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40 Cards in this Set

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What was the Magna Carta?
The Magna Carta, or great charter, was a document signed by King John that asserted citizens had certain rights and the monarch must obey the lae.
Where Jews excepted in Medieval Europe? Explain.
No, due to the fact that they were not members of the Catholic Church, they were treated with scorn. They were also blamed for natural disasters and other terrible events.
What was the Reconquista?
A campaign led by the Spanish to recover land taken over by the Muslims.
What was the Spanish Inquistion?
A Church court set up to try people accused of heresy.
What were the Crusades?
A series of several campaigns to retake the Holy Land from the Muslims.
What was Hammurabi's Code?
Hammurabi's Code was a set of laws set to fit crimes. These laws usually followed an "eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" mindset.
Describe Polytheisim
Polytheism is a belief in a multitude of gods or deities.
Who was Akhenaton?
Akhenaton was an Egyptian Pharaoh who attempted to convert Egypt to a monotheistic religion that involved the worship of Amon-Re.
Name a reason why Rome fell.
Military Attacks, Rise of Christianity, Social Decay, and Economic Weakness.
Where was Mesopotamia located?
Between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
What is the New Stone Age?
The New Stone Age is an era where people began to gain new skills, such as agriculture, that made dramatic changes in their lives.
What is the Mandate of Heaven?
The Mandate of Heaven was used to explain the dynastic cycle. As long as the government was strong, the kept the mandate, if it becomes weak, they lose favor with heaven.
Could you describe the Indian Caste System for me?
The castes are social groups that people are born into and rarely are changed. The castes are arranged based on ritual purity with Dalits on the bottom and Bhramin on the top.
Who is Shi Huangdi?
Was an Emperor during the Qin Dynasty. He had very harsh methods that ended up unifying China and had also built the Great Wall.
What is Confucianism?
A philosphy started by Confucius that had ideas of responsibility and harmony and 5 important relationships.
What is Legalisim?
Legalism is a philosophy based on the teachings of Hanfeizi, who believed "the nature of man is evil. His goodness is acquired." These beliefs brought forth harsh punishments that brought unity and efficiency to China.
What is the Silk Road.
The silk road was a network of trade routes that linked China to the West.
What is Hinduism?
Hinduism is a polytheistic religion that involves ideas such as karma and reincarnation.
What is the Shang Dynasty?
Is the first Chinese dynasty. This dynasty ruled from 1766 B.C until 1122 B.C.
What is the Great Wall?
The Great Wall is a fortification built by Shi Huangdi, this wall sprawled all over northern China with the purpose of keeping nomadic invaders away from China.
What was Cunieform?
A system of pictographs used by the Sumerians as a form of writing.
What was Mummification?
A skill used by the Egyptians to preserve dead bodies by embalming and wrapping corpses in cloth. This because they believed the soul needed the body in the afterlife.
What where Hieroglyphics?
A writing system used by the Egyptians where glyphs or pictures represented concepts,sounds, or objects.
What where the Nile's contributions to Egypt?
The Nile allowed Egyptians to travel from city to city and trade more easily.
Who where the Hittites?
The Hittites where a people's that discovered iron working. They came from Asia Minor to Mesopotamia in 1400 B.C until the Empire collapsed in 1200 B.C
Who was Abraham?
Abraham was a man who made a covenant with God and became known as the father of the Israelite people.
Who was Joan of Arc?
Joan was a peasant women who believed she was sent by God to save France. She led an army against the English until captured and burned at the stake.
Who was William the Conqueror?
Originally known as William of Normandy. William conquered England and became King of England on December 25th, 1066.
What was the Hundred Years War?
A conflict lasting from 1337 to 1453 between the English and French. They battled over the English Channel and the English land held by their Norman ancestors.
Could describe the Feudal System for me?
The feudal system was when Lesser lords pledged loyalty to higher ones in exchange for land. This land was worked by peasants, who were bound to the land.
What is a Hajj?
The Hajj is a pilgrimage to pray at the Kabba in Mecca.
Who is a Caliph?
A successor to Muhammad as a political and religious leader of the Muslims.
What is the Safavid Dynasty?
A Shiite Muslim empire that ruled much of present-day Iran from the 1500s to the 1700s.
Who are the Sunnis?
Members of another major Muslim sect that belie that inspiration came from the example of Muhammad as recorded by his early followers.
Who are the Shiites?
Members of one of the two major Muslim sects that believes the descendants of Muhammad's daughters and his son-in-law Ali are the true Muslim leaders.
What are the Five Pillars of Islam?
The Five Pillars of Islam are five duties for observant Muslims. These include a Declaration of Faith, Daily Prayer, Alms for the Poor, Fast During Ramadan, and a Hajj.
What is the Mecca?
Mecca was a market town where the prophet Muhammad lived.
What is Medina?
This is where Muhammad fled to with his followers after being run out of Mecca.
What is the Ottoman Empire?
Turkish-speaking nomadic people who migrate from Central Asia into northwestern Asia Minor.
What is the Sharia?
The Sharia is a body of law that includes Muslim Traditions, examples of behavior from Muhammad's life and interpretation of the Quran.