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97 Cards in this Set

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What 2 essential items helped facilitate the emergence of a national and international markets for US goods and services

Transportation systems and natural resources

Why was a transcontinental railroad not built before the civil war

Bc north and south congressmen clashed over choosing routes

Who built the 1st transcontinental railroad

Union Pacific and central Pacific

What the electric motor made possible

Dramatically increased the power, speed, and efficiency of machinery

Who invented the 1st lightbulb

Thomas Edison

What rush was more important than the Cali gold rush

The oil rush

Which company was successful due to its use of vertical integration

Carnegie steel co

Why were trusts like Rockefeller standard oil vulnerable

Intense criticism, anti-trust act

Know about Carnegie in steel industry

Largest co in world/vertical and horizontal integration/

Which of the industrial giants came from an elite family

J. P Morgan

How did people fare in the gilded age

Rich got richer poor got poorer

Why was child labor problematic

They got little to no education and it was dangerous

What provoked the great railroad strike of 1877

Wage cuts

How did the great railroad strike of 1877 end

Prez Hayes sent fed troops, workers returned to work

What union group said both men and women should receive equal pay

Knights of labor

What union was influential in getting congress to enact an 8 hour work day for fed employees

National labor union

Who was blamed for the haymarket affair

7 Anarchist Leaders (Louis Lingg)

Differences between AFL and knights of labor

AFL was a fed of many separate unions not just one


Sent by frick to protect fort frick/ 14 hour battle/ surrendered

Why did violence erupt at the homestead works in 1892

Frick sent pinkertons to stop the protest

Why were mailcars connected to Pullman cars during the Pullman strike

To ensure the delivery of the Pullman cars

How did prez Cleveland respond to the Pullman strike

Sent fed troops

What entity did executives use to fight unions

Strike breakers

Who is associated with hull house

Jane Addams

New south gospel

Union and freedom/ democracy/ Henry Woodfin Grady/ industrial sector

Why did the south loose the civil war

They relied too much on cotton and slaves

What company dominated the US tobacco industry by the 20th Century

American tobacco company

Why did king cotton survive the civil war

Crop lien system/ they relied on it

What was one major thing the post war south needed


The redeemers

White democrats/ industrial progress/ white supremacy/ cut school funding/ diversified economy

What Plan stopped blacks voting rights

Mississippi plan

What act of 1875 was declared unconstitutional

Civil rights act

Why didn’t the very poor migrate west

They couldn’t afford it

How did the exodusters get their name

Bc they were making their exodus from the south

What % of cowboys were black


What was a 49er

Prospectors in the 1849 gold rush

What is known as a mining discovery of gold and silver in Nevada

Comstock lode

What allowed white emigrants to travel on the trails of plains Indians unmolested

Fort Laramie treaty

How did congress believe the best way to end the Indian wars

Civilizing nomadic indians by moving them to out of the way fed reserves

Battle of Little Bighorn

Sioux and Cheyenne tribes defeated and killed Custer/ cause prez to abandon peace policy and send more troops

Which tribe is known to defeat Custer and resist the US domination

Sioux and Cheyenne

Which chief believed that it was time to stop fighting and to put a stop to His people’s deaths

Joseph of Nez Perce

Which book affected American attitudes toward Indians similar to how uncle toms cabin did for the abolitionist movement

A century of dishonor

What act sought to Americanize the natives by dealing with them as individuals

Dawes severalty act

What was Abilene Kansas known for

1st successful cow town

What helped spread the cattle business across Texas and the plains


Who perfected the barbed wire

Joseph gildden

Why did congress pass the homestead act

To encourage western settlement

What reported that the frontier era was over

The 1890 National census

Why is turners frontier Thesis problematic

He ignored women, African Americans, natives, Hispanics, and Asians

What allowed developers to build high rise buildings

Open cast iron and steel frame construction techniques

What allowed large numbers of people to become commuters and live away from the central city

Horse drawn streetcars and commuter railways and trolleys

Why did congress pass the homestead act

To encourage western settlement

What provided for appointment to a number of gov jobs based on exams

Pendleton civil service reform act

Where most immigrants cams from after the 1890s

Southern and Eastern Europe

Where is Ellis island

New York

What was the 1st fed law that restricted immigration on the basis of race and class

Chinese exclusion act

Chinese immigrants were originally excluded for how long

10 years

Where could you find mugwamps

Large cities and major universities in the northeast

What was created to regulate railroads

Interstate commerce commission

What were saloons used for

For men to check job postings/ cash checks/ read/ gossip/ play/ homeless/ labor union activities

19th century women free time


What Supreme Court case upheld the right of state and local gov to regulate industry essential to the public interest

Munn vs Illinois

What reported that the frontier era was over

The 1890 National census

Farmers alliance and granger differences

Farmers alliance emphasized political action and economic cooperation

Why is turners frontier Thesis problematic

He ignored women, African Americans, natives, Hispanics, and Asians

What allowed developers to build high rise buildings

Open cast iron and steel frame construction techniques

What allowed large numbers of people to become commuters and live away from the central city

Horse drawn streetcars and commuter railways and trolleys

What does the phrase Gilded Age imply

Greed and vulgarity

What was known to have a higher death rate than those of the genera pop


What contributed to epidemics and diseases in cities

Dirty water and little space

What did roscoe conkling lead

The Stewarts (a republican faction fighting for control of the party)

Water related diseases

Cholera, typhoid fever, yellow fever

Why did congress pass the homestead act

To encourage western settlement

What provided for appointment to a number of gov jobs based on exams

Pendleton civil service reform act

Where most immigrants cams from after the 1890s

Southern and Eastern Europe

Where is Ellis island

New York

What was the 1st fed law that restricted immigration on the basis of race and class

Chinese exclusion act

Chinese immigrants were originally excluded for how long

10 years

Where could you find mugwamps

Large cities and major universities in the northeast

What was created to regulate railroads

Interstate commerce commission

What were saloons used for

For men to check job postings/ cash checks/ read/ gossip/ play/ homeless/ labor union activities

19th century women free time


What Supreme Court case upheld the right of state and local gov to regulate industry essential to the public interest

Munn vs Illinois

What reported that the frontier era was over

The 1890 National census

Farmers alliance and granger differences

Farmers alliance emphasized political action and economic cooperation

The failure of Philadelphia and reading railroads helped cause what

Panic of 1893

What phrase did Herbert spencer coin

Survival of the fittest (social Darwinism)

Why was Lester wards dynamic sociology considered a challenge to social Darwinism

He focused on cooperation



Why is turners frontier Thesis problematic

He ignored women, African Americans, natives, Hispanics, and Asians

What allowed developers to build high rise buildings

Open cast iron and steel frame construction techniques

What allowed large numbers of people to become commuters and live away from the central city

Horse drawn streetcars and commuter railways and trolleys

What does the phrase Gilded Age imply

Greed and vulgarity

What was known to have a higher death rate than those of the genera pop


What contributed to epidemics and diseases in cities

Dirty water and little space

What did roscoe conkling lead

The Stewarts (a republican faction fighting for control of the party)