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13 Cards in this Set

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Types of symbiosis: parasitism, mutualism and commensalism—know what they mean and examples of each.
symbiosis - relationships between two organisms.....parasitism - one harmed, one helped....mutualism -- both benefit....commensualism - one no effect, one benefit
Autotrophs, heterotrophs, primary and secondary consumers, producers, consumers and decomposers, herbivores, carnivores
auto - photosynthetic/make own food....heterotroph - eat food....primary consumer - eat plants....secondary consumer - eats primary producers...plants (pretty much same as autotroph)...decomposer - breaks down organisms after die, like bacteria
herbivore -- eats plants....carnivores - eat meat
What is a niche? Ecosystem
ecosystem - weather/habitat
Differences between food web, food chain and trophic levels
food web - many chains together, shows all relationships...food cahin - one line...trophic levels - base =producers then primary then secondary, etc...90 % of energy used up between each layer
Parts of the water cycle
look up
Abiotic vs. biotic factors
abiotic, not alive...biotic - alive
Biomes—key characteristics of each—greatest variety of organisms, deciduous trees, lichens present, coldest environment
ask billman what we need to know, get sheet from someone
How are biomes named?
based on amount of water
What is the abyssal zone, characteristics of it?
from book: the deepest portion of the ocean floor, wehere light does not penetrate, temperatures are cold, and pressure is extreme
Greenhouse gases, how has that changed us? What causes increased CO2 increases in our atmosphere?
global warming is caused by increased CO2 in atmosphere, which is increased by the burning of fossile fules
Succession—what does if mean? Differences in primary and secondary succession
succession means changing from one ecosystem to another...primary - "process of colonization and species replacement on a site that was preivously uninhabited....seconday -the sequential replacement of species after a major disruption in a community
Gaia hypothesis; tragedy of the commons; common pool resources—what are these?
A theory that the living organisms of the biosphere form a single, complex interacting system that creates and maintains a habitable Earth
What are some significant outcomes from the rainforest being cut down?
less habittate, more CO2 in atmosphere (because trees take in CO2)...lose potential for cures of diseases and other medicines