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23 Cards in this Set

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Def: Infants and elderly have increased

susceptibility and/or severity of disease

Category of Defense: General Barrier

Cooperation with other host defense: No


Def: malnutrition increases susceptibility

and/or severity of disease

Category of Defense: General Barrier

Cooperation with other host defense: No


Def: Innate immunity =human cannot get certain animal diseases

Within humans, mutations can affect susceptibility to microbial disease

Category of Defense: General Barrier

Cooperation with other host defense: No


Def: Increase in thermal “set point” above

98.6 oF or 37 oC

Induced by pyrogens-e.g. endotoxins

Category of Defense: General Barrier

Cooperation with other host defense: No

Iron-binding proteins


-ferritin in liver, spleen, red bone marrow

-transferrin in blood

-lactoferrin in tears, saliva and mucus

-protect by reducing available iron required for

pathogen growth

Category of Defense: Chemical Barrier

Cooperation with other host defense: No



-enzyme found in saliva, mucus, tears

and sweat -degrades peptidoglycan

Category of Defense: Chemical Barrier

Cooperation with other host defense: No



-glycoproteins made and secreted by host cells that are invaded by certain viruses

-once released, travel to other host cells, protects them from the virus (prevents viral replication)

Category of Defense: Chemical Barrier

Cooperation with other host defense: Yes

Complement Protein C3a


-stimulates the release of histamine from white blood cells (wbcs) called basophils

(mast cells), histamine enhances inflammation (part of Bio barriers)

Category of Defense: Chemical Barrier

Cooperation with other host defense: C3a and C3b both provide protection

Complement Protein C3b

Def: -attaches to pathogen causing:


-stimulates insertion of Membrane Attack Complex

Category of Defense: Chemical Barrier

Cooperation with other host defense: C3a and C3b both provide protection

The normal microbiota

Def: non-pathogenic microbes that are expected to live on the host (the usual “residents”)

~100 trillion from 500-1000 different species

(primarily bacteria)

Category of Defense: Biological Barrier

Cooperation with other host defense: No



-compose 2-10% of total wbc population,

primary phagocytes

-speed to reach the site of infection/intoxication

is slower, but, remain the longest and

most effective at ingesting pathogens/toxins

Category of Defense: Non-specific defense

Cooperation with other host defense: No



-compose 50-70% of total wbc pop. (most numerous)

-speed to reach the site of infection/intoxication

is rapid, but not as effective as macrophages

Category of Defense: Non-specific defense

Cooperation with other host defense: No



-compose 1-4% of total wbc pop.

-considered only weakly phagocytic, but

secrete toxins that protect against some parasitic worms

Category of Defense: Non-specific defense

Cooperation with other host defense: No



-compose < 1% of total wbc pop.(least numerous)

-role as phagocytes is unclear, may only be

weakly phagocytic, but secrete histamine which enhances inflammation

Category of Defense: Non-specific defense

Cooperation with other host defense: No

Natural Killer Cells


a small subset of lymphocyte wbcs with non-specific recognition (most lymphocytes are part

of specific defenses)

-recognize host cells that do not display the

Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)

Category of Defense: Non-specific defense

Cooperation with other host defense: No

Plasma cells


-make and secrete antibodies (proteins) at rate

of ~2000/second for 4-5 days, then die

-each antibody binds the same epitope as the

original B Cell

Category of Defense: Antibody Mediated Immunity

Cooperation with other host defense: No

Memory B cells


-long-lived, remain in host, if same antigen

returns in future, mount a stronger, faster,

longer-lasting response (vaccinations)

-in antibody mediated immunity

Category of Defense: Antibody Mediated Immunity

Cooperation with other host defense: No

Cytotoxic T cells


-kill “problematic” host cell by

-secrete Perforins = create holes causing lysis

-secrete Lymphotoxins = degrade host cell DNA

-secrete Tumor Necrosis Factor = stimulates host cell apoptosis (suicide)

Category of Defense: Cell Mediated Immunity

Cooperation with other host defense: No

Helper T cells


-stimulate proliferation and actions of other T and B Cells, enhance antibody production by B Cells, enhance actions of non-specific defenses

Category of Defense: Cell Mediated Immunity

Cooperation with other host defense: Yes

Suppressor/Regulator T cells


-release signals (cytokines) that inhibit further

actions of immune cells once pathogens/toxins are gone

Category of Defense: Cell Mediated Immunity

Cooperation with other host defense: No

Memory T cells


-long-lived, remain in host and wait for same antigen to return, mount the stronger, faster, longer-lasting response

-in cell mediated immunity

Category of Defense: Cell Mediated Immunity

Cooperation with other host defense: No


"to make tasty" Acts like handles to facilitate engulfment, destruction of pathogen by phagocytes (part of bio barriers)

-simulates insertion of membrane attack complex

Membrane Attack Complex (MAC)

Composed of C5-C9 & creates holes in the pathogen leading to lysis