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71 Cards in this Set

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Epithelial Tissue
the free surface of the skin
Columnar Epithelial Tissue
elongated, longer than they are wide- located in uterus, various organs of digestive system, and passage of respiratory system
What is the most complex tissue in the body?
Nerve Tissue
What is the Arrector muscle?
fastens to follicle and is responsible for goose bumps
How many bones are in the body?
What is Osteology?
the study of the structure of bone.
What is bone made up of?
inorganic mineral salts (calcium and phosphorus being most prevalant) and organic substance called ossein
What is the hard outer shell of the bone called
Compact bone
What is the inner spongy, porous portion of the bone called?
cancellous tissue
What is the center of the bone called?
Medullary canal- contains marrow
What are the ends of the long bones called?
Articular Cartilage
What is the thin outer membrane surrounding the bone called?
What bones are classified as long bones?
Femur and humerus
What bones are classifed as short bones?
Wrist and ankle bones
What bones are classified as flat bones?
skull, sternum, and scapula
What bones are classified as irregular bones?
vertebrae, mandible, and pelvic bones
How many bone classifications are there?
4- logn bones, short bones, irregular bones, and flat bones
What does the axial skeleton consist of?
skull, vertebral column, and thorax
How many bones make up the skull?
How many bones make up the cranium?
8- most of which are pairs
How many facial bones are there?
14 stationary bones
What are the 3 small bones in the auditory ossicles?
malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes (stirrup)
The vertebral column consists of how many vertebrae?
24 movable or true, plus the sacrum, and the coccyx
How many carpal bones are in the wrist?
8 arranged in two rows
What bone is known as the innominate bone?
the hip
What are the parts of the innominate bone?
ilium, ischium, and pubis
What are the TMJ's formed by?
temproal bone and the mandible
What are the 3 jobs of muscles?
Provide movement, maintain body posture, and provide heat
What is it called when muscles respond to stimulus?
excitability, or irritability
What is the area of the external lips where the red mucous membrane ends and normal outside of skin of the face begins known as?
Vermillion Border
What is deglutition?
the swallowing of food and involves a complex and coordinated process
What is plasma?
the liquid part of blood
What percent of whole blood is plasma?
Red Blood Cells
Erythrocytes, live only about 100-120 days in the body
White blood cells
What is the membranous sac that the heart is enclosed in?
What are the smooth surfaces of the heart and pericardium lubricated by?
pericardial fluid
What is the inner surface of the heart lined with?
What is the heart muscle?
What does the lymphatic system do?
helps defend the tissues against infections by supporting the activities of lymphocytes.
What do lymphocytes do?
give immunity, or resistance to the effects of specific disease causing agents
What does the Central Nervous System (CNS) consist of?
brean and spinal cord
What are meninges?
3 layers of membranes that cover the outside of the brain and spinal cord
The spinal cord is continuous with what and extends through where?
continuous with the medulla oblongata and extends from the foramen magnum through the atlas to the lower border of the first lumbar vertebrae.
What branches out from the Central Nervous System (CNS)?
the peripheral nervous system
How many pairs of cranial nerves are there?
How many pairs of spinal nerves are there?
What is the 1st Cranial nerve and what does it do?
Olfactory- sensory- sense of smell
2nd cranial nerve and function?
Optic-sensory- vision
3rd cranial nerve and its function?
Oculomotor-motor- eye movements
4th cranial nerve and its function?
Trochlear-motor-eye movements
5th cranial nerve and its function?
Trigeminal-mixed-sensation of the forehead and face and clenching of jaw
6th cranial nerve and its function?
Abducens-motor- eye movements
7th cranial nerve and its function?
Facial-mixed- face muscles
8th cranial nerve and its function?
Vestibulocochlear (acoustic)-sensory- controls hearing and balance
9th cranial nerve and its function?
Glossopharyngeal-mixed- sensation from upper mouth and throat
10th cranial nerve and its function?
Vagus-mixed- control of roof of mouth, vocal cords, and tone of voice
11th cranial nerve and its function?
Accessory- Motor- turning of head side to side and shoulder shrug
12th cranial nerve and its function?
Hypoglossal-motor- muscle activity of tongue
structure in the brain that synthesizes chemicals that are secreted to the pituitary gland to release hormones and help regulate body temperature
Pituitary Gland
small, pea-sized gland located at the base of the brain in the sella turcica- depression of the sphenoid bone
Thyroid gland
shaped like a butterfly, lies in the anterior part of the neck, below larynx. Secretes the iodine containing hormoe thyroxin
What are the cells in the endocrine portion of the pancreas called?
islands (islets) of Langerhans
How long is the alimentary canal (tract)?
9 meters in length
What does the alimentary canal include?
mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine
The small intestine has how many contiguous parts?
What are the 3 contiguous parts of the small intestine?
duodenum, jejunum, ileum
How long is the ileum?
3.5 meters (12 feet long)
What digestive juices does the pancreas produce?
amylase, proteinase, lipase
How long is the epididymis?
6 meters long