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36 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
- define
- boundaries
anterior aspect of head

- sup: forehead (superciliary arches
- inf: lower edge of mandible
- lat: ears
- layers
- boundaries
layers (SCALP)
- skin
- CT: thick, dense, lots of blood
- aponeurosis: attachment of frontal and occipital bellies of the occipitofrontalis muscle
- loose CT: DANGER ZONE spongelike with lots of potential spaces. facilitates movement
- pericranium (periosteum of outer surface)

SCA considered "scalp proper"

- superior nuchal line of occipital bone
- supraorbital margin of frontal bone
- zygomatic arches
muscles of facial expression
- overview
- derived from 2nd pharyngeal arch (CN VII)
- located in superficial fascia
- origin: bone/fascia
- insertion: skin
- 3 functional groups: orbital, nasal, oral
muscles of facial expression
- orbital group (2)
- orbicularis oculi: surrounds the orbital oriface and extends into the eyelid (3 parts)

2 major parts:
- orbital: close eye tightly, wrinkle forehead
- palpebral ("on eyelid"): gently closes eye
1 minor part: lacrimal part: aids in drainage of tears from lateral -> medial of eye

- corrugator supercilii: cause vertical wrinkles above nose [WORRY LINES]
* from medial superciiliary arch to middle of supraorbital margin
most commonly botoxed muscle in face
corrugator supercilii!
muscles of facial expression
- nasal group (2)
- procerus
from nasal bone and upper nasal cartilage to skin of lower forehead
- make wrinkles over bridge of nose (DISDAIN)

nasalis: 2 opposing parts
- transverse: compress nares
- alar: open nares
muscles of facial expression
- oral group
**2 normal
**3 lower group
**4 upper group
** 2 misc
- orbicularis oris
- buccinator

- depressor anguli oris
- depressor labii inferioris
- mentalis

- zygomatic major
- zygomatic minor
- levator labii superioris
- levator labii superioris alaque nasi

- occipitofrontalis
- platysma
muscles of facial expression
- oral group
2 normal
- orbicularis oris: completely encircles mouth
origin: maxilla, mandible, corner of mouth
insert: mucous membrane of lips
A: close mouth, purse lips

buccinator: keeps food in oral cavity
origin: post mandible, maxilla, pterygomandibular raphe
insert: lips and blends with orbicularis oris
Action: presses cheek against teeth
muscles of facial expression
- oral group
**3 lower
depressor anguli oris
- side of mandible to corner of mouth
- depresses corner of mouth

depressor labii inferioris
- deep to above
- mandible to lower lip
- LOWERS the lower lip and moves lateral

- mandible to skin of chin
- wrinkles chin [POUTING]
muscles of facial expression
- oral group
**4 upper
zygomatic major
- lateral zygomatic bone to skin of corner of mouth

zygomatic minor
- ant zygomatic bone to medial to corner of mouth

levator labii superioris
- maxilla to skin of upper lip
- deepen furrow bw nose and corner of mouth

levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
- longest name
- medial to above
- frontal process of maxilla to alar of nose and lip
- flare nostrils and raise upper lip
muscles of facial expression
- oral group
**2 misc
- attachments: skin of eyebrows -> aponeurosis -> superior nuchal line
- action: retract scalp (occipital belly) or raise eyebrows (frontal belly)

- below clavicle to mandible and muscles of mouth.
- tenses skin of neck (wrinkles)
muscles of mastication
- where do they act on
- what type of joint
- describe the joint
acts on the TMJ

it is a modified synovial hinge joint formed between the head of mandible and "articular tubercle" and "mandibular fossa" of temporal bone

- joint is divided into upper/lower parts by articular disc
- sup and inf synovial membranes are completely separate
- joint capsule is attached to the articular disc
movements along TMJ
- which muscles involved
- gravity
- digastric, geniohyoid, mylohyoid

- temporalis
- masseter
- medial pterygoid

- lateral pteryoid
- assist with medial pterygoid

- post fibers of temporalis
- deep masseter
- geniohyoid
- digastric

lateral movements (grinding)
muscles of mastication
- masseter
- temporalis
- lateral pteryoid
- medial pterygoid
masseter muscle
- origin
- insertion
- nerve
- action
A: elevate mandible
O: zygomatic arch/maxillary process of zygomatic bone

I: angle and lateral surface of ramus of mandible

N: masseteric nerve of V3
temporalis muscle
- origin
- insertion
- nerve
- action
A: elevation of mandible

O: temporal fossa/fascia

I: coronoid process of mandible and anterior ramus

N: deep temporal branch of V3
lateral pterygoid muscle
- origin
- insertion
- nerve
- action
A: protracts mandible
- upper: roof of infratemporal crest of greater wing of sphenoid
- lower: lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate

I: joint capsule of TMJ and condyloid process of mandible

N: lateral pterygoid n of V3
medial pterygoid muscle
- origin
- insertion
- nerve
- action
A: elevate mandible (some protrusion)

superficial: tuberosity of maxilla
deep: medial surface of pterygoid plate

I: medial surface of ramus

N: medial pterygoid of V3
nerves of face and scalp
- since face is derived from first and second pharyngeal arch, CN V and VII

- CN V: cutaneous innervation of face and motor muscles of mastication

- CN VII: motor to muscles of facial expression

- SCALP innervated by CN and cervical nerves
path of CN VII
- exits post cranial fossa via INTERNAL ACOUSTIC MEATUS

- pass through temporal bone, give branches in cranial cavity

- exit skull through STYLOMASTOID FORAMEN

- enters parotid gland and divides into:

- the two branches form: parotid plexus

- 5 terminal branches of the plexus
5 terminal branches of CN VII
Two Zebras Bit My Coccyx

(T and Z above parotid duct)
(B and M below parotid duct)
(C below mandible)

- temporal: temple forehead, supraorbital region

- zygomatic: infraorbital, lateral nasal

- buccal: cheek, upper lip, corner mouth

- marginal mandibular: lower lip, chin

- cervical: platysma
bells palsy
- injury to CN VII that causes ipsilateral muscle weakness to facial expression

- unknown etiology
can be shingles
- sudden onset, variable prognosis
sensory innervation to the face and scalp
- general plan

- specific nerves
FACE: all sensory innervation is provided by CN V

- anterior to vertex: CN V
- posterior to vertex: cervical nerves
**note: occipitofrontalis is innervated by CN VII**

- supratrochlear (V1)
- supra-orbital (V1)
- zygomaticotemporal (V2)
- auriculotemporal (V3)

- great auricular
- lesser occipital
- greater occipital
- 3rd occipital
branches of CN V and their innervation type
V1: ophthalmic
- sensory only

V2: maxillary
- sensory only

V3: mandibular
- sensory
- motor to 4 mastication muscles
arterial supply of face
- ECA (9)

- facial artery is major vessel.
- facial a terminates as angular artery at medial eye
- other facial artery branches:
*inferior labial a
*superior labial a
*lateral nasal a

- transverse facial artery [br off superficial temporal artery; terminal branch of ECA]

- maxillary artery branches
*infra-orbital: enters through infraorbital foramen
*mental: through mental foramen
arterial supply of face
- ICA (5)

branches of ophthalmic artery
- zygomaticofacial
- zygomaticotemporal
- dorsal nasal
- supra-orbital
- supratrochlear
arterial supply of scalp
- imp clinical concept with blood supply
- superficial temporal
- post. auricular
- occipital

- supratrochlear
- supraorbital

- arteries anastamose ipsilaterally and contralaterally
parotid gland
- location
- where does duct exit
- what is its path
- ant: extends halfway across masseter
- post: covers SCM and masseter
- sup: zygomatic arch
- inf: lower border of mandible

duct exit
- ant aspect of gland halfway bw zygomatic arch and corner of mouth

duct path
- pierces buccinator muscle
- enters oral cavity @ second upper molar
structures that enter or pass through/deep to parotid gland
- ECA and branches

- retromandibular vein
*this is formed IN THE PAROTID gland by the union of:
- superficial temporal v
- maxillary v
innervation of the parotid gland
- sensory
sensory (gland/parotid sheath/skin):
- auriculotemporal (V3)
- great auricular (C2-3)

PSNS (stimulate secretion)
- presynapse: CN IX
- synapse: otic ganglia
- postsynapse: auriculotemporal (V3)

SNS (reduce secretion)
- cervical ganglia via ECA plexus
boundaries of temporal fossa
- posterior/superior: sup/inf temporal lines

- anterior: frontal/zygomatic bones

- laterally: zygomatic arch

- inferior: infratemporal crest

- floor: parietal/frontal/temporal/sphenoid

- roof: temporal fascia
contents of temporal fascia (5)
- temporalis muscle/fascia
- deep temporal n (V3)
- zygomaticotemporal n (V2)
- deep temporal a [br of maxillary]
- middle temporal a [br of superficial temporal a]
boundaries of infratemporal fossa
- lateral: ramus of the mandible

- medially: lateral pterygoid plate

- ant: post maxilla

- post: tympanic plate/mastoid process/styloid process

- sup: inf surface of greater wing of sphenoid

- inf: attchment of medial pterygoid to mandible
contents of infratemporal fossa (8)
- inferior temporalis
- sphenomandibular ligament
- medial pterygoid muscle
- lateral pterygoid muscle
- maxillary a and branches
- pterygoid plexus (venous)
- mandibular V3
- buccal n (branch of V3)
sphenomandibular ligament
ligament that attaches the spine of sphenoid bone to lingula of mandible
difference bw buccal n and buccal branch
- buccal nerve: a branch of V3
deep/medial to masseter

- buccal branch: a branch of CN VII
superficial/lateral to masseter