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132 Cards in this Set

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When reading a medical record you see the following notation: Patient states, "I have had a cold for about a week, and now i am having difficulty breathing." This is an example of?
A) Past history
B) review of systems
C) functional assessment
D) a reason for seeking care
D) a reason for seeking care
you have reason to question the reliability of the information being provided by a patient. One way to verify the reliability within the context of the interview is to?
rephrase the same question later in the interview
the statement "Reason for seeking care" has replaced the "chief complaint." This change is significant because?
the newer term incorporates wellness needs
During an initial interview, the examiner says, "Mrs. J., tell me what you do when your headaches occur." With this question, the examiner is seeking information about?
A) the pt's perception of the problem
B) aggravating or relieving factors
C) the frequency of the problem
D) the severity of the problem
B) aggravating and relieving factors
Which of the following is an appropriate recording of a patient's reason for seeking health care?`
A) angina
B) substernal pain radiating to left axilla, 1hr duration
C) "grabbing" chest pain for 2 hr
D) pleurisy, 2 days duration
C) "grabbing" chest pain
A genogram is useful in showing information concisely. It is used specifically for?
family history
Select the best description of "review of systems" as part of the health history?
A) evaluation of the past and present health state of each body system
B) documentation of the problem as described by the patient
C) recording of the objective findings of the practitioner
D) statement that describes the overall health state
A) evaluation of the past and present health state of each body system
which of the following is considered to be subjective?
A) T: 101.2F
B) P: 96
C) wt loss of 20 pouinds since last visit
D) pain lasting 2 hrs
D) pain lasting 2hrs
When taking a health history for a child, what information, in addition to that of an adult, is usually obtained?
A) coping and stress management
B) a review of immunizations received
C) environmental hazards
D) hospitalization history
B) immunization records
Functional assessment measures how a person manages day-to-day activities. The impact of a disease on the daily activities of the older adult is referred to as?
A) interpersonal relationship assessment
B) instrumental activites of daily living
C) reason for seeking care
D) disease burden
D) disease burden
although a full mental status exam may not be required, the examiner must be aware of the 4 main headings of the assessment while performing the interview and physical exam. These heading are?
A) mood, affect, consciousness, orientation
B) memory, attention, thought content, perceptions
C) language, orientation, attention, abstract reasoning
D) appearance, behavior, cognition, thought processes
D) appearance, behavior, cognition, thought processes
select the finding that most accurately describes the appearance of a pt:
A) tense posture and restless activity. clothing clean but not appropriate for season.
B) oriented x3. affect appropriate for circumstances
C) alert and responds to verbal stimuli. tearful when diagnosis discussed.
D) laughing inappropriately, oriented x3
A) tense posture and restless activity
the ability to lay down new memories is part of the assessment of cognitive functions. One way to accomplish this is by:
A) noting whether the pt completes a thought without wandering
B) test of general knowledge.
C) description of past medical history
D) use of the 4 unrelated words test
D) 4 unrelated words test
in order to accurately plan for discharge teaching, additional assessments may be required for the pt with aphasia. This may be accomplished by asking the pt to:
A) calculate serial 7s
B) name his or her grandkids and birthdays
C) demonstrate word comprehension by naming articles in teh room as you point to them
D) interpret a proverb
C) demonstrate word omprehension by naming articles around the room
during an interview with a pt newly diagnosed with a seizure disorder, the pt states, "I plan to b an airline pilot." If the pt continues to have this as a career goal after teaching regarding seizure disorders has been proveded, the practitioner might question the pt's:
A) thought processes
B) judgement
C) attention span
D) recent memory
On a pts second day in an acut care hospital, the pt complains about the "bugs" on the bed. The bed is clean. This would be an example of altered:
A) thought processes
B) orientation
C) perception
D) higher intellectual function
C) perception
one way to assess cognitive function and to detect dementia is with:
A) proverb intepretation test
B) mini-mental exam
C) 4 unrelated words test
D) older adult behavior checklist
B) mini-mental
the behavioral checklist, completed by a parent, is used to assess the mental status of:
A) infants
B) kids 1-5
C) kids 7-11
D) adolescents
D) kids 7-11
a major characteristic of dementia is:
A) impairment of short and longterm memory
B) hallucinations
C) sudden onset of symptoms
D) substance-induced
A) impairment of short and lonterm memory
lack of emotional response
flat affect
loss of identity
excessive well-being
apprehensive from the anticipation of a danger whose source is unknown
annoyed, easily provoked
loss of control
sad, gloomy, dejected
rapid shift of emotions
worried about known external danger
which of the following are examples of intimate partner violence?
A) an ex-boyfriend stalks his ex-girlfriend
B) marital rape
C) hitting a date
D) all of the above
D) all
routine, universal screening for domestic violence means:
A) asking women who come to the health care system if they are abused each time they come
B) asking women who have injuries if they are abused
C) asking women who have symptoms of PTSD if they are abused
D) asking women ages 18 to 30 if they are abused
A) all women
mental health problems associated with intimate partner violence include:
A) hallucinations
B) suicidality
C) schizophrenia
B) suicidality
gynecologic problems not associated with intimate partner violence include:
A) pelvic pain
B) ovarian cysts
D) vaginal tearing
B) ovarian cysts
risk factors for intimate partner homicide include:
A) abuse during pregnancy
B) victim substance abuse
C) victim unemployment
D) history of victim childhood sexual assault
A) abuse during pregnancy
elder abuse and neglect include:
A) willful infliction of force
B) withholding prescription meds without medical orders
C) not replacing broken eyeglasses
D) threatening to place someone in a nursing home
E) all of the above
E) all
when assessing an injury on a child, which of the following should be considered?
A) the child's developmental level
B) the child's medical and medication history
C) the history of ho the injury occurred
D) all of the above
D) all of the above
known risk factors for a child maltreatment include which of the following?
A) substance abuse
B) intimate partner violence
C) physical disability/mental retardation in the child
D) all above
D) all above
bruising in a non-cruising child:
A) is a common finding from normal infant activity
B) needs to be further evaluated for either an abusive or medical explanation
C) is commonly seen on the buttocks
D) cannot be reported until after a full medical evaluation
B) needs to be further evaluated for either an abusive or medical explanation
various parts of the hand are used during palpation. The part of the hand used for the assessment of vibration is what?
ulnar surface of the hand
when performing indirect percussion, the stationary finger is struck:
A) at the ulnar surface
B) at the middle joint
C) distal interphalangeal joint
D) wherever it is in contact with the skin
C) distal interphalangeal joint
the best description of the pitch of a sound wave obtained by percussion is:
A) intensity of the sound
B) # of vibrations per second
C) length of time the note lingers
D) overtones of the note
B) # vibrations
the bell of the stethoscope is used for?
soft, low-pitched sounds
The opthalmoscope has 5 apertures. Which aperture would be used to assess the eyes of a pt with undilated pupils?
C) small
at the conclusion of the exam, the examiner should?
A) document findings before leaving the room
B) have findings confirmed by another HCP
C) relate objective findings to the subjective findings
D) summarize findings to the pt
D) summarize findings to the pt
When the practitioner enters the exam room the infant pt is asleep. The practitioner would best start the exam with?
A) ht and wt
C)heart, lung, abdomen
D) Temp
C) heart lung and abdomen
the sequence of an exam changes from the beginning with the thorax to that of head to toe with what age child?
A) infant
B) preschool
C) school-aged
D) adolescent
C) school-aged
the 4 areas to consider during the general survey are:
A) ethinicity, sex, age, socioeconomic
B) physical appearance, sex, ethnicity, affect
C) dress, affect, nonverbal behavior, mobility
D) physical appearance, body structure, mobility, behavior
D) physical appearance, body structure, mobility, behavior
during the general survey part of the examination, gait is assessed. When walking, the base is usually?
shoulder width
a child 18 months of age is brought in for a health screening visit. To assess the ht of the child:
A) use a tape measure
B) use a horizontal measuring board
C) have the child stand on the upright scale
D) measure arm span to estimate ht
B) horizontal measuring board
B.D. was delivered by C-section at 38 weeks gestation because of fetal distress. She weighed 6lb4oz. This weight:
A) normal
B) too small
C) large
D) cannot be determined by available data
A) normal
during the 8th and 9th decades of life, physical changes occur. Ht and wt:
A) both increase
B) wt increases, ht decreases
C) both decrease
D) both remain the sameas during the 70s
C) both decrease
during an initial home visit, the pt's T=97.4F. This temperature
A) cannot be evaluated without a knowledge of the pt's age
B) is below normal
C) should be taken rectally for core temp
D) should be reevaluated at the next visit before a decision is made
A) cannot be evaluated withou the age
Select the best description of an accurate assessment of a pt's pulse:
A) count for 15 seconds if reg.
B) begin countin with 0, count for 30 seconds
C) count for 30 secs and multiply by 2 for all cases
D) count for 1 full minute beginning with 0
B) begin with 0, count for 30 sec
after assessing the pt's pulse the practitioner determines it to be normal. This should be recorded as?
Select the best description of an accurate assessment of a pt's respirations:
A) count for a full minute before taking the pulse
B) ount for 15 secs and multiply by 4
C) count after informing the py where you are in teh assessment process
D) count for 30 seconds following pulse assessment
D) count for 30 seconds following pulse assessment
Pulse pressure is:
A) difference between systolic and diastolic pressures
B) reflection of the viscosity of the blood
C) another way to express the sytolic pressure
D) measure of vasoconstriction
A) differece between systolic and diastolic pressures
Examiner is going to assess for coarctation of the aorta. In an individual with a coarctation the thigh pressure would be:
A) higher than in the arm
B) equal to that in the arm
C) there is no constant relationship. findings are individual
D) lower than in the arm
D) lower than in the arm
mean arterial pressure:
A) arithmetic average of systolic and diastolic pressures
B) driving force of blood during systole
C) diastolic pressure plus 1/3 pulse ressure
D) corresponding to Phase III Korotkoff's
C) diastolic + 1/3 pulse pressure
at what phase during nociception does the individual become aware of a painful sensation>
A) modulation
B) transduction
C) peception
D) transmision
C) percepion
While taking a history the pt describes a burning, painful sensation that moves around his toes and bottoms of his feet. These symptoms suggest:
A) nociceptive pain
B) neuropathic pain
B) neuropathic
during the PE, your pt. is diaphoretic, pale and complains of pain directly over the LUQ. This would be categorized by:
A) cutaneous pan
B) somatic pain
C) visceral pain
D) psychogenic pain
while caring for a preterm infant, you are aware that:
A) inhibitory neurotransmitters are in sufficient supple by15 weeks gestation
B) the fetus has less capacity to feel pain
C) repetitive blood draws have minimal long-term consequences
D) the preterm infant is more sensitive to painful stimuli
D) preterm is more sensitive to painfu stimuli
the most reliable indicator of pain in the adult is:
A) degree of physical funcitoning
B) nonverbal behaviors
C) MRI findings
D) pt's self report
D) self-report
while examining a broken arm of a 4yr old boy, select the appropriate assessment tool to evaluate his pain status:
A) 1-10 numeric
B) wong-baker scale, faces
C) simple descriptor
D) 0-5 numeric
B) wong-baker faces
normal age-related findings in teh lower extremeties of an 80yr old woman would be:
A) crepitus
B) joint swelling
C)diminished strength
D) unilateral muscle atrophy
C) diminished strength
when a person presents with aute pain of the abdomen, following initial examination, t is best to withhold analgesia until diagnostic testing is complete and diagnosis is made: T/F
for older adults post-op pts, poorly controlled acute pain places them at higher risk for:
A) atelectasis
B) increased myocardial O2 demand
C) impaired wound healing
D) all of the above
D) all
30yr old female reports having persistent intense pain in her right arm r/t trauma sustained from a MVA 5 months ago. She states that the slightest touch or clothing can exacerbate the pain. This report is suggestive of:
A) referred pain
B) psychogenic pain
C) complex regional pain I
D) cutaneous pain
C) complex regional pain I
the CRIES is an appropriate pain assessment tool for:
A) cognitively impaired older adults
B) kids 2-8
C) infants
D) preterm and term neonates
D) neonates
pain problem should be anticipated in a cognitively impaired older adult with a history of:
A) diabetes
D) Parkinsons
B) peripheral vascular disease
the balance between nutrient intake and nutrient reqs is dscribed as:
A) undernutrition
B) malnutrition
C) nutritional status
D) overnutrition
C) nutritional status
to support the synthesis of maternal and fetal tissue during pregnancy, a wt gain of ___lbs is recommended.
A) 25-35
B) 28-40
C) 15-25
D) depends on BMI of mother before pregnancy
D) depends on BMI
which of the following are normal, expected changes in the older adult?
A) increase in energy needs
B)increase in body water
C) decrease i ht
D) increase in AP diameter of the chest
C) decrease in ht
which of the following data would be obtained as part of a nutritional screening?
A) Temp, P, Resp
B) BP, genogram
C) wt and nutrition intake history
D) serum creatinine levels
C) wt and nutrition intake history
current dietart guidelines recommend that complex carbs comprise ___% of total caloric intake?
24-hr recall of dietary intake:
A) anthropometricmeasure of calories consumed
B) questionaire of everything eaten in the last 24 hrs
C) same as a food frequency questionaire
D) a form of food diary
B) questionaire of everything eaten within the last 24 hrs
the nutritional needs of a pt with trauma or major surgery:
A) are met by fat reserves in obese individuals
B) may be 2 or 3 times greater than normal
C) can be met with IV fluids, supplements with vitamins and electrolytes
D) are met by glycogen reserves
B) may be 2-3 times greater than normal
Mary, a 15 yr old, has come for a school physcal. During the interview the examiner is told that menarche has not occured. An explanation to be explored is:
A) nutritional deficiency
B) alcohol intake
C) smoking history
D) possible elevated blood sugar
A) nutritional deficiency
Older adults are at risk for alteration in nutrtional status. From the idividuals described below, select the individuals who appear least at risk:
A) 80yr old widower who lives alone
B) 65 yr old widower who visits a senior center 5 times a week for meals
C) 70 yr old with poor dentition who lives with a son
D) 73 yr old couple with low income and no transportation
B) 65yr with meal plan at senior center
body wt as a % of ideal body wt is calculated to assess for malnutrition. Severe malnutrition is diagnosed when current body wt is:
A) 80-90% ideal
B) 70-80% ideal
C) less than 70% ideal
D) 120% ideal
C) <70%
the examiner is completing an initial assesment for a pt being admitted to a long term care facility. The pt is unable to stand for a measurement of ht. in order to obtain this important anthropometric information the examiner may:
A) measure the waist-to-hip circumference
B) estimate BMI
C) measure arm span
D) obtain mid-upper arm muscle circumference
C) arm span
a skin testing or anergy panel has been ordered for a patient. This test is done to:
A) determine serum protein levels
B) determine the need for adult immunizations
C) assess for excessive exposure to ultraviolet light
D) assess for immunocompetence
D) assess for immunocompetence
which assessment finding indicates nutrition risk?
A) BMI 24
B)serum albumin 2.5
C)wt 200lbs
D)BMI 19
B) serum albumin
marasmus is often characterized by:
A) severely depleted visceral proteins
B) elevated triglycerides
C) hyperglycemia
D) low wt for ht
D) low wt for ht
What BMI = obesity
select the best description of the secretion of the eccrine glands
A) thick, milky
B) dilute saline solution
C) protective lipid substance
D) keratin
B) dilute saine solution
nevus is the medical term for:
to assess for early jaundice you will assess
sclera and hard palate
checking for kin temp is best accomplished by using which part of the hand?
dorsal (back)
skin turgor is assessed by picking up a large fold of skin on the anterior chest under the clavicle. This is done to determine if the pt is?
what is teh nomal angle for the base of a nail?
160 degrees
capillary refill should be in what range?
1-2 seconds
during routine visit a 78 yr old asks about a small, round, flat, brown macule on the hands. You respond with,
A) thse are the result of sun exposure and do not require attention
B) these are related to sun exposure and may become cancerous
C) these are skin tags that occur with aging
D) i will arrange a biopsy
an area of thin, shiny skin with decrased visibility of normal skin markings is called?
A) lichenification
B) plaque
C) atrophy
D) keloid
C) atrophy
flattening of the angle between the nail and its base is?
the configuration for individual lesions arranged in circles or arcs, as occurs with ringworm, is called:
A) linear
B) clustered
C) annular
D) attenuated
C) annular
the A in ABCDE rule stands for
a risk factor of melanoma is:
A) brown eyes
B) darkly pigmented skin
C) skin that freckles or burns before tanning
D) use of sunscreen
C) skin that freckles or burns
lyme disease is more prevalent:
A) from May-September
B) along the west coast
C) kids under 3
D) those participating in water sports
A) May-September
cutaneous anthrax:
A) incubation is 10-15 days
B) completely curable with antibiotic treatment
C) has absence of pain or edema
D) forms pustular, umbilicated lesions
B) curable with antibiotics
What facial bone articulates at a joint not a suture?
A) zygomatic
C) nasal
D) mandible
D) mandible
what blood vessel runs diagonally across the sternomastoid muscle?
A) temporal
B) carotid
C) external jugular vein
D) internaljugular vein
C) ext jugular V
the isthmus of the thyroid gland lies just below the ?
A) mandible
B) cricoid cartilage
C) hyoid cartilage
D) thyroid cartilage
B) cricoid cartilage
select the statement that is true of cluster headaches...
A) may be precipitated by alcohol and daytime napping
B) usually 2 per month lasting 1-3 days
C) characterized as throbbing
D) supraorbitol, retro-orbital, or frontotemporal
A) alcohol and daytime napping
select the symptom that is least likely to indicate a possible malignancy...
A) history of radiation therapy to head and neck
B) history of using chewing tobacco
C) large alcohol consumption
D) tenderness
D) tenderness
providing resistance while the pt shrugs shoulders is a test of what CN?
if the thyroid gland is enlarged bilaterally which of the following maneuvers is appropriate?
A) check for deviation of the trachea
B) listen for a bruit over carotids
C) listen for a murmur over the aortic area
D) listen for a bruit over the thyroid lobes
D) bruit over the thyroid lobes
it is normal to palpate a few lymph moddes in the neck of a healthy person. What are the characteristics of these nodes?
mobile, soft, nontender
normal cervical lymph nodes are
A) smaller than 1cm
B) warm to palpation
C) fixed
D) firm
A) smaller than 1cm
a throbbing unilateral pain associated with nausea, vomitting, and photophobia is characteristic of:
A) cluster headache
B) subarachnoid hemorrhage
C) migraine headache
D) tension headache
C) migraine
the palpebral fissure is?
open space between eyelids
the corneal reflex is mediated by cranial nerves?
A) 2 and 3
B) 2 and 6
C) 5 and 7
D) 6 and 4
C) 5 and 7
What retinal structures are viewed through the opthalmoscope?
optic disc, retinal vessels, macula
what is a positive consensual light reflex?
constricture of the left eye when a bright light is shown in the right eye
what is the thickening and yellowing of the lens?
senile cataract
what would constitute an eye emergency?
A) floaters
B) epiphoria
C) sudden vision change
D) photophobia
visual acuity is assessed with what?
snellen chart
the cover test assesses for?
muscle weakness
what CNs control eye movement?
In a person who is blind in one eye a nurse tests for consensual reflexes. what should happen
both eyes constrict
what color is the tympanic membrane?
pearly gray
which direction is the pinna pulled in a child before attempting to use the opthalmoscope?
to differentiate between air conduction and bone conduction what test should be performed?
Rinne test
where are the hearing receptors located?
A) vestibule
B) semicircular canals
C) middle ear
D) cochlea
D) cochlea
a common cause of a conductive hearing loss is:
A) impacted cerumen
B) acute rheumatic fever
C) a CVA
D) otitis externa
A) cerumen
the most common site of nosebleeds is
A) turbinates
B) columellae
C) Kiesselbach's plexus
D) meatus
D) Kiesselbach's plexus
What sinuses are accessible for examination?
frontal and maxillary
what is the frenulum?
connector of the tongue to the floor of the mouth
oral malignancies are most likely to develop where?
A) soft palate
B) tongue
C) buccal cavity
D) under the tongue
D) under the tongue
tonsils that touch the uvula are graded as?
where is the most common area to develop breast cancer?
upper outer quadrant
when is the best time to perform a breast self exam
same day each month
what does an abnormal mass of the breast feel like?
A) round, firm, wel demarcated
B) irregular, poorly defined, fixed
C) rubbery, mobile, tender
D) lobular, clear magins, no retraction
B) irregular, poorly defined, fixed