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45 Cards in this Set

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Bones that extend to cover the brain.
Bony area covering the brain area, top of the head, sutures.
Whata are the cranial bones?
occipital, frontal, parietal, temporal, sphenoid, ethmoid
What are the facial bones?
vomer, lacrimal, nasal, inferior nasal conchae, zygomatic, maxilla, and mandible
What bone makes up the front of the skull?
The hole above the eye.
supraorbital foramen and notch
What bone is paired and is the middle of the skull?
What bone makes up the back of the skull?
What is anterior to the foramen magnum, base of the occipital?
What makes up 90% of the occipital bone?
What makes our head rotate, articulates with the atlas, near foramen magnum?
occipital condyles
What does the spinal cord go through?
foramen magnum
What is the small hole slightly superior to the foramen magnum?
carotid canal
What is the large hole superior and lateal to magnum?
jugular foramen
What bone is by the ears?
What is the large flat portion of the tempoarl bone?
Where does the mandible articulate with on the temporal bone?
Mandibular foss or glenoid fossa
What do the mastoid process, styloid process, stylomastoid foramen, and carotid canal make up?
petrous part of the temporal bone
What makes up the tympanic part of the termporal bone?
external and internal acoustic meatus
What goes through the Sylomastoid Foramen?
Facial Nerve (CN 7)
Cheek bone.
What goes through the superior orbital fissure?
CN 3, 5, Opthalmic of 5, and 6
What goes through the inferior orbital fissure?
What goes through the foramen ovale?
mandibular branch of 5
What goes through the foramen rotundum?
maxillary branch of 5
What goes through the foramen spinosum?
middle meningeal artery
What goes through the foramen lacerum?
filled with cartilage (false opening)
What goes through the foramen magnum?
spinal cord
What goes through the carotid canal?
internal carotid artery
What goes through the jugular foramen?
CN 9, 10, 11 and Internal jugular vein
What goes through the stylomastoid foramen?
Facial Nerve (CN 7)
What goes through the external auditory meatus?
filled with air
What goes through the internal auditory meatus?
Facial and Auditory (CN 7 & 8)
What goes through the optic canal?
Optic Nerve (CN 2)
What goes through the hypoglossal canal?
Hypoglossal nerve (CN 12)
What goes through the cribifrom plate?
Olfactory nerve (CN 1)
What goes through the mandibular foramen?
inferior alveolar nerve
What goes through the mental foramen?
mental nerve
What goes through the incisive foramen?
nasopalatine nerve
What goes through the Greater Palatine foramen?
greater palatine nerve
What goes through the lesser palatine foramen?
lesser palatine nerve
What does the nasolacrimal duct do?
drains tears
What goes through the supraorbital foramen and notch?
supraorbital nerve
What goes through the infraorbital foramen?
infraorbital foramen
What goes through the posterior superior alveolar foramina?
posterior superior alveolar nerve