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18 Cards in this Set

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Simple Squamous: Allows passage of molecules through diffusion and filtration.

Simple Cuboidal: Performs secretion and absorption in ducts and tubules.

Simple Columnar: Performs absorption and secretion of mucus enzymes.

Psuedostratified Columnar: Secretion of mucus and propulsion of mucus through ciliary action.

Stratified Squamous: Works to protect underlying tissue.

Transitional: Can distend or shrink based on contents, mainly found in urinary bladders.

Bone: Helps support body and gives it structure.

Hyaline Cartilage: Supports and reinforces the body and bones. Has resilient properties.

Elastic Cartilage: Maintains the shape of structures, but is very flexible. An example would be the ear.

Areolar: Wraps, and cushions organs

Adipose: Provides space to hold long term energy and triglycerides in the shape of fat droplets. Very small nuclei with large vacuole.

Blood: Provides transport of respiratory gasses, nutrients, and hormones.

Reticular: Uses fibers to form soft, internal skeleton.

Dense Fibrous: Used in parts of body under lots of tension. Able to withstand lots of tension.

Skeletal Muscle: Works to preform voluntary movement and manipulation of environment. Can have multiple nuclei and visible striations.

Cardiac Muscle: Contracts and releases the heart, pumps blood into circulatory system. Has only one nuclei per cell and has striations as well as intercolated discs.

Smooth Muscle: Propels items along internal structures. Has only one nuclei per cell and has striations.

Neuron: Transports action potentials and neurotransmitters to brain and spine.