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16 Cards in this Set

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what is pathogen

migrograisms that cause disease

how do bacteria and viruses make us feel ill?

reproduce in the body damage cells and release toxins.

how do white blood ceels helps defend against pathogens?

ingest pathogens and destory them, produce antibodies and antitoxins.

how does immunity develop?

antigens - unique protiiens on apathogen cell surface , white blood cells produce antobodies to join up with antigens on a pathogen.

what impact did semmelweiss research have?

he made the doctors wash their hands in the chlorine water. there was huge decrease in the nummber of deaths.

how are painkillers useful ?

they relieve symptoms of an infection or illness

what are antibiotics are what can they used for?

are medcine that work inside the body to kill bacteria that cause diswases by damaging the bacteria cells.

what is one of the impacts of the overuse of antibiotics?

Overuse of antibioics can cause resistant bacteria to develop

Why is it so difficult to treat viral infections?

Viruses live inside body cells

Describe the action that vaccinations have on the body

Given a weak.dead form of the pathogen. White blood cells produce antibodies. Pathogen is destroyed.

what does MMR vaccine protect people against?

MMR vaccine is used to protect against measles, mumps and rubella.

why mustt petri dishes be sterlisied before use?

to kill any microrgranisms already on the dishes.

when using incullting loops to transfer bacteria what must be done to avoid contamination?

the loop must be heated in a flame

why must perti dishes be trapped shut ?

to stop microgranisms geeting in or out.

what is maximum temperatue that cultures can be incubated to in a school.

must be incubated at 25oC max

why is this?

it reduces risk of the growth of pathogens this might be harmful to humans.