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25 Cards in this Set

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What muscle is considered a muscle of mastication?
masseter muscle
The origin of the muscle is?
the muscle end attached to the least moveable structure
What paired muscle unites medially, forming the floor of the mouth?
mylohyoid muscle
What muscle group depresses the hyoid bone?
infrahyoid muscles
What is the most important muscle used when the patient's lips close around the saliva ejector?
orbicularis oris muscle
What muscle group is involved in elevating the hyoid bone and depressing the mandible?
suprahyoid muscle
What muscle group is innervated by the cervical nerves?
infrahyoid muscles
Which muscle can make the patient's oral vestibule shallow, therby making dental work difficult?
mantalis muscle
What muscle group is innervated by the facial nerve?
muscles of facial expression
What muscle groups inserts directly on the hyoid bone?
geniohyoid, stylohyoid, and omohyoid
Which muscle is used when the patient grimaces?
risorius muscle
What muscle is an extrinsic muscle of the tongue?
hyoglossus muscle
What muscle compresses the cheeks during chewing, assisting the muscles of masticaiton?
buccinator muscle
The superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle does what?
inserts on the median pharyngeal raphe
The masseter muscle originates where?
zygomatic arch
What muscle creates the anterior faucial pillar in the oral cavity?
palatoglossus muscle
What occurs when both sternocleidomastoid muscles are used by the patient?
head flexes at the neck
What muscle does not aid in smiling with the lips when it contracts?
epicranial muscle
What muscle lies just deep to the skin of the neck?
platysma muscle
What muscle, when contracted, causes a frown?
depressor anguli oris muscle
What is considered an intrinsic tongue muscle?
superior longitudinal muscle
The muscle of the pharynx are invloved in what?
middle ear function
The posterior belly of the digastric muscle is also what muscle?
posterior suprahyoid muscle
What innervates the temporalis muscle?
mandibular branch of the trigeminal nverve
What muscle's activity helps to prevent the tongue from sinking back and obstructing respiration?
genioglossus muscle