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217 Cards in this Set

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If you were starting an Apple production business, which of the following climates
would be best
a. Temperate rainforest (Washington State)
2. In the southeast which fruit is most prone to disease?
3. The “cane renewal system” is important in the production of which of the following?
a. Blackberry
4. In Athens Georgia, when would you plant a summer annual?
5. What is one benefit of mulching around landscape plants?
a. Weed control
6. Planting a deciduos tree of which side of building saves air-conditioning costs?
a. South
7. What is the ideal temperature for organic material to decompose in the compost pile?
a. 90–130F
8. Organic gardening places particular importance on which of the following?
a. Using compost to maintain a healthy soil ecosystem
9. The term “xeros” is the root of the word xeriscaping. Xeros means...
10. The principle behind xeriscaping is to...
a. Save water
11. The most important site consideration used for plant selection in the landscape is...
a. Light availability
12. A good compost pile requires a mix of ______ to decompose at a normal rate
a. Carbon and nitrogen
13. Most nut crops are not common in Georgia because of...
a. Spring frosts kills flowers
14. What is the minimum depth hole that should be dug for planting trees?
a. Same size as root ball
15. What is the requirement for chilling conditions prior to flowering initiation
a. Vernalization
v16. Soil pH has a direct effect on which of the following...
a. Nutrient availability
17. Which of the following fertilizer elements is required in large quantities by plants
a. Nitrogen
18. The materials used in greenhouse growing containers are referred to as ____ or ____
a. Substrate: media
19. The cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soil is directly related to the amount of natural___
a. Fertility
v20. Which of the following is a water conserving practice?
a. Watering only when plants are in obvious needs
Pruning is a combination or art, skill, and plant knowledge
A “soilless” growing media contains either peat or bark or both
Stratification is necessary for some seeds to germinate
A petunia is a weed in a tomatoe field
Dogwood blooms on last year’s woods so the best time to prune for maximum flower
display is in late winter
Centipede grass prefers a low pH
higmatropism is a growth curvature in response to gravity
A pumpkin could be classified as a vine, Cuburbit and a squash
Turf grass has the highest water requirement of any landscape plant
The English gave us a pastoral look
The growth of a tree is directly proportional to the root space available
The peach tree is native to China
Georgia competes with California and New mexico for #1 in pecan production
A dicot has 2 embryonic leaves and a monocot has one embryonic leaf
Pollen develops in the anther
Which of the following is a measure of how low (in terms of temperature) a plant can
withstand before sustaining permanent damage?
a. Cold hardiness
37. In the greenhouse which part of the disease triangle is the easiest to control
38. In the outdoors which part of the disease triangle is the easiest to control?
a. Host
39. Which of the following is NOT determined by soil texture?
a. pH
40. which is a correct way to display the botanical name for Red Maple?
a. Acer rubrum
41. A perennial...
a. Grows from seed, flowers, sets fruit and continues its life cycle year to year
42. Insects are distinguished from other invertebrates by ___
a. Head thorax abdomen and six legs
43. As the hardiness number of a zone goes from 6 to 4 the temperature becomes
a. Colder
44. Approximately how many hours of sunlight are (minimum) required for sun loving plants
a. 6-8 hours
45. What percent of soil if air?
a. 25%
46. When is the BEST time to prune a tree?
a. When it is dormant
47. The optimal pH range for most horticultural crops is...
a. 6.0 – 6.5
48. Arboiculture is the study of
a. Trees
49. Which of the following is a deciduous vine and fruit
a. Grape
vv50. What is the primary element in lime that raises the pH?
v51. If you purchased a B and B tree you would be buying a tree
a. Whose roots are wrapped in burlap
c52. Ornamental plants grown in containers are priced and sold byu
a. Varying gallon sizes
vvvc53. What is the plant hormone responsible for the ripening of fruits?
vv54. A propagation method carried out exclusively in a sanitary lab is called...
a. Tissue culture
55. The two major limitations to a tree fruit production is the south are...
a. Humidity and low chilling hours
56. A pecan is....
a. Fruit – all nuts are fruits
57. Viticulture is the science of
a. Growing grapes
Successful propagation by cutting requires a high level of
59. Which one of these is NOT a primary nutrient
60. Grafting apple trees requires a top and bottom component respectively called the
a. Scion: rootstock
61. Most tree roots grow...
a. Well beyond the drip line
One method growers use to protect fruits crops from freexe and or frost injury
a. Irrigation
63. Over 80% of disease are...
64. Phototropism is growth curvature in response to the following...
During photosynthesis, which of the following provides the energy for this process to
take place
Athens, Georgia is in which cold hardiness zone?
67. If you are a pomologist what do you study
On the average, under ideal growing conditions, turfgrass requires ____ inch(es) a week of either rain or supplemental irrigation
1 inch
69. Which of the following is NOT a plant hormone
a. Plastid
What is the physical response to trophisms displayed in lpant
a. Cellular elongation
71. Essentially, all apple trees are “dwarfed” by selecting the proper...
v72. In arboriculture, what does DBH stand for?
a. Tree diameter at breast height
73. Which of the following maintenance operations is BAD for trees?
74. In the landscape, mulch should be placed approximately ___ inches deep around a tree
a. 4-3 inches
75. Where does most of the peat used in the US greenhouse industry come from?
a. Canada
76. The most important site consideration used for plant selection in the home landscape
a. Light availability
77. Nutrients required by plants in small amounts but are essential for plant growth are
78. Vegetative propagation could also be called
a. Asexual propagation
79. When planting woody ornamentals the hole should be dug
a. A depth equal to the root ball
80. The most commonly used greenhouse covering material is
a. Plastic
81. A dioecious plant such as a holly
a. Has separate male and female plants each with their respective flower parts
82. The pistil is made up of the
a. Stigma, style, and ovary
Which of the terms below describes the process of transferring pollen from one anter to
the stigma
84. Peppers are classified as
85. Which of the following best describes muscadine grapes
a. Tough skin resistant to disease
86. Which fruit crop requires a lower soil pH than other fruit
87. The most common soil problem on new construction sites is
a. Compaction
88. What is the most common symptom of nitrogen deficiency is plants
a. Yellowing leaves
89. Georgia is number ONE nationally in value for which crop
90. An example of cool season grass is
91. Which of these vegetables could also be considered a rhizome
a. Potato
Which of the following is a method of vegetative propagation that involves the union of two different varieties on the same plant
93. A propagation method which will NOT produce an exact clone is
a. Hybridization
94. Successful propagation using stem cutting method typically require high level of
95. Grafting apple trees requires a top and bottom component that are respectively called
96. An example of a vegetable that is a perennial is
97. The one fruit grown in GA that is treated as an annual is
When pruning flowering shrubs, timing is not important
99. Medicinal plants are restricted to a few plant families-
Opium poopy is a medicinal plant
Some medicinal plants are considered weeds in many states-
Dogwood blooms on last year’s wood, so the best time to prune for max flower display
is after they bloom-
Centipede grass prefers a low PH
Clay soils have a greater nutrient-holding capacity-
Xeriscaping means never watering your landscape-
Turf grass lawns would not be possible in the south without fescue and bluegrass
ymmetry is NOT a characteristic of Italian renaissance gardens-
Shade-loving landscape plants prefer no more than 4-6 hours of direct sunlight
. Red delicious apples are generally self-fruitful and require at least one pollinator variety-
A monocot has two embryonic leaves
Pollen develops in the style-
Most horticulture crops prefer a pH close to 7.0-
One of the primary differences between horticultural crops and agronomic crops is that
horticultural crops are grown more intensively-
When digging a hole for a large B and B tree, the hole should be
No deeper than the root ball
n the ornamental profession, the term “woodie” refers to
A tree or shrub as opposed to a herbaceous perennial
Which of the following is a fruit AND a vegetable
Which of the following is NEITHER a fruit NOR vegetable
The country of origin of the peach is
The study and cultivation of flowers is
If you are enologist, what do you study
his landscape architect was known for his advocacy of public parks as a cure for social
ills brought on by industrialization and is also considered the father of landscape architechture
F.L. Olmstead
____ was the first to promote the scientific study of horticulture
LH Bailey
Binomial nomenclature has two parts, the first part of the name is always
An annual
Grows from seed, flowers, sets fruit and dies in one year
A biennial...
Grows from a seed, flowers, sets fruits, and dies in two years
27. An example of a cool season vegetable is...
a. Spinach
28. An orange is a hesperidium, a kind of berry, and an apple is a ...
a. Pome
29. The following is NOT a function of plant stems
a. Major contributor of photosynthesis
30. The phloem transports...
a. Water from the leaves to the roots
31. The xylem transports...
a. Water from the root to the leaves
32. Which of the following is a male flower part
a. Anther
33. A monecious plant...
a. Has flowers with both make and female parts in a complete flower
34. Which of the terms below describes the union of sperm from pollen and the egg in the
a. Pollination
35. Fall leaf drops occur in response to...
a. Shorter day length
36. Which of the following is NOT related to thigmatropic growth response in plants?
b. Touch
37. Which USDA plant hardiness zone is warmer than Athens, Georgia
a. 8b
38. Which is the primary element in lime that raises the pH?
d. Calcium
39. A 100 pound bag of 10-10-10 has ___lbs of ACTUAL NITROGEM
a. .10
40. The material in greenhouse growing containers is referred to as ___ or ___ instead of
a. Substrate: media
41. Soil pH has a direct effect on which of the following
a. Nutrient availability
42. What is the gas responsible for natural ripening of fruits?
a. Ethylene
43. A forsythia shrub could also be considered an example of...
a. Herbaceous perennial
b. Annual
c. Woody perennial
d. Herbaceous biennial
44. If you purchased a B and B tree you would be buying a...
a. Plant whose roots are wrapped in burlap or fabric
45. One advantage of buying field-grown trees or shrubs is
a. The similarity between the soil in the root ball and soil in which it will be planted
46. Ornamental plants grown in plastic containers are priced and sold by
a. Varying gallon sizes
47. Grafting apples is usually done because...
a. It is the only way to insure a clone of the parent
48. Vegetative propagation is also called
a. Asexual propagation
49. If the seed coat is so tough that the plant cannot germinate, scarification is necessary to
a. Scratch the seed
50. ___is the seed requirement for chilling period prior to germination
a. Stratification
51. what is the best time to water plants?
a. 9pm – 9am
52. Which of the following controls weeds?
53. Which of the following would NOT be helpful in disease prevention in a greenhouse
a. Keeping the foliage wet
54. 3 components of the disease triangle are
a. Pathogen, environment, host
55. The key to organic gardening
a. Pesticide reduction
56. Good compost pile requires a mix of ___to decomopose at a normal rate
a. Carbon and nitrogen
57. Fescue is not common in Georgia b/c ___
a. It is not tolerant of the heat in zone 7b
58. A lawn during the growing seaseon requires ___inches of irrigation per week
a. 1 inch
59. The most shade tolerant warm-season grass is
a. St. Augustine
60. Proper mowing height for fescue is
a. 3-4 inches
61. The primary limiting factor to growing peaches in the southeast is
a. High humidity
62. What is converted to sucrose, starch or carbs, and used directly in plant process
a. Enzymes
63. Auxin is responsible for
a. Cell growth
64. Which of the following would not be characteristic of most weeds
a. Slow grower
65. Soil nutrients which are required in fairly large amounts are called
a. Primary nutrients
66. The cation exchange capacity of sandy soild is
a. Less than that of clay soil
67. Most of the tree feeder roots grow (which one sounds best)
a. In the top 1-2 inches of soils
68. When selecting perennial plants for the southeast what are the two most important
plant selection criteria
a. Heat and humidity tolerance
1) The peach is originally from _________.
2) A plant such as a cucumber, that has separate male and female flowers on the same plant is said to be
3) The study and cultivation of almonds would fall under __________.
4) The study and cultivation of broccoli would fall under __________.
5) Who is considered the father of landscape architecture?
BFL Olmstead
6) Who is considered the father of horticulture as a science and field of study?
D. L.H. Bailey
7) Georgia is number ONE nationally in value in which of the following horticulture crops?
8) A simple berry fruit develops from ...
C. a single flower and single ovary
9) Flower initiation in response to photoperiod means a plant will flower...
A. based on day length
10) A perennial....
C. grows from seed, flowers, sets fruit and continues its life cycle year to year
11) Which of the following statements is true?
A. xylem tissue carries water up into plant
12) The primary function of the leaf is...
A. photosynthesis
13) The primary function of the petal is ...
B. attraction of butterflies
14) The phloem transports ...
D. sugars from the leaves to the “sinks”
15) A fruit, such as an apricot, with a hard seed surrounded by fleshy fruit and is a ...
16) Which of the following is a fruit?
17) Which is the correct way to display the botanical name for flowering dogwood?
Cornus florida
18) The pistil is made up of which of the following three components
ovary, style, and stigma
19) Which of the following is a product of photosynthesis?
20) What is the physiological process by which plants ‘pull or pump’ water from the soil?
21) Which of the following is an underground stem, a vegetable, and a native to the Andes Mts. of S. America?
22) Hydrangea macrophylla, is not native to the US. It is likely from...
23) The growth and size of MOST house plants is directly related to
A. the volume of soil provided
24) Which part of the root actually makes soil contact and takes up water and nutrients?
C. root hair
25) The genus portion of the botanical name for, Theobroma cacao ‘Upall Knight’ is...
26) Most houseplants die from
D. over watering
27) Georgia will likely never be number one in peaches because...
C. High humidity and major disease problems
28) Which of the following is a monocot, a vegetable and native to Central America
29) If you are floriculturist, what do you study or grow?
____ was the first to promote magazines and books for the general public which promoted the concepts of the lawn and garden. He died tragically in a steamboat accident.
31) Respiration can best be described as the...
B. process of braking down glucose into other forms of sugars the plant uses for energy
32) The holes or “pores” on the undersides of leaves, through which gases are exchanged are called...
33) Who was the Greek dude know for beginning the documenting of plants?
34) Who is considered the Father of Genetics?
Gregor Mendel
35) Most of the water taken up through the process of transpiration is
released through the stomates
If you are an olericulturist, what do you study?
Which of the following is an annual, berry, and native to Central America?
Theobroma cacao (chocolate source) is originally from ...
Columbia (S. America
) Coffee is originally from ..
D. Ethiopia (Africa)
Who is responsible for the current theory about the 8 centers of origin for most edible crops?
Nicholas I. Vavilov
41) The Columbian exchange brought which horticulture crops TO Europe from the Caribbean and South America?
. pineapple, cocoa, peppers
Aggregate fruits, like strawberries, develop from
a single flower with many ovaries
43) The actively growing tissue in both the shoot tips and root tips is called...
D. meristem
44) Sugars, manufactured in the leaf through photosynthesis, require...
A. energy to move them to actively growing regions of the plant
45) The stamen (male) is made up of which of the following two components?
D. antherandfilament
46) A _____, such as a nectarine, has a hard seed surrounded by fleshy fruit.
47) C4 plants are considered to be more efficient than C3 plants.
48) The cuticle layers is likely to be thicker and waxier on ...
. CAM plants
The guy that is credited with being the father of plant taxonomy is...
Carl Linneaus
Most nutrient uptake in plants is dependent on ...
C. transpiration