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24 Cards in this Set

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b100: structural/secretion of VLDL. Marker protein for VLDL.
ACE: A1,2,4. A1, C1= activates LCAT. A2= activates hepatic lipase. a4=may aid lipid incorporation into chylomicron. C2: activates LPL. C3=Prevents removal of TG rich particles?
E=high affinity ligand for ldl receptor
VLDL metabolism leads to formation of
LP(a) attached to _____protein? Major risk factor for ______
b100. risk factor for HEART ATTACK
What lipids move through the blood?
triglycerides, fatty acids, fat soluble vitamins/drugs, phospholipids, and cholesterol esters
TG, PhosphoLIpids and Cholesterol are moved using _______.
lipoproteins (four types)
four classes of lipoproteins:
HDL apoproteins, core lipids:
A1, A2, E, Cs. core lipids are cholesterol esters
LDL Aproproteins, corelipids:
B100, cholesterol ester remnants
VLDL apoproteins, core lipids
B100, Cs, E. Triglycerides
b100: structural/secretion of VLDL. Marker protein for VLDL.
ACE: A1,2,4. A1, C1= activates LCAT. A2= activates hepatic lipase. a4=may aid lipid incorporation into chylomicron. C2: activates LPL. C3=Prevents removal of TG rich particles?
E=high affinity ligand for LDL receptor
CHYLOMICRONS apoproteins and core lipids;
B48, Cs, E, A1, A2. Triglyceride
TG synthase complex consists of enzymes that synthesize a TG molecule inside the cell using:
Acyl coA synthase, MG acyl transferase, DG acltransferase. Allow for TG to move through the cell using FA monoglycerides (mg) then resynthesized inside the cell. allows chylomicrons into the cell
Chylomicron formation occurs in the _____
intestinal cells. smooth er (MTP adds lipids to prechylos), then rough er adds apoproteins before exocytosis
what proteins associate with chylomicrons?
any ACEs. B48 always present
lipid and proteins are degraded by esterases and proteases in the_____
liver. in the lysosome. receptors are recycled
absorption of chylomicrons/LDL into liver using apoprotein ______. If _____ attached, will _______ the LDL receptors
E. if C3 attached, will block receptor mediated uptake= more TG to adipocytes and muscle tissues. for storage instead of being processed into VLDL
ACAT found _____? LCAT found _______?
acat =acyl coA cholesterol Acyl Transferase. forms cholesterol ester. found in liver. if problem with acat, less cholesterol formed, which has impact on ldl receptor synthesis.
LCAT- lecithin cholesterol esterase forms cholesterol esters to be stored in HDLs
cholesterol synthesis
starts with Acetyl CoA and uses HMG CoA synthase to form HMG CoA. Then uses HMG CoA Reductase to form mevalonate, which in turn gets converted to cholesterol.
acetyl coA is produced through
beta oxidation of fatty acids, oxidation of ketogenic amino acids
NADPH is used during _____part of _______.
Nadph is the reducing agent used int he second part of the rate limiting step of HMG CoA to mevalonate
characteristics of group 1 apoproteins
A124,C123, E-reversibly associate with lipid surface. belong to the same multigene family, and have amphipathic nature (hphobic and hphilic side)
Group 2 characteristics apoproteins
B100-vldls, B48-chylomicrons. associated with TG and CE rich lipoproteins. very large
group 3 apoproteins
Proteins involved in lipid metabolism: LP(A), LPL(Lipase), LCAT (secreted in liver), ACAT (liver), LPT1, LPT2, ABC proteins
what happens when there is excess cholesterol?
cholesterol supresses the activity of hmgcoA reductase(cholesterol synth) vf , increases ACAT activity, supresses LDL receptor expression/ recycling, and incuces the expression of ABCA1-transporters. Scavenger receptors (SR1) are not responsive to cholesterol.