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35 Cards in this Set

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Cell Theory

1) Organisms are made up of cells and what cells make to build the organism and keep it functioning.

2) All cells are formed from cells that already exist.

1) The____________ dates back to the 1800's.

2) The_________ started the area of studying life.


Bacteria in their simplest forms all over and in organisms.

1) some ____________ live in extreme environments.

2) __________ are usually unicellular.


a group to organize organisms that includes plants, animals, fungi, and protists.

1) ____________ have organelles

2)_____________ have nuclei.


an organelle that stores the cell's chromosomes.

1) The__________ is bound by the nuclear membrane.

2) Contains the nucleolus.


a structure that contains nucleic acids.

1)__________ are located in the nucleus.

2) _____________ contain genetic information.


A chromosome which is attached to the plasma membrane in a prokaryotic cell.

1) ________ is in the nucleoid region.

2) Related to plasmids


Small circular DNA molecules that are not part of the nuclear region.

1) ___________ are only in prokaryotic cells.

2) There are only a few ______ in the cytosol of a prokaryotic cell.


a singular long whip like tail.

1) are found on both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.

2) Are more complex on eukaryotic cells.

Cell / Plasma Membrane

A semi-permeable membrane made up of a phospholipid bilayer to allow substances to enter and exit the cell.

1) The __________ is found surrounding all cells.

2) Plant cells are surrounded by the _________ and cell wall.

Cell Wall

a rigid structure present to protect the cell and provide structure.

1) The _______ is made up of lipids, carbs, and proteins.

2) The _________ exists in plant cells.


RNA that catalyzes the synthesis of proteins.

1) _________ are found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

2) ___________ are larger in eukaryotic cells.


the part of the cell which contains the organelles and cytosol.

1) _______ is not found in prokaryotic cells.

2)There is streaming in the _____________ in eukaryotic cells.


an intracellular solution which is made up of many water soluble components.

1) The __________ is made up of salts, and organic compounds which are dissolved in water.

2) _________ contains cytoskeleton proteins.


membrane bound structures in the cell.

1) ____________ are only found in eukaryotic cells

2) ___________ allow the cell to be more efficient, specialized, and complex.


a region of the nucleus where RNA is synthesized.

1)____________ are located in the nucleus.

2) Shares the nucleus with chromosomes.


Proteins in the cell that give the cell its shape and structure.

1) The _______ contains microtubles.

2) The ________ also contains microfilaments.


hollow thick structures.

1) Located in the cytoskeleton.

2) Closely related to microfilaments.


solid strands that are flexible.

1) Located in the cytoskeleton.

2) Closely related to microtubles.

Rough ER

ER that has ribosomes in its surface.

1) Closely related to smooth ER

2) Closely related to Vesicles

Smooth ER

ER without ribosomes in its surface.

1) Closely related to rough ER.

2) Closely related to vesicles.

Golgi Apparatus

membrane stacks of sacs that modify proteins and exports substances from ER.

1) Like the thylakoid membranes.

2) The ____________ works closely with the ER.


membrane bubbles that preform exocytosis from the golgi apparatus.

1) __________ fuse with the plasma membrane.

2) ___________ work closely with other organelles.


vesicles that contain enzymes to break down old macromoleucles and food.

1) ________ are specialized vesicles.

2) _______ are only found in animal cells.


organelles that store water, organic acids, enzymes, salts, and pigments.

1) _______ are extremely large in plant cells.

2) ______ shrink and enlarge as the amounts of stored resources fluctuates.


structures that contain microtubles that are used for cell respiration.

1) _______ are only always found in animal cells.

2) ___________ are sometimes found in fungi and algae.


shorter whip like tails.

1) Like flagella.

2) When _____ are present, they are more numerous than flagella.


an organelle that produces energy and is necessary in aerobic respiration.

1) Nicknamed the "power house" of the cell.

2) Preforms the Krebs Cycle and ETS to generate energy.


a organelle used in photosynthesis.

1) _______ contain pigments, well known for its green pigments.

2) ________ are necessary for the Calvin Cycle.


When unicellular organisms live in a group.

1) Organisms living in a ________ are usually related.

2) Organisms live in __________ to benefit from each other.


having more than one cell.

1) Plants and Animals are multicellular.

2) Bacteria are not multicellular.

Cell Differentiation

when a cell becomes specialized to preform a specific function.

1) A neuron is an example of _______________.

2) There are many example of _____________ in the human body.


layers of cells.

1) Building blocks for organs.

2) Most plants and animals have many different _________.


layers of tissues.

1) Building blocks for organ systems.

2) Humans have many different ________.

Organ System

Related organs that form a group based on their function.

1) The digestive system is an ____________.

2) Humans are made up of __________.


Something that has all the characteristics of life.

1) Something made up of cell(s).

2) Humans are an ____________.