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146 Cards in this Set

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What is the name for the end of the muscle attached to the least moveable structure?
What is the name for the end of the muscle attached to the most moveable structure?
What are the muscle of mastication?
medial and lateral pterygoid, temporalis, and masseter
What is the origin of the medial pterygoid?
pterygoid fossa of the sphenoid bone
What is the insertion of the medial pterygoid?
inner aspect of the angle of the mandible
What is the action of the medial pterygoid?
close the mandible
What nerve is associated with the medial pterygoid?
mandibular branch of the trigeminal branch
What is the origin of the lateral pterygoid?
greater wing of the sphenoid and the lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid
What is the insertion of the lateral pterygoid?
pterygoid Fovea of the mandible
(Near or on Condyle)
What is the action of the lateral pterygoid?
1. Protrusion
2. Opening the Jaw
3. Lateral Movement
What nerve is associated with the lateral pterygoid?
mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve
What is the origin of the temporalis?
temporal fossa
What is the insertion of the temporalis?
coronoid process
What is the action of the temporalis?
1. Close
2. Retract
What is the nerve associated with the temporalis?
mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve
What is the origin of the masseter?
zygomatic arch
What is the insertion of the masseter?
outer aspect angle and ramus of the mandible
What is the nerve associated with the masseter?
mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve
What are the anterior suprahyoid muscles?
anterior belly of the digastric
What are the posterior syprahyoids?
posterior belly of digastric
What is the origin of the anterior belly of digastric?
intermediate tendon
What is the insertion of the anterior belly of digastric?
inner surface of the mandible
What is the action of the anterior belly of digastric?
1. Opening the jaw
2. Pull hyoid forward & up
What is the nerve associated with the anterior belly of digastric?
mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve
What is the origin of the mylohyoid?
mylohyoid line
What is the insertion of the mylohyoid?
hyoid bone
What is the action of the mylohyoid?
1. Open the jaw
2. Pull hyoid forward and up
What is the origin of the geniohyoid?
What is the insertion of the geniohyoid?
hyoid bone
What is the action of the geniohyoid?
1. Opening the jaw
2. pull hyoid forward and up
What is the nerve associated with the geniohyoid?
Cervical Vertebra #1
What is the origin of the posterior belly of digastric?
mastoid process
What is the insertion of the posterior belly of digastric?
intermediate tendon
What is the action of the posterior belly of digastric?
pull hyoid up and back
What is the nerve associated with the posterior belly of digastric?
facial nerve
(CN 7)
What is the origin of the stylohyoid?
syloid process
What is the insertion of the stylohyoid?
hyoid bone
What is the action of the stylohyoid?
pull hyoid up and back
What is the nerve associated with the stylohyoid?
facial nerve
(CN 7)
What muscles can you palpate during and extraoral exam?
temporalis and masseter
What allows the belly of the digastric to bend at a 90 degree angle?
hole in the stylohyoid
What connects the anterior belly of digastric to posterior belly of digastric?
intermediate tendon
What are the 3 parts of the digastric muscle?
anterior belly of digastric
posterior belly of digastric
intermediate tendon
What are the infrahyoid muscles?
sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid, and omohyoid
What is the origin of the sternohyoid?
What is the insertion of the sternohyoid?
hyoid bone
What is the action of the sternohyoid?
depress the hyoid
What nerve is associated with the sternohyoid?
cervical vertebra 2 & 3
What is the origin of the sternothyroid?
What is the insertion of the sternothyroid?
thyroid cartilage
What is the action of the sternothyroid?
depress the hyoid
What is the nerve associated with the sternothyroid?
cervical vertebra 2 & 3
What is the origin of the thyrohyoid?
thyroid cartilage
What is the insertion of the thyrohyoid?
hyoid bone
What is the action of the thyrohyoid?
depress the hyoid
What is the nerve associated with the thyrohyoid?
cervical vertebra 2 & 3
What is the origin of the omohyoid?
What is the insertion of the omohyoid?
hyoid bone
What is the action of the omohyoid?
depress the hyoid
What is the nerve associated with the omohyoid?
cervical vertebra 2 & 3
What are the extrinsic muscles of the tongue?
genioglossus, styloglossus, hyoglossus
What is the origin of the intrinsic tongue muscle?
What is the insertion of the intrinsic tongue muscle?
throughout the tongue
What is the action of the intrinsic tongue muscle?
fine movement
(speech and moving food)
What is the nerve associated with the intrinsic tongue muscles?
hypoglossal nerve
(CN 12)
What is the origin of the genioglossus?
genial tubercles
What is the insertion of the genioglossus?
What is the action of the genioglossus?
pull the tongue forward
What is the nerve associated with genioglossus?
hypoglossal nerve
(CN 12)
What is the origin of the styloglossus?
styloid process
What is the insertion of the styloglossus?
What is the action of the styloglossus?
pull the tongue back
What is the nerve associated with the styloglossus?
hypoglossal nerve
(CN 12)
What is the origin of the hyoglossus?
hyoid bone
What is the insertion of the hyoglossus?
What is the action of the hyoglossus?
pull the tongue down
What is the nerve associated with the hyoglossus?
hypoglossal nerve
(CN 12)
What are the cervical muscles?
What is the origin of the sternocleidomastoid?
sternum and clavicle
What is the insertion of the sternocleidomastoid?
mastoid process
What is the action of the sternocleidomastoid?
both contract-head tilts forward
one contracts-face goes in opposite direction
What is the nerve associated with the sternocleidomastoid?
Accessory Nerve
(CN 11)
What is the origin of the trapezius?
1. Occipital
2. Midline of Cervical Vertebra
3. Midline of Thoracic Vertebra
What is the insertion of the trapezius?
1. Clacivle
2. Scapula
What is the action of the trapezius?
Lift the shoulders
What is the nerve associated with the trapezius?
Accessory Nerve
(CN 11)
What are the muscles of the pharynx?
superior, middle, and inferior phyaryngeal constrictor
What is the origin of the stylopharyngeus?
styloid process
What is the insertion of the stylopharyngeus?
lateral and posterior walls of the pharynx
What is the action of the stylopharyngeus?
elevates and widens the pharynx helping drive food inferiorly (swallowing)
What is the nerve associated with the stylopharyngeus?
glossopharyngeal nerve
(CN 9)
What is the origin of the superior pharyngeal constrictor?
1. Hamulus
2. mandible
3. pterygomandibular raphe
What is the insertion of the superior pharyngeal constrictor?
median pharyngeal raphe
What is the action of the superior pharyngeal constrictor?
elevates and widens the pharynx helping drive the food inferiorly (swallowing)
What is the origin of the midde pharyngeal constrictor?
1. hyoid bone
2. stylohyoid muscle
What is the insertion of the middle pharyngeal constrictor?
median pharyngeal constrictor
What is the action of the middle pharyngeal constrictor?
elevates and widens the pharynx helping drive the food inferiorly (swallowing)
What is the nerve associated with the superior pharyngeal constrictor?
pharyngeal plexus
What is the nerve associated with the middle pharyngeal constrictor?
pharyngeal plexus
What is the origin of the inferior pharyngeal constrictor?
1. thyroid cartilage
2. cricoid cartilage
What is the insertion of the inferior pharyngeal constrictor?
median pharyngeal raphe
What is the action of the inferior pharyngeal constrictor?
elevates and widens the pharynx helping drive the food inferiorly (swallowing)
What is the nerve associated with the inferior pharyngeal constrictor?
pharyngeal plexus
what are the muscles of the soft palate?
1. palatoglossus
2. palatopharyngeus
3. levator veli palatini
4. tensor veli palatini
What is the action of the palatoglossus?
forms the anterior faucial pillars
what is the nerve associated with the palatoglossus?
pharyngeal plexus
What is the action of the palatopharyngeus?
forms the posterior faucial pillars
What is the nerve associated with the palatopharyngeus?
pharyngeal plexus
What is the action of the levator veli palatini?
raise the soft palate
(contacts the posterior pharyngeal wall)
What is the nerve associated with the levator veli palatini?
pharyngeal plexus
What is the action of the tensor veli palatini?
tense and lower the soft palate
What is the nerve associated with the tensor veli palatini?
mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve
What muscle attach to the pterygomandibular raphe?
buccinator and superior pharyngeal constrictor
What are the parts of the epicranial?
frontal belly (frontalis)
galea aponeurotica (epicranial aponeurosis)
occipital belly (occipitalis)
What is the action of the frontal belly (frontalis) of the epicranial?
What is the action of the frontal belly (frontalis)
galea aponeurotica (epicranial aponeurosis)
occipital belly (occipitalis)?
What connects the frontalis to the occipitalis?
galea aponeurotica
What is the nerve associated with the frontal belly (frontalis)
galea aponeurotica (epicranial aponeurosis)
occipital belly (occipitalis)?
facial nerve
(CN 7)
What is the action of the orbicularis oris?
closes the eyelid
What is the nerve associated with the orbicularis oris?
facial nerve
(CN 7)
What is the action of the currugator supercilii?
What is the nerve associated with the currugator supercilii?
facial nerve
(CN 7)
What is the action of the orbicularis oris?
pursing the lips (kissing)
closes the mouth
What is the nerve associated with the orbicularis oris?
facial nerve
(CN 7)
What is the action of the buccinator?
manipulation of food
What is the nerve associated with the buccinator?
facial nerve
(CN 7)
What is the action of the risorius?
stretches the lips (grimacing)
What is the nerve associated with the risorius?
facial nerve
(CN 7)
What is the action of the zygomaticus major?
What is the nerve associated with the zygomaticus major?
facial nerve
(CN 7)
What is the action of the zygomaticus minor?
What is the nerve associated with the zygomaticus minor?
facial nerve
(CN 7)
What is the action of the levator anguli oris?
What is the nerve associated with the levator anguli oris?
facial nerve
(CN 7)
What is the action of the levator labii superioris?
raise the upper lip
What is the nerve associated with the levator labii superioris?
facial nerve
(CN 7)
What is the action of the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi?
raise the upper lip
What is the nerve associated with the levator labii superioris alaque nasi?
facial nerve
(CN 7)
What is the action of the depressor anguli oris?
lower the lower lip
What is the nerve associated with the depressor anguli oris?
facial nerve
(CN 7)
What is the action of the depressor labii inferioris?
lower the lower lip
What is the nerve associated with the depressor labii inferioris?
facial nerve
(CN 7)
What is the action of the mentalis?
raiese the chin
protrudes the lower lip
What is the nerve of the mentalis?
facial nerve
(CN 7)
What is the action of the platysma?
What is the nerve associated with the platysma?
facial nerve
(CN 7)