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100 Cards in this Set

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first scientist to use biologie

believed in two major causes of species change


study of life as a distinct species

lamarcks two major causes of species change

1. natural tendency for species to progress toward a higher form

2. inheritance of acquired characteristics

example of inheritance of acquired characteristic

girafees long neck, passed down




species are extinguished periodically by sudden catastrophes such as meterorites and then replaced by diff. species

darwins explanatory challenge

why change takes place

how new species emerge

what the functions are of parts


human capacity limikt

organisms exist in number far more_____ than they can ______


survive and reproduce

struggle for existence

favoritable variations tend to be perserved and unfavorable ones die out go on to next generation, new adapations

3 essential ingredients to natural selection

variance, inhertitance, and differential reproductive sucess


essential for evolution to operate, provides raw materials for evolution


only some variations inherited

passed down from parents/offpsirng


some heritable variants leave more offspring b/c those attributes help with the task of survival and reproduction

differential reproductive sucess

possesio of heritaqble variants that increase or decrease an individuals chances of surviving and reproducing **key

everyone has ancestors not everyone leaves descendants

natural selection provided 3 key answers

1. explained change over time

2.explained apparent pursoive quality of component parts

3.united all species into one grand tree descendent (including humans)

objections natural selection

no theory of inheritance (now evidence)

hard to imagine utility of intermediate stages

belief speices were unchanging

sexual selection


open invitation to predators

consequence of successful matting


competition between members of the same species


competition between members of the opposite species

genetic drift

random changes in the genetic makeup of a population


founder effect


founder effect

small porportion of a population establishes a new colonly and the founders of the new colony are not genetically representive of orginial population


happen when a population shrinks, owning to a random catastrophe, earthquake


showed inheritance was particulate not blended

qualities of parents are passed on to their offspring, genes

pea plants


smallest discrete unit that inherited by offspring


entire collection of genes within an individual


focus on behavior requires underlying physical structures

change has taken place overtime


do what the first moving they observe at life

ducks (bonding between mother/new born)

pattern its behavior

critical period


founder of ethology-mechanisms and adaptive value of animal behavior

four whys of behavior

1. immediate influneces on behavior (movement of the mother)

2. developmental influences (events during the ducks lifetime that causes changes)

3. function of behavior( keeping the baby duck close to mother, which helps it survive)

4. evolutionary or phylogentic orgins(what sequence of evolutionary events led to the orgins of an imprinting mechanism in the duck.

fixed action patterns

sterotypic behavioral sequences an animal follows after being triggered

problems with elthology movement

labels v. explanations

ignored psychology

no standards for identifying adaptation or function

who came up with inclusive fitness revolutin

william hamilition

classical fitness

the measure of an individuals direct response success in passing on genes through the production of offspring


50% parents

25% aunts uncle, grandparents, grandchildren

12,5% cousins

6.5% 2nd cousins

parental care

investing in ones own child

inclusive fitness revolution

increase reproduction by helping brothers, sisters, newphews

sum of an indiviuals own reproductive success plus the effects of the individuals actions have on the reproductive success on his/her relatives

what would you do if you were a gene

ensure surivial of vechile (body)

reproduce, making copies of your gene

help survival and reproduction that contain copies of you

williams and adaptation

downfall of group selection

group selection

adapatation evolved for the benefit of the group through the differential survival and reproduction groups

only species that possessed characteristics to group survived


helping an individual at a cost to yourself

problems of altruism

incurring reproductive cots to onself

could evolve if recipitant of help were ones genetic relatives

williams criteria for adaptation

reliability, efficency, economy, complexity and improbable usefullness


evolved solutions to specific problems that contribute either directly or indirectly to successful reproduction


seminal therories

seminal theories

1. theory of reciprocal altruism

2. parenetal investment

3. parent-offspring conflict

reciprocal altruism

conditions under which mutally beneficial exchange relationships or transaction could evolve

(favor for a favor)

parental investment (theories)

sexual selection for each sex

high investing sex/low investing sex

selection pressures

high investing/low investing sex


parent offspring conflict

parents/children will get into conflict because they share 50% genes

what is best for kid, what is best for parent

who came up with sociobiology concept


controversy with sociobiology

cannibalize psychology

culture, religion, ethics could be explained by this

common misunderstandings about evolutionary theory

1. genetic determinism

2. intractability (can't change it)

3. current mechanisms are optimally designed- never make a mistake

4. motivation to maximize inclusive fitness- pass on genes to next generation

genetic determinism

argues behavior is controlled by genes

human behavior cannot occur without two ingredients

1. evolved adaptations

2. enviornment input that triggers the development and activism of these adaptations

how many years ago orgin of life

3.8-3.7 billion years ago

mammals orginated/ what they have

200 million years ago

warm blooded

mammary glands - nutrients

placenta (114 million years ago - more protection while in the womb

did humans evolve from apes



85 million years ago


steroscopic vision- predators, eyes facing forward, advantage in jumping branch to branch

large brains- solve more complex problems

bidpedal locomotion

4.4 million years ago

ability to walk, stride, run on two feet, energy, greater visual angle, decrease sun exposure, freed hands

tool use

2.5 million years ago

oldowan stone tools

used by homo habillis

sharp edge

homo erectus

1.8 million years ago

migrated from africa to asia


acheulean hand axe

1.5 MYA

sharp edge

homo brain


double in size



weak chins/receding foreheads

large brain

tough living/cold climate

30,000 years ago went extinct

homo sapiens emerged


sexuality was motivating force for adults and everyone


instinctual system

life perservative- food, water, shelter, surivial instincts

william james



faculty of acting such a way as to produce certain ends without forsight of ends and w/o previous education in the performance

over ridden by others

contradict each other


conclusion about instincts

more instincts in humans than in other animals

behaviorism people

skinner, watson


classical conditioning

classical conditioning

type of learning where two previously unconnected events come to be associated

ringing bell>> food


operant conditioning

operant conditiong

reinforcing consequences of behavior for subsequent behavior

behavior followed by reinforcement repeated

behavior not followed by reinforcement not repeated

Margaret Mead

cultural variability

cultural variability

sex roles reversed, sexual jealously gone

peacefucl people did not compete, rape, fight or murder


Harry Harlow

moneys, two articial mothers

1 mother mesh other with cloth

climbed on mesh mom for food, spent time with cloth ran to when scared

garcia effect

gave food then injected rats with raditiation, never ate food again

some are prepared to learn things


condition people to develop fears but hard to condition others (less natural)

mineka's monkeys

scared of snakes but not flowers

conclusion of garcia effect

external enviroment not sole determiner, must look inside heads

information processing description

input>>>decision rules>>>outputsj

brains compared to computers

general processors and has individal processors

where is inofmration housed

neurobiology of brain


brocas area- speech production

wernickes area- language comprehension

strokes helped to identify this

is there a general capacity to process info


general learners

we are not this

general info processors

problem of combinatonal explosion

impossible for general info processors

don't know how to deal with problems

fight or flight respones

too many inputs/solutions

need general processing

three theories of orgins of complex adaptive mechanisms


seeding theory

evolution by natural selection


not scientific

supreme deity created all


not false/not useful

why is creationism not scientific

cannot be tested

not guided researches to any new studies

not proved useful as scientific explanation for already discovered organic mechanisms

seeding theory

life did not orginate from earth


three concepts of seeding theory

seeds of life arrived on earth by meterorite

extaterrestial intelligent beings came from other plants/galaxies and planted seeds

problems with seeding theory

no solid evidience

no new discoveries

pushes explanation for life forms back in time

evolution by natural selection

explains known facts


leads to new predicition

bidpedal locomotion (evolution)

being able to observe predators/prey

frees up hands

increases flexability


exposes less surface area to the sun

umbilicial cord (evolution)



3 products of evolutionary processes

adaptation, by products, noise


inherited, reliably devloping, natural selection, solve problem of reproduction/survival

passing of genes

does not need to appear at birth (breasts)

contribute to reproduction/survival



copying error of dna

may help survival/reproduction

passed to next generation , keep passing be passed on to population