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100 Cards in this Set

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to become like the Americans in culture
Passage of the Dawes Act wanted to ____
"Americanize" the indians, broke up traditional reservations & made them smaller, forced them to own land & never move off it
Destruction of the Buffalo! How were they destroyed & what was the effect?
They were shot for sport, forced indians to assimilate, got in the way of the railroad
Because of the growth of cities-growing demand for ___
Beef!. . .cattle trails/drives
where is chisolm trail?
Fort Worth
What is the Homestead Act?
Offered 160 acres of land to citizens who were head of their household, would work 5 yrs until you owned it(white, male)
Creation of the barbed wire. what is it?
Fence w/out much wood to control cattle
What was the Oklahoma Land Rush?
Major land give-away attracted thousands & some took possession before the gov. declared it open & took it SOONER than they were supposed to; Oklahoma became known as the Sooner State
Farmers suffered economic hardships such as:
-cycle of mortgage & debt
-High RR rates
-deflation of green backs
*each problem led to the other
What is the Grange
The 1st farmers' union, which grew into the farmers' alliance
what did the grange grow into
the farmers' alliance
What is the definition of populism
Demanded reforms to lift the burden of debt from farmers & other workers to give people a greater voice in their gov.
What is the movement of the people?
What is the populist party?
Populism is the 1st _________
3rd party
What is bimetallism
backing currency w/silver & gold
What is gold standard
backing durrency w/gold only
Why did populism end?
The democratic party lost the pres. election, so populism ended
What did Edwin L. Drake do?
successfully used a steam engine to drill for oil
What's the Bessemer Process?
injecting air into molten iron to remove the carbon & other impurities
Who's Thomas Alva Edison?
Pioneer on the new industrial frontier; established world's 1st research labratory
What did Christopher Sholes invent?
the typewriter
who invented the typewriter?
Christopher Sholes
Who successfully used a steam engine to drill for oil?
Edwin L. Drake
Who established the 1st research laboratory?
Thomas Edison
Alexandar Graham Bell invented the ________
Who invented the telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell
What's the Transcontinental Railroad?
A national railroad, which helped the country in transportation
What did George M. Pullman build?
a factory for manufacturing sleepers & other railroad cars on the Illinois praire
Who built a factor for manufacturing sleepers & other railroad cars on the Illinois prairie?
George M. Pullman
Credit Mobilier-what is it?
a fake company invented by a select few Union Pacific; supposed to get contracts to build RR, but tacked on extra $ for pocket. A few people from the Republican Party found out & took bribes, not $ but stock market, "donating" stock
Munn V. Illinois-what is it
supreme ct. held the granger Laws by a vote of 7 to 2. States won the right to regulate the railroads for a benefit of farmers & consumers
What gave the states the right to regulate the railroads?
Munn V. Illinois
What's the Interstate Commerce Act?
Established the right of the federal gov. to supervise RR activities & established a 5 member interstate commerce commission(ICC) for that purpose
What established the right of the fed. gov. to supervise the RR Activities
Interstate Commerce Act
Vertical Integration?
process in which companies buy out their suppliers in order to control the raw materials & transportation systems
Horizontal Integration?
companies producing similar products merge
social darwinism
grew out of the english naturalist charles darwin's theory of biological evolution
John D. Rockefeller
established the Standard Oil Comp
who established the standard oil comp
John d rockefeller
what's the sherman anti-trust act
banned monopolies, made it illegal to form a trust that interfered w/ free trade between states or w/ other countries
Who's Samuel Gompers
led the cigar makers International union to join w/other craft unions
who led the cigar makers international union to join w/other craft unions?
samual gompers
American Federation of Labor(AFL)
focused collective bargaining, or negotiation, between representatives of labor management, to reach written agreements on wages, hrs & working conditions
Who focused collective bargaining, or negotiation, between representatives of labor management, to reach written agreements on wages, hrs & working conditions
(AFL)American Federation of Labor
Who's Eugene V. Debs
attempted to form such an industrial union-the american railway union(ARU)
who attempted to form such an industrial union-the american railway union(ARU)
Eugene V. Debs
Industrial Workers of the World(IWW)
(the wobblies) welcomed blacks; an industrial union which included miners, lumberers & cannery & dock workers
who included blacks & was an industrial union that included miners, lumberers & cannery & dock workers?
IWW (industrial workers of the world)
Who is Mary Harris Jones?
Perhaps the most prominent organizer in the women's labor movement; supported the Great Strike of 1877 & later organized for the united mine workers of america
who was Perhaps the most prominent organizer in the women's labor movement; supported the Great Strike of 1877 & later organized for the united mine workers of america
Mary Harris Jones
What was the 1st american invention to spread worldwide?
time zones!
time zones where the 1st american invention to do what?
spread world wide!
What did RR industries need to build & run RR?
iron, steel, coal, lumber, & glass
what where iron, steel, coal, lumber & glass used for?
RR!, for building & running!
Where is Ellis island?
East coast of America in New York
Where is Angel Island?
West coast of America, San Francisco
What does melting pot mean
blend of many different cultures
what is nativism?
favoring own kind; extreme pride, hating outsiders coming in
What's the Chinese exclusion act?
restricted almost all Chinese immigrants
Gentleman's Agreement was
deal between US & Japan; Japan would limit emigration & US would end segregation of Japanese immigrants
what's a blend of many cultures
melting pot
what's favoring own kind; extreme pride, hating outsiders coming in
what restricted almost all chinese immigrants
chinese exclusion act
what was the deal that the us agreed to not segregate japanese, if japan would limit immigrants
Gentleman's aggreement
What's urbanization
unplanned rapid growth of cities
what's unplanned rapid growth of cities
what's americanization
getting the diverse groups of immigrants to assimilate to american culture; assimilation
what's getting the diverse groups of immigrants to assimilate to american culture; assimilation
as technology, such as the electric tractor, made some farm jobs no longer used, many farmers' families moved to ______ to look for work
why did farmers move to cities
farming jobs longer were used cuz of technology such as the electric tractor
what technology made some farm jobs no longer used?
electric tractor
what is tenement housing?
multiple families sharing a 1 family house
what was developed to help people get around cities
mass transit, such as street cars & subways
why were mass transits, such as street cars & subways made?
to help people get around cities
what's it called when multiple families live in 1 house?
tenement housing?
why was water a problem?
struggle to provide people w/safe water; most people didn't have indoor plumbing or even access to clean water
why was sanitation a problem?
horse manure piled up on streets, raw sewage flowed open in gutters, factories put out lots of foul smelling smoke
why was crime a problem?
grew rapidly in cities; new york had the first organized police, but most police forces couldn't combat the high crime rate, they didn't have good weapons
why was fire a problem?
because almost every building in cities were made of wood, fire spread quickly, plus candles & kerosene lamps were common fire starters & the lack of water didn't help either
what's the social gospel movement
reformers helped the poor while preaching salvation
what's it called when reformers helped the poor while preaching salvation?
social gospel movement
what are settlement houses
transition place for immigrants where reformers, such as jane addams(who had a really successful one) helped them find jobs/houses, learn english, basically assimilate to the american culture
what is a transition place for immigrants where reformers, such as jane addams(who had a really successful one) helped them find jobs/houses, learn english, basically assimilate to the american culture
settlement house
what's jane addams' settlement house called?
hull house
who's settlement house is called hull house?
jane addams
what's a political machine
organized group in pyramid structure that controlled the politics of a city by helping poor people, immigrants & business owners
who's the top in the political machine
machine boss/politician
what does the machine boss do?
controlled the money, progress, & gov. jobs of a city(he's like the king!), only 1 per city
Who's 2nd in the political machine?
Ward bosses, usually 5 per city
What do ward bosses do?
job was to secure the votes for their section of the city(5 per city)
Who's 3rd in the political machine?
prescient captains(usually 10) per city
what did prescient captains do?
worked more directly w/people of city to sway/buy their votes for the politician, then reported the ward boss
what's a graft
the illegal use of political influence for personal gain
what's the illegal use of political influence for personal gain
who's boss tweed w/ the Tammany Hall scandal
most notorious political boss who ripped off NYC, was exposed by Political cartoonist, Thomas Nast
what's patronage
giving gov. jobs to friends/others who gave election support, (also known as spoils system)
what's giving gob. jobs to friends/others who gave election support(also known as spoils system)
what's civil service
gov. jobs should go to the person most qualified for the job
what's it called? gov jobs should go to person most qualified for job
civil service