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52 Cards in this Set

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hood of the clitoris

buffers sex and prevents pain


only used for sexual stimulation

labia majora

outer vaginal lip that induces friction to stimulate the body for arousal

labia minora

inner lips

urethral orifice


honeymoon diasease

too much sex prevents the urethral orifice from closing and opening


premeable membrane, the strength of it varies from person to person


between the vagina and the anus, lots of nerve endings, easy to stimulate


sloped back at 45 degree angle

acidic environment to kill bacteria and sperm(only 50/350 sperm enter the uterus)


3-4 inches at the end of the uterus


found 1/3 of the up vaginal wall that produces multiple orgasms


strong sex organ that expands during pregnancy


embeds fertilized egg, site for menstrual flow

fallopian tube

width identical to that of a hair

per, myo, endometrium

has cilia to pull baby along

HPV and cervical cancer

are sexually linked

HPV needs skin to skin contact in both male and female.

cervical cancer= second leading female cause of deathe after breast cancer and is connected to # of sex partners/early sex activity and cigarette smoking

untreated STI

leads to PID which is an infection of the fallopian tubes, scar tissue and decreased fertility

eptopic pregnancy


sperm enters in fallopean tube and causes growth

cauterize fallopian tube

Premenstral syndrome (PMS)

physical and mental symptoms that are well documented, but hard to treat.


discovered the G-spot in 1950, induces hardening o f the clitoris and valva swelling, fluid is released from the urethra, but it is not urine

Hormone and physical development of the average male

Hypothalamus=> Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone=> Pituitary Gland=> releases FSH and ICSH which activates the testis=> which then releases Androgens(testosterone)

cremasteric response

stimulating the thigh muscle moves the scrotal sack up


contain seminiferous fliuds that produce androgens / hormones that enter the blood


at the end of the testicle, stores sperm until needed

vas deference

transfers sperm from the epididymus, male fallopian tubes

semininal vesicle

produces 70% of semen fluid volume

-its alkaline and high in frutose sugar to nourish sperm in acedic vagina

-sperm life is 72 hours after ejaculation


produces 30% of the ejaculation fluid


doubles in size by the time a male is 65, wraps around the urethra

Cowpers gland

under the prostate, releases preejaculate: clear fluid to prepare urethra and make it basic

- it can contain live sperm in the preejaculate if masterbation occured recently


important in urination oand ejaculation

Corpora cavernosa penis

- corresponds to the female clitoris, spongy tissue

corpus spongiosum penis

contains the urethra


outside hood


sexual stimuli induces vasocongestion, blood enters penis to induce erection

penis size

the vagina lacks nerves on the upper 2/3, the lower 1/3 is where its stimulated by the penis

- the most important sexual organ is the brain, its all mental.


infection that induces testicular ache and swelling

-it is treated with antibiotics

- does not affect fertility in males


male tubuligation, cut vas deferens and cauterize to prevent sperm release 99% effective, it syill releases fluid

prostate problems

push on bladder- pressure causes frequency

push on urethra:prevents fluid release

flonax drug that shrinks the prostate


insert needle in urethra, remove prostate tissue, allow urination:usually check for prostate cancer at the same time


insert scapel to cut prostate tissue: damage to prostate induces impotense due to lack of nerves for sex stimulation.

- daily ejaculation decreases chances for prostate cancer if continued until 40


- not medically benifical, predominatly cultural and religious.

- no effect on sexual pleasure

Testicles and ejaculation: 2 phases

Emission-collect sperm, seminal vesical fluid, prostatic fluid in ejaculate duct: block off fluid in between sphincter to increase pressure

Ejaculation: bottom sphincter opens, penis flex and eject semen.

Retrograde ejaculation:top of sphincter opens while bottom remains closed, semen back flow into bladder/urine to prostate, have orgasm without ejaculation.

25% men=> 3 conditions that rape would be ok

1.) if the women asks the guy out

2.)female goes back to the guys place

3.) if the guy spent alot of money


why do males not commit sexual assult and rape?

unethical? afraid to get caught?


why do we create certain acts

-males dont know how far they're going to go... up to the female.

-majority of females know how far they are going to go.


asked males to describe a situation where rape occured, they said that it occured, but would not say it was rape.

friends with benefits

mutual respect

greater longevity

some measure of affection

more honesty/less deceit

Erogenous Zones

places on the body sensitive to sexual stimulation.

- studied by Freud

Primary-neck, thigh, genitals, anus, nipples, ear lobes, mouth.

secondary- fetishes


suppose to increase libido, few confirmed.

-PEA chemical found in libido

oysters, passion fruit, bananas.

-variety and multi partners= true one

Women Sex Fantisies

-with current partner, relive the past

-different positions

-sex outside the bedroom

-on carpeted floor

Men sexual Fantasies

-with other people, even those not met

-receiving oral

-different positions

-on a beach

-aggressive partner

Helen Kaplan

non physical stages of sexual response.

1. Desire


3. Orgasm

-All sexual dysfunction fell under one of these categories.

Masters and Johnsons 4 stages

1. Excitement


3. Orgasm

4. Reslution