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20 Cards in this Set

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in what part of the ear are the ossicles found and what are they called?
They are in the middle ear and are the malleus, incus, and stapes
Which nucleus do the hair cells of the inner ear send impulses to and where is it located?
Spiral ganglion and its located in a depression in the temporal bone.
Where do fibers from the spiral ganglion synapse in the brainstem?
cochlear nuclei in the medulla
Where do the majority of fibers from the ventral and dorsal cochlear nuclei synapse.
They travel bilaterally to the inferior colliculus via the lateral lemniscus.
Where do fibers from the inferior colliculi travel and synapse?
Medial geniculate body in the thalamus
What is the end destination of auditory fibers?
Primary auditory cortices of the temporal lobe
Aside from the inferior colliculus, where else do fibers from ventral cochlear nuclei synapse?
They travel bilaterally to the superior olivary nucleus, then through the lateral lemniscus to the inferior colliculus.
Where do fibers of the startle reflex travel?
From the inferior colliculus to autonomic motor centers
What is the name of the pathway from the thalamus to the temporal gyrus?
Auditory radiation
What are the vestibular receptor organs called and where are they located?
Fluid filled sacs called utricle and sacculus and three fluid-filled semicircular canals found in the inner ear.
What ganglion is associated with vestibular sensory fibers?
Vestibular ganglion in the internal acoustic meatus.
Where do fibers from vestibular ganglia synapse?
In the lateral and superior vestibular nuclei
Where do vestibular fibers from the vestibular nuclei travel?
To the flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum via the inferior cerebellar peduncle.
Where do vestibular fibers from the flocculonodular lobe travel?
To the fastigial nucleus of the cerebellum.
Fibers that bypass the vestibular nuclei from the ganglia terminate where?
Flocculonodular lobe of cerebellum
Where do vestibular nuclei from the fastigial nucleus travel?
They travel bilaterally to synapse on the vestibular nuclei to establish the feedback loop.
Fibers cascading down to the lateral vestibular nucleus send motor impulses to the spinal cord in what tract?
Vestibulospinal tract and they synapse on anterior horn cells.
Fibers cascading down to the superior, meidal, and inferior vestibular nuclei send motor impulses to the spinal cord in what tract?
Ipsilaterally and contralaterally in the medial vestibulospinal tract.
Vestibulo-occular fibers travel where?
From the medial, superior, and inferior vestibular nuclei bilaterally in the medial longitudinal fasciculus to the occulomotor, trochlear, and abducens nuclei.
Vestibulo-thalmo-cortical pathways run where?
They originate in the superior, lasteral, and inferior vestibular nuclei and synapse in the ventral posterolateral nucleus and posterior nuclear group of the thalamus.