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29 Cards in this Set

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Shell Shock

•Injured service men are entitledto a pension provided by the government but the definition of “injured” wassomething that was hard to change.

•Men who lost a limb or an eyewere easy to assess but men suffering from gas attack and shell shock were lessable to be understood medically.

•Men suffering from Shell Shock inmany cases were denied and called cowards.

•Today we call their conditionPost traumatic stress disorder.

•This condition gave rise to manypsychiatrists and artistic genre’s as people looked for a way to express thehorrors left in their minds.

Spanish Flu

•A great disease spread fromEurope during and after the war. It spread world wide as the troops went home.

•The first case was the SpanishKing so it got the name the Spanish Flu

•It was particularly deadly,especially to the young.

•50-100 million people died fromit world wide (3%). 1/3 of the world was infected at some point.

•This doubled Canada’s war deadnumbers but now the dead included women and children.

The Great Transition

•The Economy had to shift from awar based economy to a consumer based economy. •Technological innovation for warhad to be applied to peace.

•This was hard to do as manycompanies did not anticipate the end of the war. •Soldiers returning home expectedjobs and there were few to be found.

•Some companies tried to hold jobsfor returning soldiers but an economic downturn saw many companies close andclose to 200 000 people out of work.

•Conditions of exploitation duringthe war were also a complaint. There were too many workers for too few jobs soworkers were exploited.

•This caused the formation of labour movements and uprisings.

Winnipeg General Strike

•In spring of 1919 multiple labour unions walked off the job inWinnipeg to protest worker conditions and wages. 94 unions representing around30 000 people and their families protested in Winnipeg. This included policeand fire services.


•The fear for governments was thatunions represented Socialism, which was too close to Communism.

•They were petrified of a Russianstyle Revolution spreading.

•Ideas of nationalization, hightaxation, big social services are ideas that socialism puts forward. Some ofwhich look very appealing after the war to many Canadians.

The Status of Women

-Women lost jobs right after the war ended.

-Given to men or dissolved

- A lot of women were inspired bytheir new found independence and began attending universities.

-By the mid 1920’s women’semployment levels in Canada had returned to their war level, just in differentsectors of work.


- Goodtime for economics, entertainment, and peace. Most people were very happy, theyhad new things, they had their family back after the war.


-Womenwere more free to express themselves. They smoked, drank, danced and cut theirhair short.

Technological Advancement

Cars, Phone, Radio, Plane, Flying Scotsman(1928)

Persons Case

- In 1929 The British Privy councilruled that women were persons and could hold positions of authority ingovernment. The next year Canada had its first female senator appointed CairineWilson.

-The most vocal of the famous five were Nellie McClung and Emily Murphywho became the first female Judge in the British Empire.

King Tut

-In1922 British Archaeologists found an intact Ancient Egyptian tomb in the Valleyof the Kings.

Canadian Art

Group Of Seven, Agroup of impressionistic painters got together and for the first time paintedCanada.

Art Deco

Thistime period was also marked by a rise in logical geometrical art.

ChineseImmigration Act

This law severely limited newimmigration from China and also stopped people who were already in Canadabringing their families over from Asia.

Home front

the activities of the population of a country at war:women grew victory gardens to send food for war, it was all about saving money, food, materials, and metal. This was important because people in America had to suffer at home too


a passenger ship sunk by a U-boat that got many Americans willing to go to war. This was important because it got many Americans against Germany and was a major contributer to why the U.S. went to war.


a type of advertisement that gets people to think a certain way. This was important because it convinced people to buy war bonds, save money, food, clothing etc.

Zimmerman telegram

A letter sent by the German foreign minister to ask the German ambassador in Mexico to join the war and in return Germany would help them gain Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. This is important because it was a direct threat against America. It was a major reason why the U.S. joined the war

Trench Warfare

a type of fighting where opposing troops shoot at each other from trenches dug in the ground. This is important because it is one of the reasons why the war lasted so long, they were in a constant stalemate.

Causes of WW1

Alliances, Militarism, Nationalism, Imperialism


peopleswith common language, religion, history, art, culture, science and geographiclocation belonged to a common group identity.


Inorder to be powerful you needed a large military. But if you have a largemilitary you are going to be tempted to use it.


-firstsuper battleship and inspired an entire class of ship.

-Everyonewanted one but they were very expensive.

Arms Race

-Ifyou wanted to be a significant power in the world you must have at least one ofthese ships.

Blanc Cheque

-Thisgreatly upset Austria who started to put pressure on Serbia for control andsecurity.

-Austria-Hungaryasked Germany if it would support it in any action within Serbia.

-Germanysaid yes do what you need to do. This approval is called the "BlancCheque"

-Germanywas willing to pay any price to protect it's allies Empire.

-Austriastarted militarily attacking Serbia. Serbia called out for help from itscultural friend Russia. Russia started to mobilize its troops to protectSerbia. Germany and Austria

-Hungary declared war on Russia.

Shlieffen Plan

-Germanywould attack France through neutral Belgium to avoid most of France's defenses.They would take Paris (hence ending the war with France) and swing their armiesaround to fight Russia.

Canada and the Western Front

-Thefocus for Canada was on the Western Front.

-Traditionalwarfare did not last long on the Western Front. Technology used for war likemachine guns was too good at killing. Troops could no longer face each other inHonorablecombat. Troops dug in and a trench systemdeveloped.

Chlorine Gas


-Used in the second battle of ypres(1915)

Battle of the Somme(1916)

-Thisbattle also saw the introduction of the Tank.

- Thiswas followed by a new battle tactic called the Creeping Barrage.Artillery would fire holes in the battle field just in front of the advancingCanadian troops so they would have protection and somewhere to hide as theymoved across the battle field. It was not as effective as it could have beenbecause many shells failed to detonate.