which is not" question..)
bacterial vaginosis
genital herpes
genital warts (HPV)
candidiasis vulvovaginitis
pediculosis pubis
STDs with asymptomatic infections:
treponema pallidum
moral hazard
when attitudes have been changed by the fact that you have insurance. insured pts have an incentive to over-consume care, not follow healthy lifestyle, and not prevent disease. "fix it when it's broken"

doctors are also affected by moral hazard. they over-treat and overcharge
what two things cause significant market failure?
moral hazard
adverse selection

a free market in health care requires an effective health care insurance market. unfortunately, it's inefficient.
adverse selection
process whereby the low risks select themselves out of the insured group.

this is why most insurance companies offer non-smokers a lower premium.

this happens becuase in order to set a premium at an average risk level, the policy is expensive for low risk customers, who may therefore choose not to buy
what is cherry picking or cream skimming and what does it cause?
offering lower premium to low risk groups.

this causes high premiums to high risk groups (elderly & chronically sick)
what is a normative statement vs. positive statement
+ statement = can be shown to be T or F and is NOT dependent on value system of observer

normative statement = cannot be proved T or F & our view depends on value system
what did the stak amendment do?
stopped physician owned
(conflicts of interest)
what are the "two sides of scarcity?"
the infinite nature of human wants, and
the finite or limited nature of resources available to produce goods & services

1. land
2. labor
3. capital
4. enterprise
what are PPFs?
production possiblity frontiers
(graph about surgeons & sx's, only so many different combinations of operations per week bc resources are limited)
what is the term for the multidimensional trade-off between two possibilities?
marginal rate of transformation, MRT
TQ maybe??: how is the efficiency of the health care system judged?
producing the right quantitiy of the different combination of healthcare activities that society woud want, and doing this at the lowest possible cost (REGARDLESS OF OUTCOMES)
what is opportunity cost?
benefit given up by not choosing the next best alternative
when did the supreme court outlaw AMA's ban on physician advertising, ending monopoly power?
T or F: internal economies of scale and economies of scope has to do with the emergence of one large hospital in an area rather than a large number of small ones

large hospitals:
-bulk buying
-grow by lowering unit costs
-more use of specialization
-one place for tx
-prevents wasteful duplication