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30 Cards in this Set

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Ben Franklin

Who convinced France to help out the Americans during the American Revolution?

unalienable rights

Rights that can never be taken away such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness


What European nation sent troups and their navy to help the Patriots during the American Revolution?

lack of food, shoes, and clothing. Harsh weather conditions, Frostbite and disease

List the hardships Washington's troops faced at Valley Forge

Thomas Paine

Who wrote Common Sense which convinced many Americans to want independence from England?

July 4, 1776

The date and year that the Declaration of Independence was accepted

Thomas Jefferson

Who is credited with the writing of the Declaration of Independence?

Lexington & Concord

The first battle of the American Revolution

Battle of Lexington & Concord

The "shot heard round the world"

Philadelphia, PA

Location of the First and Second Continental Congresses meetings

Ben Franklin

Instrumental in negotiating the Treaty of Paris in 1783

Battles of Saratoga

Considered the turning point in the American Revolution

France & Spain became our allies

Why is it considered the turning point?

Articles of Confederation

The first constitution for the United States of America

Battle of Yorktown

Last major battle of the American Revolution

Bernardo de Galvez

A Spaniard who provided weapons, gunpowder, and other supplies for the Continental Army

Mercy Otis Warren

Wrote plays, poems, and essays supporting independence

Divide & Conquer

What was the British plan at Saratoga to win the war quickly?

Wentworth Cheswell

An African-American who rode to New Hampshire to warn the British were coming

George Washington

Commander-in-chief of the Continental Army

Samuel Adams

Leader of the Sons of Liberty and formed committees of Correspondence

Mississippi River

The western boundary of the United States according to the Treaty of Paris 1783

Marquis de LaFayette

A Frenchman who served in Washington's army

John Paul Jones

Father of the US Navy and famous for the words "I have not yet begun to fight!"

trapped on a peninsula between Washington's troops and the French Navy

What caused Cornwallis to surrender at the Battle of Yorktown?

Abigail Adams

The second First Lady of the United States remembered for a famous line "Remember the Ladies"

King George III

The person blamed in the Declaration of Independence for tyrannical acts leading up to the American Revolution

James Armistead

An African-American who worked as a "double-agent" for the United States during the American Revolution

Haym Salomon

A Jewish immigrant who was a member of the Sons of Liberty and used his own money to help pay for the American Revolution

Treaty of Paris 1783

Which document officially ended the American Revolution?