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25 Cards in this Set

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resistance patterns ___>___>___?

ADR ___<___<___?

resistance: PI > NNRTI > INSTI

- PI: higher barrier of resistance = need more mutations to stop drug from working (better)

- INSTI: Low barrier of resistance= need low amt of mutations to stop drug from working (worse)


NRTI (Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors) CLASS


other ADEs?

which drugs at ↑ or ↓ risk of ADEs?

which drugs have BBW hep B flare?

which drugs have renal adjustment req'd?

which drug require HLA-B*5701 testing?

BBW: lactic acidosis, & severe hepatomegaly w/ steatosis (fatty Δ)

- mitochondrial tox (periphaeral neuropathy, pancreatitis, muscle atrophy)

- (↑ risk) ddI>D4T>ZDV>>>TDF/3TC/FTC/ABC (↓ risk)

Hepatitis B flare (BBW): TDF, emtricitabine (FTC), lamivudine (3TC)

renal adj req'd: TDF, TAF (not enough data), emtricitabine (FTC), lamivudine (3TC)


NRTI-Tenofovir DF (TDF)


other ADEs? (7)

___ adjustment req'd?

BBW: hepatitis B flare

- HA, N/V/D

- osteopenia (study stat sig ↓ hip & spine bone mineral density in TDF, than TAF)

- renal insufficiency

- fanconi syndrome (glucose & AAs lost through urine, causes bone & kidney damage)

renal adjustment req'd

NRTI-Tenofovir AF (TAF)


other ADEs? (7)

___ adjustment req'd?

BBW: hepatitis B flare

- HA, N/V/D

- ↑ TC, LDL, HDL, TG

- ↓ risk bone mineral density & renal tox (than TDF)

-generally well tolerated :)

renal adjustment req'd

NRTI-emtricitabine (FTC)


other ADEs? (1)

___ adjustment req'd?

BBW: hepatitis B flare

- HYPERpigmentation of palms & soles (esp those w/ darker pigmentation already)

- generally well tolerated :)

renal adjustment req'd

NRTI-abacavir (ABC)


testing? what's it called?

___ adjustment req'd?

BBW: hypersensitivity rxn, if have ≥2 Sx groups d/c drug:

1. F

2. rash

3. N/V/D

4. fatigue

5. dyspnea/SOB, cough, pharyngitis

testing: CI--HLA-B*5701 pos

hepatic adjustment req'd

INSTI (Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitor) CLASS

- does this class have higher or lower barrier of resistance?

- rash & ↑CPK (raltegravir > or < dolutegravir)

- what INSTI combo brands have CrCL contraindications & what are the contraindications?

no class ADRs documented

generally well tolerated :)

lower barrier to resistance (need low amt of mutations to stop drug from working (bad))

*R*ash (*R*altegravir > dolutegravir)

↑CPK (dolutegravir > raltegravir)

CI: CrCl < 70 mL/min (start), CrCl <50 mL/min (during)

- {Genvoya} (Elvitegravir, Cobicistat, Emtricitabine & Tenofovir AF)

- {Stribild} (Elvitegravir, Cobicistat, Emtricitabine & Tenofovir DF)

INSTI-dolutegravir (DTG)



___ adj?

- HA,Insomnia

- Rash (raltegravir > dolutegravir)

- ↑CPK (dolutegravir > raltegravir)→ marker for Myopathy, Rhabomylsis

- ↑LFT (Esp in HCV or HBV infection)

- ↑SCr 0.1-0.2 (benign, inhib SCr excretion, not kidney issue, plateau in 2-3 weeks)

DDI: tk DTG 2hrs before or 6hrs after cations (Al, Ca, Fe, Mg)

renal adj

note: effective in some INSTI resistance

INSTI-elvitegravir (EVG)



boosting req'd?

tk w/ or w/out food?

- HA,Fatigue, Depression, Rash, N/V/D

DDI: separate antacids by 2 hrs

boosting req'd (w/ ritonavir or cobicistat)

EVG must be given w/ PI & ritonavir; {Stribild} or {Genovya} canbe given alone

tk w/ food

note: cross resistance w/ raltegravir

INSTI-raltegravir (RAL)



what about its dosing makes it different from other INSTIs?

- HA,N/D

- Rash (raltegravir > dolutegravir)

- ↑CPK (dolutegravir > raltegravir)→ marker for Myopathy, Rhabomylsis

CI/DDI: Al, Mg antacids

- Ca antacids safe

Note: BID dosing; effective in experienced Pts

PI (Protease Inhibitors) CLASS (card 1/2)

- ADEs (~5)

- DDIs (3)

- tk w/ or w/out food?

- which recommended for preg?

- Metabolicdisturbances (HYPERglycemia, HYPERlipidemia, etc)

- InsulinResistance

- Lipodystrophy--fat in diff locations

- GI (N/V/D)

- EKG Δs

DDIs: opioids, statins, anything w/ narrow therapeutic index

- all PIs tk w/ food!

- preferred agent in preg: atazanavir (ATV) & lopinavir(LPV/r, KAL)/ritonavir(RTV) {Kaletra}

PI (Protease Inhibitors) CLASS (card 2/2)

- which have hepatic adj?

- which renal & hepatic adj?

- which boost?

- which UNboost or boost?

- hepatic adj: darunavir (DRV), fosamprenavir (FOS-APV or FPV), lopinavir(LPV/r, KAL)/ritonavir(RTV) {Kaletra}

- renal & hepatic adj: atazanavir (ATV)

- BOOST: darunavir (DRV), lopinavir(LPV/r, KAL)/*ritonavir*(RTV) (already boosted)

- UNboost OR boost:

~ atazanavir (ATV), boost when give w/ TDF/TAF

~ fosamprenavir (FOS-APV or FPV), unboosted have DDI antacids & H2RAs

PI-atazanavir (ATV)

ADEs (4)

DDI (req what type of environment for abs?)

___ adj req'd?

is food or no food req'd?

is boosting req'd? if so w/ what drug?

CI or indicated for preg?

- Indirecthyperbilirubinemia

- Nephrolithiasis,Cholelithiasis

- Potential PR prolong

- note: Less metabolic issues vs other PIs

DDI: Requires acidic environment for abs (PPI, H2RA & Antacids ↓drug levels)

- renal & liver adj req'd

- food req'd

- can be UNboosted

- boosting req'd when ATV given w/ tenofovir (TDF, TAF)

~ note: alt PI Tx for naive Tx: atazanavir(PI,ATV) + (ritonavir or cobicistat or none) + {Truvada} OR {Descovy}

- Preferred agent in Pregnancy

PI-darunavir (DRV)



what if Pt has sulfa allergy?

___ adj req'd?

tk w/ or w/out food?

is boosting req'd?

- Rash (SJS & TEN)

- HA

- abd discomfort (N/V/D)

- HYPERlipidemia, HYPERglycemia

DDI: methadone (monitor for w/drawl Sx)

- caution (not CI) sulfa allergy

- hepatic adj req'd

- tk w/ food

- boosting req'd

~ note: alt PI Tx for naive Tx: darunavir(PI,DRV) + cobicistat + {Truvada} OR {Descovy}

note: useful for experienced Pts or resistant virus

PI-fosamprenavir (FOS-APV or FPV)--note not really available anymore



- what if Pt has sulfa allergy?

- is boosting req'd?

___ adj req'd?

tk w/ or w/out food?

- Rash, HA,N/V/D

- Nephrolithiasis


- boosted: don't worry about antacids or H2RAs

- UNboosted: antacids (2hr before, 1hr after); H2RA (≥2hrsbefore)

- Contains sulfa moiety (Use caution but not CI)

- hepatic adj req'd

- tk w/ food

- tk boosted or UNboosted (refer to DDI part)

PI-lopinavir(LPV/r, KAL)/ritonavir(RTV) {Kaletra} (only avail as combo)



___ adj req'd?

tk w/ or w/out food?

is boosting req'd

CI or indicated for preg?


- asthenia (abnormal physical weakness/↓energy)

- dyslipidemia (esp TG)


- disulfram rxn (metronidazole & alcohol solution)--no OH!

- oxycodone (↓dose)

- hepatic adj

- tk w/ food

- boosting req'd (hence the "ritonavir" combo...duh)

- recommended w/ preg

PI/PK enhancer-ritonavir (RTV)



CI w/ what drug?

- N/V/D

- Taste Δ

- Hepatotoxicity

- Rash

- Dyslipidemia

- ↑ CV events (MI, Ischemia)

indication: PI that's ONLY used for boosting

- not w/ nelfinavir (NFV) (will cause toxic levels)

in alcohol soln (worry about disulfram rxn)

NNRTI (Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors) CLASS

ADEs? (4)

which have liver adjustments req'd?

which tk w/ food?

which tk w/ NO food?

note: PO only

- rash (including Steven Johnson's Syndrome)

- ↑ LFTs

- long t1/2 (except delavirdine(DLV))

- sig cross resistance

- sig DDIs

liver adj req'd: efavirenz (EFV), nevirapine (NVP)

tk w/ food: rilpivirine (RPV), etravirine (ETR)

tk w/ NO food: efavirenz (EFV)

NNRTI-Efavirenz (EFV)



__ adj req'd?

tk w/ or w/out food?

- vivid/abnormal dreams

- insomnia, drowsiness, dizziness, hallucinations

- false pos cannabinoid & BZD screens

DDI: CYP 3A4 inhibitor & inducer, tacrolimus, sirolimus, cyclosporine, simvastatin, atorvastatin, oral contraceptives

- hepatic adj req'd (?evidence?)

-tk on EMPTY stomach, avoid high fat snacks

NNRTI-rilpivirine (RPV)


DDIs? (what drugs CI?)

tk w/ or w/out food?

requires what for abs?

- rash, HA, depression, insomnia

-↑ risk failure in CD4<200, or VL>100,000


- CYP3a inhibitor & substrate

- CI dexamethasone >1dose


- H2RA (H2RA≥12 hrsbefore or ≥ 4 hrsafter)

- Antacids (antacids 2 hrsbefore or 4 hrsafter)

requires FOOD (390-540 kcal) & acidic environment for abs

NNRTI-etravirine (ETR)



tk w/ or w/out food?

- rash (including SJS)

- N/D, dyslipidemia, ↑LFTs, peripheral neuropathy

-DDI: PDE5 req ↑dose

-tk w/ food!

info, not ADEs:

-active against several NRTI mutations, high barrier to resistance, experienced Pts only

- tabs can be dissolved in H20 (tk immediately after dissolve)

NNRTI-nevirapine (NVP)


___ adjustment req'd?

CI CD4 levels in males & females (@ initial phase)?

lead pd req'd, for how long?

- rash

- severe acute hepatitis (CD4 count related, occurs in 1st 6-8wks of Tx) & asymptomatic hepatitis (treat through, has ↑LFTs)

- hypersensitivity rxn (rash, F, hepatitis, arthralgias)

- hepatic adj req'd

CI (@ initial phase):

- males: CD4>400

- females: CD4>250

req lead in pd: 200mg x2wk, then ↑ to 400mg)

CCR5 Antagonist-maraviroc (MVC)



- N/V/D,HA, Fatigue

- URI,Cough

- OrthostaticHypotension (Dose dependent, Adjust dose in ↓ CrCl)

DDI: 3A4 inhibitors/inducers (dose adjust), pgp pump (dose adjust)

note: req CCR5 tropism; experienced Pts only!

Fusion inhibitor-enfuviritide (T20/ENF)


- inj site rxn

- bacterial pneumonia

no DDIs

note: experienced Pts, SC only

PK Enhancer-Cobicistat (COBI)



tk w/ or w/out food?

what drugs studied/indicated w/?

- N/V/D,Rash

- Dyslipidemia

- ↑LFT

- Jaundice,Ocular Icterus

- ↑SCr 0.1-0.2 (benign, inhib SCr excretion)

DDI: CYP 3A4 inhibitor

tk w/ food

note: Only studied/indicated with Atazanavir, Darunavir, Elvitegravir