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61 Cards in this Set

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The Housing Security Sergeant is directly

responsible to the Watch Lieutenant
at his assigned division
for the performance of his duties

The Housing Security Sergeant will comply with all applicable policies
and procedures of the Sheriff's Office including DOC written directives
The Housing Security Sergeant will be thoroughly familiar
with the Sheriff's Mission Statement and Core Values
The Housing Security Sergeant

is responsible for the training

and performance evaluation of his assigned officers
The Sergeant will evaluate his probationary officers
on the current Recruit/Probationary Officer Evaluation
in the Law Enforcement Automated Personnel System (LEAPS)
to include that officer‟s end of probation evaluation

Once the officer completes his probation

the sergeant will establish and review employee plans in Employee Performance Mastery System (EPMS)

with employees under his command and complete

annual appraisals of employees‟ performance based on their EPMS plan

The Housing Security Sergeant will be thoroughly familiar

and comply with all rules and regulations governing inmates housed within the DOC

as outlined in Florida Model Jail Standards (FMJS)
, accreditation standards, and applicable federal, state and local mandates
The Housing Security Sergeant is responsible for the security

and sanitation of his assigned area

The Housing Security Sergeant

Make a complete security inspection
of his area of responsibility with the
Housing Security Sergeant he is relieving

Ensure all required logs, reports and or forms
are completed and routed
prior to the completion
of his tour of duty

Ensure officers assigned to his area
physically enter the inmate housing
to check the inmates as required
according to the following schedule

General population
inmates hourly

Special management inmates
30 minutes or less

Close supervision inmates
15 minutes or less

Ensure thorough searches of inmates
and their property are conducted as
in Corrections Operational
Order 10.04, Search Procedures

Ensure officers supervise
the inmate workers to ensure the inmate workers
are working diligently

Complete the Supervisory Security Accountability Report (P-1616)
on their
watch and forward to the next watch
Watch 1 will start
a new report for the
next day and forward the completed report to the Watch Lieutenant

Ensure Keep Separate Lists
and all Report of Confinement (P-0339) are
reviewed prior to moving inmates

Ensure inmates requesting recreation are afforded
the opportunity to attend
(unless the inmate is in special management
and is considered violent

and/or uncontrollable
and the activity is documented
electronically in the
Corrections Management Information System (CMIS
and ensure that all
inmate armbands are scanned
using the electronic barcode scanner

Ensure an inmate having a visitor
is afforded the opportunity to visit

his visitation privileges

have been temporarily suspended during the
Disciplinary Hearing process

Ensure the telephone, radio and call buttons
are answered without delay

Ensure housing areas are clean
prior to approving inmates in those housing
areas to use the telephone

Ensure Inmate Request/Grievance Forms (P-0356
are distributed to the inmate population as required

Ensure officer’s review completed Inmate Request/Grievance Forms (P- 0356
for possible resolution at their level
regardless of who the request is addressed
to and forward as necessary for resolution no later than the end of each shift

Ensure a corrections officer is assigned to accompany the nurse
during the delivery of inmate medication
Ensure the officer conducts medication distribution in a manner which provides
for the safety of medical personnel and the efficient management of the inmate medication line as required

Ensure all doors remain closed and locked
except when allowing authorized inmates/or other authorized personnel passage

Ensure inmate emergency messages are handled
and the Inmate Emergency Message Form (P-0580) is completed and submitted

Respond to all emergency situations
in his area of responsibility

Attempt to resolve any complaint or grievance
brought to his attention
In the event it cannot be resolved
the complaint or grievance, will be referred to the Watch Lieutenant

Ensure corrections officers assigned to his area of responsibility
are relieved for meal break

Ensure established time schedules and procedures
are followed for scheduled inmate activities
inmates attending activities in his area of responsibility
are supervised appropriately

Conduct fire drills in coordination with the Watch Training Sergeant
as directed by the Watch Lieutenant

Ensure the master count of inmates is conducted accurately
on Watch I and forwarded to the appropriate corrections officer without delay

Ensure Corrections Officers conduct inmate counts and wristband checks
as outlined in Corrections Operational Order 10.03, Count Procedures

Ensure inmates are limited
to one bag of in-cell property

Ensure all inmates involved in altercations or who sustain injuries
are seen by Division of Health Services (DHS) personnel without delay
and a COPS-MORE Incident Report
is completed

Ensure inmates housed in confinement are afforded the opportunity
for outdoor recreation on Watch II
as outlined in Corrections Operational
Order 07.07, Confinement

Ensure all security rounds are recorded in CMIS
and the entirety of the Daily Post Log is complete and accurate

Brief the on-coming Housing Security Sergeant with a pass down
of information consisting of all activities that may affect the on-coming watch

Direct the efforts of employees
to meet or exceed all departmental objectives

and to earnestly support the Sheriff's Office

mission and Core Values