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31 Cards in this Set

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Synonym for caudal
Synonym for cranial
Synonym for ventral
Synonym for dorsal
What do proximal and distal designate?
closeness to the center of the body; something proximal is closer to the center than something distal (the finger is distal to the wrist; the wrist is distal to the elbow)
Synonym for mid-sagittal plane?
median plane
Any plane parallel to the mid-sagittal (median) plane is called what?
sagittal plane
Synonym for transverse plane?
horizontal plane
Synonym for coronal plane?
frontal plane
Synonym for integumentary system?
skin (hair, nails, glands)
What attaches muscle to bone?
What attaches bone to bone?
Where is the carotid sinus located and what does it do?
beginning of internal carotid artery, and contains baroreceptors monitoring blood pressure
Where is are the carotid bodies located and what do they do?
bifurcation of common carotid artery and contain chemoreceptors that monitor PO2, PCO2, and pH
Which carotid artery (internal, external) branches off to supply the face?
external carotid
Which carotid artery (internal, external) branches only in the brain to supply it and its dura?
internal carotid
What are the 2 major components of the PNS?
12 pairs of CNs, 31 pairs of spinal nerves
What are the 3 major components of the CNS?
brain, brainstem, gray matter of spinal cord
What is an accumulation of nerve cell bodies outside of CNS?
What is an accumulation of nerve cell bodies inside the CNS?
Synonym for afferent
Synonym for efferent
What refers to sensory function (modality) perceived from the body and transmitted to the spinal cord or brain
General somatic afferent (GSA)
What are 4 perceptions of GSA?
pain, temperature, touch, proprioreception
What is the sensory modality received from within the viscera and transmitted to brain or spinal cord (glands, organs, and membranes).
General visceral afferent (GVA)
What is a motor component that serves to provide innervation to all of the skeletal muscles of somatic origin from brain or spinal cord?
General somatic efferent (GSE)
What provides motor innervation to smooth muscles, cardiac muscles, and glands from brain or spinal cord?
general visceral efferent (GVE)
The senses of sight and hearing are transmitted by what sensory component?
special somatic afferent (SSA)
The senses of taste and smell are transmitted by what sensory fibers?
special visceral afferent (SVA)
What is the motor component to the “special” muscles (branchiomeric origin)?
special visceral efferent (SVE)
What component is for the glands, smooth muscles, and mucous membranes of the head?
general visceral efferent (GVE)