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71 Cards in this Set

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Which contains a carboxyl and an amino group

Amino Acids

An atoms protons are found in its


Sequence of life in heirarchical fashion

molecule, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, commmunity, ecosystem

Theory most closely associated with Darwin

natural selection

Organisms that are prokaryotes are in the domains

Bacteria and Archaea

People with lactose intolerance do not have enough


the DNA of a eukaryotic cell is found within the ______


Valence electrons (outer shell) for each of the following elements



What is denaturation?

When a protein unravels and loses its normal shape.

What makes a fat saturated

When it contains the maximum number of hydrogen atoms.

What are three categories of large biological molecules

Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Nucleic Acids

Diffusion does not require the cell to expend ATP. Therefore, diffusion is considered a type of ________________

passive transport

A cell that neither gains nor loses water when it is immersed in a solution is

isotonic to its environment

Most of a cells enzymes are _________.


A child is brought to the hospital with a fever of 107. Doctors immediately order an ice bath to lower the child's temperature. Which of the following offers an explanation for this action.

Elevated body temperatures may denature enzymes. this would interfere with the child's abilities to catalyze various reactions.

The term anaerobic means

Without O2

During cellular respiration glucose is ___________ and oxygen _________________.

oxidized, reduced

How do cells capture the energy released by cellular respiration

They produce ATP

By-products of cellular respiration

carbon dioxide and water

Number of ATP molecules in cellular respiration in the correct order and quantity.


The creation of offspring carrying genetic information from a single parent is called.

asexual reproduction

Which of the following statements regarding sexual and asexual reproduction is real?

Sexual reproduction is more likely to increase genetic variation than is asexual reproduction.

The genetic material is duplicated during

S phase

The process by which the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell divides to produce two cells is called


Which of the following statements to regarding the function of mitosis is false

Mitosis does not allow organisms to generate genetic diversity.

As blood moves away from the heart, the relative size and number of blood vessels_____the blood pressure _____________, and velocity of blood flow _________________.


Which glands requires the element iodine to produce its hormones



is the maintenence of constant internal state

When a chemical signal from group of embryonic cells causes a different nearby group to embark on a particular developmental course (say, differentiating into a leg) the interaction between the two groups of cells is called_______


Asexual reproduction

is an effective way for animals to expand their population quickly and exploit an available environment.

Plasma is primarily


Smooth muscle propels food through the alimentary canal by a process called


Hermaphrodites are animals that

possess both male and females reproductive systems

The mucous-producing cells that line the stomach

lubricate and protect the stomach lining

The liver, pancreas, and lining of digestive tract come from


Mendel's law of independent assortment states that __________________.

each pair of alleles segregates independently of the other pairs of alleles during gametes formation

How many sex chromosomes are in a human gamete?


Multiple origins of replication on the DNA molecules of eukaryotic cells serve to

shorten the time necessary for DNA replication

The transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA is called


A vaccine works by

stimulating the immune system

Approximately what percentage of human DNA is noncoding


Gene expression refers to the

process by which genetic information flows from genes to proteins

Most differentiated cells retain

a complete set of their genes, and retain the ability to express those genes under certain circumstances

the individual features if all organisms are the result of

genetics and the environment

Two main processes that ecosystems depend on are

nutrient cycling and energy flow

Two particles found in the nucleus of a cell are

protons and neutrons

What accounts for different breeds of dogs?

artificial selection

Humans are composed of ________________ cells


Components of the scientific method








Specific categories of life from smallest to largest







Which of the following takes place during translation

The conversion of genetic information from the language of nucleic acids to the language of proteins

A heart murmur occurs when there is a defect in

a heart valve

During which phase of the heartbeat does the heart fill with blood


Nutrients absorbed by the intestines move directly to the liver, which

produces platelets for blood clotting

the basic rhythm of the heartbeat is set by the

SA node

What best represents an adaptation to increase surface to volume ratio

multilobed sacs in the lungs

Which of blood components are responsible for initiating the clotting process?


A response to our innate defense system


An aspect of asexual reproduction that is sometimes disadventageous is

It produces genetically uniform populations

kinds of cells that eat whatever foreign cells and molecules they encounter and recognize

phagocytic cells

Homeostasis depends on

negative feedback controls

reproductive systems with external fertilization are most common in

aquatic animals


Chemical and mechanical breakdown of food for absorbtion in to the body


assist in destroying a particular antigen

Functions of lymphatic system

returning tissue fluid to circulatory system and fighting infections

connection between structure and ____________ is a basic concept of biology


The idea that all living things are composed of cells and that all cells come from other cells defines

cell theory

Oxidation is the _______, and reduction is the ________.

loss of electrons.....gain of electrons

Mesoderm gives rise to

dermis of skin, muscle, skeleton, circulatory system, gonads, kidneys, outer layer of digestive and respiratory tracts

ectoderm gives rise to

epidermis of skin, hair, lining of mouth and nose, glands of skin, nervous system


lining of digestive and layer of respiratory tracts, liver, pancreas