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54 Cards in this Set

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National movement focused on a variety of reform initiatives including ending corruption, a more businesslike approach to government, and legislative responses to industrial excess


Journalism exposing economic, social, and political evils, so named by Theodore Roosevelt for its "racking the muck" of American society

Social Darwinism

The application of Charles Darwin's theory of biological evolution to society, holding that the fittest and wealthiest survive, the week and the poor parish, and government action is unable to alter this "natural" process


Submission of a law, proposed or already in effect, to a direct popular vote for approval or rejection

Temperance groups

Groups dedicated to reducing the sale and consumption of alcohol


Advance on the production, sale, and consumption of liquor, achieved temporarily through state laws and the 18th amendment

Open shop

Factory or business employing workers whether or not they are union members; in practice, such business usually refuses to hire union members and follows anti-union policies


Popular name for the members of the Industrial Workers of the World


Artistic individual who lives with disregard for the conventional rules of behavior

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Organization founded by w.e.b Du Bois in 1910 dedicated to restoring African American political and social rights

Sherman antitrust act

The first federal antitrust measure, passed in 1890, sought to promote economic competition by prohibiting business combinations in restraint of trade or commerce

Hepburn act

An act that strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission by authorizing it to set maximum railroad rates and inspect financial records

Pure Food and Drug Act

An act that established the Food and Drug Administration, which tested and approved drugs before they went on the market

New Freedom

Woodrow Wilson's 1912 program for limited government intervention in the economy to restore competition by curtailing the restricted influences of trusts and protective tariffs, thereby providing opportunities for individual achievement

Underwood-Simmons act 1913

Reform law that lowered tariff rates and levied the first regular federal income tax

16th amendment

Authorized a federal income tax

Federal Reserve act

The 1913 law that revised banking and currency by extending limited government regulations through the creation of the Federal Reserve System

Clayton antitrust act 1914

Replace to the old Sherman Act as the nation's basic antitrust law. Exemplified unions from being construed as illegal combinations in restraint of trade, and forbade federal courts from issuing injunctions against strikers

Federal trade commerce

Government agency established in 1914 to provide regulatory oversight of business activity


Nicknames for soldiers during the Civil War era who joined the Army for money

Roosevelt corollary

President Theodore Roosevelt's policy of intervening in affairs of Latin American countries

Open door

American policy of seeking equal trade and investment opportunities in foreign nations or regions


The tendency to see military might as the most important tool for the expansion of a nation's power


The policy and practice of exploiting nations and peoples through military occupation and colonial rule

Central powers

Germany and its World War 1 allies in Austria, Italy, Turkey, and Bulgaria


In World War One, Britain, France, Russia, and others (not the US until 1917) fighting against Central Powers


Military buildup in preparation for possible u.s. participation in World War 1


Agency during world war 1 that sought to shape public opinion in support of was Committee on Public ........

Selective service act

The law establishing the military draft of World War 1


Members of the Communist movement that established the Soviet government after the revolution

14 points

Goals outlined by Wilson for war 10 months before the end of World War 1

League of nations

International organization created by the Versailles Treaty after world war 1 to ensure stability

Industries board

The federal agency that reorganized industry for maximum efficiency during World War 1 was the War ...... ......

Liberty bonds

Internet bearing certificates sold by the US government to finance world war 1

Espionage act

The law whose vague prohibition against obstructing the nation's war effort was used to crush the sent

Sedition act

The broad law restricting criticism of America's involvement in World War 1 or its government

Great migration

The mass movement of African Americans from the rural south to the urban north


The right of the people or a nation to decide on its own political allegiance


The group of u.s. senators adamantly opposed to ratification of the Versailles Treaty after world war 1

Versailles treaty

The treaty ending World War 1 and creating the League of Nations

Red scare

Post World War 1 public hysteria over Bolshevik influence in the US directed against labor activists

Welfare capitalism

A paternalistic system of Labor Relations emphasizing management responsibility for employee well-being

Volstead act

The 1919 law defining the liquor forbidden under the 18th amendment

League of women voters

The league formed in 1920 advocating for women's rights

Sheppard-Towner act

The first federal social welfare law, passed in 1921


A new African American cultural awareness that flourished in literature, art, and music in the 1920s

Great Depression

The nation's worst economic crisis, extending through the 1930s

Bonus army

The unemployed veterans of World War 1 gathering in Washington DC in 1932 demanding payment of bonuses

Fireside chats

Miss peaches broadcast nationally over the radio in which FDR explains complex issues and programs

Emergency Banking relief

The 1933 Act which gave the president broad discretionary powers over all banking

New Deal

The economic and political policies of the Roosevelt administration in the 1930s

Tennessee Valley Authority

Federal regional planning agency established to promote conservation and produce electricity

National labor relations act

Act establishing federal guarantee of right to organize trade unions and collective bargaining

New Deal Coalition

Coalition that included traditional minded white Southern Democrats, big city political machines and industrial workers