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180 Cards in this Set

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A remedy known for rheumatic conditions, skin conditions, affections of nerves. Marked reactions to cold and damp.
They are hasty, quarrelsome, exp in the morning. Intellectual properness - wants to do everything the way they find it. Rigid. Closed. Careful. Aversion to being touched. Easily offended. Censorious. Discontented. CHILLY
Mod: Very chilly
<cold, wet weather, chg weather, cold air, touch, motion, evening, left side, alcohol
>eructations, rest, warm app
Sudden weakness. Works well on acute alcohol symptoms
Suffers from neuralgic or rheumatic headaches.
Worse right side, chg temp, cold or wet weather, alcohol
Herpes around the eyes. Vesicles on cornea. Herpes on face.
She suffered from intercostal or neuralgic pain.
<left side, motion, inspiration, lying on painful side, touch, cold
Herpes zoster on left side.
Rheumatism. Between shoulder blades, cervical region, extremities. Stiffness, worse on motion!! <cold
Shingles (Herpes Zoster). Both remedies are left-sided intercostal neuralgia. Both worse motion and inspiration. Name the two remedies and how to differientiate.
Ranunculus - NOT better by lying on painful side.
Bryonia - Better by lying on painful side.
Herpes Zoster. Rhus Tox is <cold, eruptions are burning and violently itchy. This remedy is left sided and WORSE motion.
A remedy to consider to remove the bad effects of alcohol (eg delirium tremens)
A remedy known for rheumatic complaints and skin issues.
Generally left sided. Rheumatic complaints have stiffness.
Rhus tox
Internally- they are restless. Initially are lively and timid. Later irritable and impatient. Eventually, depressed and morose. Become rigid and stiff. Superstitious.
Rhus tox
<rest, over-exertion, cold, fog, wet, draft, thunderstorms, morning on rising, evening, night, beginning to move
>motion, can't sit still, warm and dry, hot bathing, stretching
Rhus tox
A remedy to consider in neurological diseases: Parkinson's, chorea, tics, twitches, vertigo (worse rising, tendency to fall backwards)
Rhus tox
Herpetic eruptions around lips. Skin vesicular eruptions of herpes, urticaria, psoriasis.
Rhus tox
The woman's eczema had small vesicles which are intensely itchy. Itching better by scalding hot water
Rhus tox
The man's lower back pain and sciatica was painful with stiffness. Worese overlifting, rest, muscle strains, beginning to move, cold wet weather
>motion, heat, hard pressure, massage.
Rhus tox
Can have Pain and stiffness in these areas: low back, sciatica, cervical, extremities. Arthritis <night in bed, <waking, <damp cold
Rhus tox
Restless extemities. Restless leg in bed at night. Physical and internal restlessness. Better continued motion.
Rhus tox
State: He faces some kind of danger of attack from members of his own family; he is always on guard. Can't turn to anyone for support. Night approaches and anxiety grows. Sankaran.
Rhus tox
She had a cough from tickling in the air passages. Worse from the least cold air. Cough usually ceases when covering the body and head with bedclothes.
Rumex crispus
A cough remedy. Agg from uncovering or undressing.
<cold or open air, uncovering, chg in temp
>lying on rt side, covering mouth, drinking.
Rumex crispus
Her skin would itch when she undresses. Amel with warmth.
Rumex cripus
Remedy known for rheumatic and connective tissue issues. Horrific stiffness in muscles and tendons. Inflexibility.
She was an anxious, irritable, rigid patient. Seems her mind has lost all flexibility. Foggy, slowness, defensive, irritable. Great fears and anxiety. Agg when becoming warm. Can suffer from panic attacks.
Ailments from straining eyes, esp fina work. <exertion of vision. Stiffness of eye muscles.
His leg had stiffness with bruised pains and weakness. Stiffness, compelled to move limbs or walk but is worse on motion. Weakness. Standing and rising is difficult
He had hard nodules in tendons and periosteum from injury (or over use).
First remedy to consider for injury and/or inflammation of the tendons or periosteum.
Primarily, this is a remedy for hayfever and coryza. Lots of sneezing - almost paroxysmal.
She had these erroneous ideas that she had a disease and was very sick - as if parts of her body had shrunken, deformed or is pregnant. Very imaginative.
Mod: Great chilliness, changing sides
<cold, cold iar, cold drinks
>warm food, drinks, wrapped up
Desire warm drinks, lemons, onions, sweets. Craves hot things
Aversion to meat.
Hayfever with tremendous sneezing; where sneezing is the primary complaint. Coryza copious, watery discharge, violent and spasmodic sneezing. Hayfever better warm room and worse open air
A remedy known for complaints of female sexual organs. Hemorrhaging, pelvic pain (low back radiating TO the pelvis)
Mod: Warm-blooded, >open air
<heat, warm room, warm bed, motion
>open air
Tendency to hemorrhage.
Pain as if "bones are breaking up." (pubis bone)
A remedy to consider for severe dysmenorrhea or uterine pains, begining low back and radiating to pubis.
Profuse uterine hemorrhages, bright red blood with large black clots with cramping pains. Worse motion.
Pain can shoot up vagina. Arching of back because of pain
Music is intolerable, produces nervousness and sadness.
This remedy is known for help the respiratory tract: asthma, spasmodic croup, descending colds, snuffles and obsruction in newborns, nose dry and obstructed.
Sambucus nigra
The infant has snuffles from the coryza being dry and obstructed. Difficulty breathing while nursing. Dry coryza of infants.
Sambucus nigra
At night, he has asthma with tremendous perspiration. Sleeps into the attack. Worse night, 2-5am, and after fright. They wake up suddenly, gasping for breath. Must sit up or jump out of bed. >motion, wrapping warmly
Sambucus nigra
They give off dry heat when sleeping, causing perspiration on waking. Profuse perspiration. But they are usually chilly and thirstless.
Sambucus nigra
A remedy to consider for profuse perspiration only while awake (dry heat in sleep). A great deal of perspiration occurs during a health issue.
Sambucus nigra
Consider this remedy in ailments from fright. Frightful images on closing the eyes. Worse after midnight and sleeps into attack. Excessive perspiration.
Sambucus nigra
When the perspiration disappears = then respiratory ailments show up.
Sambucus nigra
A RIGHT SIDED remedy known for flushes of heat, congestion and burning. Warm-blooded. Generally, better from eructation, flatus, vomiting.
Worse from sun, menopause, right side
Her asthma was generally an allergic type, <flowers.
The 50 year old woman had headache pain from the occiput upward to right eye. Congestion, pulsation. With nausea and vomiting. (usually felt better after vomiting)
He had hay fever, worse from the odor of flowers. Coryza or obstruction, worse right side. Recently diagnosed with polyps. Has a burning sensation in nose.
The older man suffered from esophagitis. Heartburn, reflux. Acrid belching. Dry and burning sensation in throat and esophagus.
He had RIGHT shoulder pain. Worse raising arm, at night, turning in bed, lying on it, motion
The pain tortures them and he becomes restless.
A right sided remedy known for uncomplicated cystitis, urinary problems, skin issues.
Mod: Chilly. Sensitive to cold
<cold, damp, night, before menses
>warm appls
Cystitis. Pain at end of urination. Severe pain after urination. Can have pain from the urethra back to abdomen. Can have gravel or sediment in urine. Chilly
Bladder issues: calculi of kidneys. Gravel or sediment in urine. Can have blood in urine. Renal colic. Kidney pain from right kidney downward. Chilly
Genital herpes. Eruptions extending to buttocks. Moist. Offensive.
Two remedies to consider for deep cracks on hands and feet.
Initially excitable and sensitive. Then, becomes closed up, introverted, averse to company. Feels better when alone. Irritable. Abruptness
Mod: Chilly
<2-4pm or 3-5pm. Coition, hormonal changes, sea, loss of fluids, left side
>evening, exertion, occupation, vigorous activity
Loves sweets, chocolate, vinegar
She had headaches on left side with pain over left eye. Better with motion
She hated tight clothing around her neck. Sometimes gets a sensation of a lump. Chilly. Feels better with exercise.
Sensation of lump - in her throat, or in her rectum (not concurrently)
Sensation of a stone in her bladder.
Incontinence on coughing, laughing, sneezing. Aversion to sex, agg by hormonal changes
She had severe leucorrhea. Vaginitis. Suffered from prolapse of uterus with bearing down pain; felt she needed to sit with her legs crossed.
State is caused by a delusion that her body is disfigured. Must rely on self to earn a living; ailments from sexual abuse.
She had a yielding, mild, refined, sensitive temperament. Lacks self-confidence. Timid. Irresolution. But, she is really obstinate, has fixed ideas, conscientious about trifles. Fear of public speaking, stage fright, test phobia
Mod: chilly, <cold weather
<cold, draft, uncovering, suppression of perspiration, chg of moon, coition, vaccination
Suffer weakness, fatigue, collapse. Stitching pains
Her headache was from the occiput to forehead or sometimes on the right side. Worse cold draft on head. Wears a hat, even in mild weather.
Her face had acne, that leaves scars. Recurrent tonsilitis with splinter like pains. Also had constipation.
A key remedy to consider in diseases of the bone of spine. Scoliosis, caries.
Profuse, offensive, corrosive footsweat. Excoriates skin and destroys socks. Sour. Acrid.
She had delicate, pale skin. But, lots of skin issues: unhealthy, tendency to suppuration, fistulas, abscesses, eruptions, itching, keloids, vitiligo, impetigo, tumors, warts.
State: She was defiant, obstinate and determined to retain a fixed image of self. Worried about what others think of me - in a specific way. If will lose image - high anxiety and apprehension.
A remedy known for neuralgias, heart symptoms. Strongly LEFT SIDED. Stitching pains.
She was very responsible looking. Serious. Her loving husband died several years ago. Now, she has neuralgic pain that feels like hot needles in her left eye.
A remedy to consider for trigeminal neuralgia on left side.
He had headache pain on left side. Sometimes involving the left eye. A stitching pain. <noise, motion. The headache comes periodically.
A remedy to consider for angina pectoria that is worse least motion, deep inspiration. Better hot drinks and lying on the right side.
His palpatations were violent, visible, audible. Offensive breath. Worse bending forward, motion, inspiration
The headache pain goes from the occiput to the left eye. The left eyeball feels like it is going to come out of the socket.
A remedy known for respiratory, glands and heart conditions. Feels better with warm drinks and food
Spongia tosta
Her throat had constriction, ticklying and dryness. Pain from cough, talking, swallowing, touch. Must clear throat frequently. Hoarseness.
Spongia tosta
A remedy to consider for painful swelling of spermatic cords, testes. Orchitis. Epididymitis.
Spongia tosta
Dryness in all air passages. Difficulty breathing.
<after midnight, during sleep, hot room
>eating and drinking warm
Awakes in fright and feeling of suffocation. Sleeps into aggravation.
Spongia tosta
The cough was from a tickling or irritation in the throat or chest. Dry, croup, raspy - like sawing thin wood. Barking. Better drinking and eating, esp warm things.
Spongia tosta
A remedy known for extreme weakness and exhaustion. Often related to respiratory system (usually end stage).
He had great anxiety and weakness. Feels no hope. Feels weak. Know they will die soon. Difficult concentration due to mental weakenss. Worse weeping.
Mod: Chilly, worse daytime
<using voice, 4-6am, daytime, least exertion
>during menses, lying
Pressive pains. Hollow sensation. Pains gradually increase and decrease.
Usually, they are skinny and pale patients. With profuse muco-purulent secretions. Easy expectoration. Better bending double. Better menses.
Strong odor of body during menses.
Great weakness and exhaustion.
Can hardly talk, hard to breath, cough is hard and painful (thick, green mucous), trembling extremities.
Ailments from: suppressed anger, indignation, mortification, romantic disappointments, emotions, grief. History of abuse.
<morning on waking, afternoon nap, anger, indignation, grief, masturbation, sexual excesses
>warmth, rest, breakfast
A remedy to consider when there are ailments from abdominal operations. Eg. colic from surgery
Sensation of a wooden block or ball in forehead or occiput. Can have numb or hollow sensations.
His psoriasis came on after his wife died. He doesn't show his emotions. Silent grief
State: He needs to maintain dignity, despite being beaten down. Bears all humiliations but won't loose his dignity.
A Sulphur state of egotism predisposes to a ______ state of humiliation.
She had the delusion she is all alone in the wilderness. Forsaken feeling. Strong fears at night. Wakes with terror.
A remedy to consider in ailments from fright, head injury, vaccination, fever, CVA, or suppressed anger. Intense emotions leading to violence.
State: Feels he is being scorned, suppressed, put down, criticized. Feels humiliation and pride is hurt. Embarrassment. Struggles for ego and honor. If feels poor - overcompensates with collections. Inquisitive.
Skin stuff. Any kind of eruption. Moist, burning, itching. Worse heat, heat of bed, wool, bathing.
The autistic child was obstinate and irritable. But, liked to take apart electrical circuits and rebuild them repeatively. Warm-blooded.
He was very hurried - in everything he does (eating, walking, talking..). Wants to accomplish many things at once - but ineffectual. Out of order. Full of plans but is scattered. Absent minded. Distracted. Then - exhausted!
Sulphuric acid
Mod: Chilly, worse cold
<smog, fumes, smoke, perfume, menopause
>walking fast
Right sided complaints (except head)
Fatigue and exhaustion, trembling
Sulphuric acid
He was chilly and loved brandy and sweets. Very chilly. Didn't want to drink water - wanted some alcohol added to it!
Sulphuric acid
He suffered from mouth sores (apthae) - and they were all along his GI tract. Heartburn. Gastritis. Sour perspiration
Sulphuric acid
A remedy known for improving the reunion of bones in fractures. Favors production of callus. Irritability. Pricking pain at point of fracture.
Pricking, stitching pains that remain after wound is healed. Worse touch. Periosteal pains after healed wounds.
Key remedy to consider in injuries to the EYEBALL. Blunt trauma, great pain in eyeball.
Arnica is known for injuries to the soft spots, ______is known for injuries of the hard spots.
_____ follows Arnica well in healing an injury.
The 13 year old boy described his anxiety around health, disease, infectious germs, aversion to dirt. He ritualistically washed his eyelids to be "perfect" each morning. He seemed emotionally disconnected to lvoed ones. What remedy?
Mod: Worse NIGHT. Dreads it.
<night, 2-4am, seashore,
>slow motion
Bone pains at night. Congenital deformations. Alcoholism.
State: He feels there is no hope. Reaction is violent, antisocial, kills. Hopeless and despair, indifference, desire to kill, washing hands; when everything feels desperate.
The old professor had sudden, periodical anxiety. Weeping. Sadness. Sometimes feels as if someone is coming to arrest him. Suffers from tremendous nausea.
MOD: Tremendous nausea, icy cold, cold sweat
<great heat or great cold, opening eyes, motion, tobacco
>uncovering abdomen, open fresh air
Symptoms occur in paroxysms
Pains appear suddenly
He described his headache that comes with severe nausea. Worse urinating, better open air
He had deathly nausea. With or without vomiting. Worse tobacco, opening eyes, least motion. Better fresh air.
He describe his horrible colic pains. Constipation, worse tobacco. He strains and sweats during stool.
A remedy known for curing skin symptoms, with intensely burning lesions (infection, abscesses, ulcer, eczema).
Tarentula cubensis
A remedy to consider for Bubonic Plague. As curative and preventative, esp during period of invasion. Purplish hue and burning, stinging pains, Bubos
Tarentula cubensis
The dying man had terrible pian, nervous restlessness. A remedy to consider when trying to soothe in the last struggles.
Tarentual cubensis
His skin had red spots and pimples. Feels puffed all over. Carbuncles, burning, stinging pain. Purplish hue. Gangrene, abscesses where pain and inflammation dominate.
Tarentula cubensis
A remedy known for overstimulation of the nervous system. Most hurried of all remedies. Right sided.
Tarentula hispanica
The are high energy, love music, dancing, colors. But fears of getting trapped, assaulted. Feels not attractive enough and does not get attention he craves. Can be cunning to get it.
Tarentula hispanica
Hyperactive, restless, hurried. Impatient. Mania, Cunning. Children are obstinate, disobedient and hyperactive
Tarentula hispanica
Mod: Chilly, worse cold
<touch, bright colors
>vigorous motion, rhythmic music, rubbing
Burning pains, periodicity, formication "pins needles"
Tarentula hispanica
This remedy is about unrequited love (not disappointed love). Unreciprocated love. Sankaran.
Tarentula hispanica
This remedy is desperate to fit in. Low self-esteem. Feels worthless. Nobody would love them if they really knew them.
Fear of wind (3R)
When talking - the last words of sentences are mumbled.
They can be manipulative, dictatorial to compensate the inner feeling of worthless. Fixed ideas. Conscientious about trifles.
Mod: Chilly
<cold, damp weather, 5pm, left side, heat of bed, vaccination, tea, onions
>warm, free secretions, open air
Oily skin, problem with nails
Green-yellow discharges
State: fragility, weakness in oneself, even in the physical sphere. Worried about losing face with society - image is impt. Guilt, jealous, fixed ideas, secretive
The remedy is known for inner discontentment, need for change. Usually right sided.
Romantic longings. They seek self-gratification, fulfillment but never achieve it.
Driven to change, restless, desire to travel. Can be aggressive, malicious, Frustration.
Fear of dogs and CATS. Or, can be disgusted with cat fur.
Claims they have allergies
Compulsive neurosis. Wants things done in a certain order. Checks things. Ritualistic behavior. Inner compulsion. Never truly satisfied.
Precocious children. Restless, discontented, obstinate, irritable, hyperactive. Consider this remedy for mental retardation and autism in children.
<evening, before storm, chg weather, cold wet weather, seas, draft,
>warm dry weather, pine forests, mountains, open air
Strong allergic tendencies and respiratory disorders
The young woman had enlarged glands (neck). They were indurated, like knotted cords.
General exhaustion, fatigue.
The child was hyperactive. Frequent colds and flus. Thin - emaciated despite eating heavily. Allergy to milk and cats.
The boy desired fat, pork, ham, salami, smoked meat, cold milk, ice cream, salty
But the milk aggravated him.
The man's headache was like an iron band. Periodic - comes every other week.
Strikes head against things (3R)
Alopecia. Acne. Circumscribed red cheeks. Grinding of teeth in sleep. Promiscuous. Asthma better walking against wind - even riding with car with head outside window.
State: Feeling of being stuck, suffocated and oppressed (chronically) Weight or pressure is increasingly suffocating him - he needs to move out. Will "break free" of bonds and undertake rash, bold, daring action. Can lead to destructiveness. The love the wind blowing in face. Sankaran.
The man had hives as an allergic reaction to eating shellfish. What remedy?
Urtica urens
Urticaria alternating with rheumatism.
<cold bathing, cool damp air
Rheumatism associated with urticaria-like eruptions.
Urtica urens
A remedy to consider when there are disturbances in lactation. (absent, deficient, inappropriate)
Urtica urens
Urticaria from over-heating and exertion.
Urtica urens
Consider using this remedy for first or second degree burns (not Cantharsis). Burns are burning and stinging
Urtica urens
Mentally overstimulated, restlessness, hyperactivity, NEED for MOTION, intellectual precocity, senseless, repetitive behavior out of internal restlessness.
Veratrum album
They can be hardhearted, critical, cursing. Haughty. Never happy with social position - feel they deserve more.
Veratrum album
Mania. Religious delusions. Thinks he is the chosen person. Hugs and kisses inappropriately. Go into a depressive state. Despair of salvation.
Veratrum album
Mod: Chilly, worse cold
<exertion, drinking, cold drinks, wet cold,
>hot drinks, walking about, warm foods, stimulants
Internal coldness - as if ice-water runs in their veins
Veratrum album
With vomiting and/or diarrhea, they are weak and collapse with coldness and cold perspiration.
Veratrum album
Cold perspiration on the forehead (3R)
Veratrum album
Collapsed. With cold breath. (3R)
Veratrum album
The man's diarrhea was profuse, watery, forceful and worse taking chill. He also had vomiting and coldness. Prostration.
Veratrum album
A remedy to consider when the patient lives at "the extremes of life". Use any means to get their ends.
Veratrum album
State: Feels that he lost his social position which he must regain quickly by any means or he will be finished.
Veratrum album
Physically, he had cold perspiration on the forehead with nearly all complaints, pale face, rapid and feeble pulse. Pale tongue.
Veratrum album
A remedy known for profuse retching, vomiting, diarrhea -violent evacuations.
Interestingly, the remedy is also known for dryness of all mucous membranes.
Veratrum album
A female sexual organ remedy known for dysmenorrhea. The keynote is: pains radiate from the sacrum to the pelvis and into the upper, inner thighs. Cramping, bearing down sensations.
Mod: Chilly, spasms, cramps
<warm room, lying affected side,
>open air, rest
Pains come on suddenly and severe.
Sensation as if pelvic organs are turned upside down.
A remedy to consider for uterine hemorrhage and miscarriage. Sometimes can prevent miscarriage. Also used for false labor-pains and after pains. BEARING DOWN
Cramping pains from abdomen going down thighs; and/or
Pains from back around the pelvis and to anterior muscles of thighs.
Two female remedies, both are nervous, irritable and anxious. Key difference is body temp.
Viburnum is _________
Sabina is ___________
Viburnum is chilly
Sabina is warm-blooded
A remedy known for over-stimulation of nervous system. Restless. Can have abnormal/involuntary movements and gets exhausted from it.
Children that are restless and discontented. Think of 4 remedies.
Cycle: Hyperactive, restless, over-sensitive - discontented, complaining - mental confusion, dull, collapse - depression, suicidal - feels calm when thinking of suicide.
Polarity of overstimulate and then weakness and collapse in later stages. Also known for ailments from suppressed discharges, menses, eruptions - get spasms, jerks, tics, chorea
A remedy to consider for meningitis, encephalitis. Rolls head side to side, bores head in pillow, twitching, stupor, paralysis (Hell)
The woman dreaded her menses. She was agg before menses...and was amel by the flow. Name 2 remedies.
Name 3 remedies that are very restless and constantly moving legs and feet.
Rhus tox
Tarentula hispanica
State: Has a feeling of being attack - it is a constant state. Ready and alert with twitching, restlessness, fidgety. Excited state and then to collapse.
Consider this remedy when there is tremendous repression of eruptions or emotions. Can cause somnambulism, suppressed anger, trembling, weakness, involuntary movement, skin eruptions, fissures.