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73 Cards in this Set

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At the core of the New Democracy was the belief that government should
be in the hands of common people
The New Democracy was based on the idea that the right to vote
should be extended to all adult white men
The Panic of 1819 got many people involved in politics because they
represented government granted privileges for banks
The Missouri Compromise was especially instrumental in causing many
southerners to become involved in National politics
The HOR decided the 1824 presidential election when
no candidate recieved a majority of the vote in the Electoral College
John Quincy Adams, elected president in 1825, was charged by his political opponents with having when he appointed
Henry Clay to become secretary of the state
The sections of the US most hurt by the Tariff of 1828 was
New England
The purpose behind the "spoils" system was to
reward politcal supporters with public office
Andrew Jackson's veto of the Maysville Road Bill was an example of his
Strong Nationalism
The nullification crisis of 1833 resulted in a clear-cut victory for
neither Andrew Jackson nor the nullifies
In their treatment of Native Americans, white American said all of the following except
argue that Indians could not be assimilated into the larger society
The policy of the Jackson administration toward the eastern Indian Tribes was
forced removel
One reason for the Anglo Texan rebellion against Mexican rule was that
the Angle Texans wanted to break away from a government that had grown too authortarion
The government of Mexico and the Americans who settled in Mexican controlled Texas clashed over all of the following issues except
allegieance to spain
Texans won their independence as a result of the victory over Mexican armies at the Battle of
San Jacinto
President Jackson and Van Buren hesitated to extend recognition to and to annex the new Texas Republic because
antislavery groups in the US apposed the expansion of slavery
The "cement" that held the Whig party together in its formative was
hatred of Andrew Jackson
William Henry Harrison, the whig party is presidential candidate in 1840 was
made to look like a poor western farmer
The two political parties of the Jacksonian era tended to
be socially and geographically diverse
The Era of Good Feelings
was a troubled period
Texans won their independence as a result of the victory over Mexican armies at the Battle of
San Jacinto
The government of Mexico and the Americans who settled in Mexican controlled Texas clashed over all of the following issues except
allegieance to spain
President Jackson and Van Buren hesitated to extend recognition to and to annex the new Texas Republic because
antislavery groups in the US apposed the expansion of slavery
One reason for the Anglo Texan rebellion against Mexican rule was that
the Angle Texans wanted to break away from a government that had grown too authortarion
The "cement" that held the Whig party together in its formative was
hatred of Andrew Jackson
The policy of the Jackson administration toward the eastern Indian Tribes was
forced removel
William Henry Harrison, the whig party is presidential candidate in 1840 was
made to look like a poor western farmer
In their treatment of Native Americans, white American said all of the following except
argue that Indians could not be assimilated into the larger society
The two political parties of the Jacksonian era tended to
be socially and geographically diverse
The Era of Good Feelings
was a troubled period
One of the major causes of the panic of 1819 was
overspeculation in the frontier lands
When the HOR passed the Tallmage Amendement in response to Missouri's request for admission to the union
the South thought that the amdenment would treaten the sectional balance
All the following were results of the Missouri compromise except
that sectionalism was reduced
In interpreting the Constitution, John Marschall
favored "loose constitition"
The Treaty of 1818 with England
granted Canada exclusive use of the New Foundland fisheries
Spain sold Florida to the US because it
could not defend the area and would lose it in any case
The Doctrine of noncolonization in the MD was
mostly a symloic gesture of good will to the Latin American Republics
Latin Americas reaction to the Monroe Doctrine can best be described as
unconcerned of unimpressed
The American Revolution was
an example of accelerated evolution rather than outright revolution
The Founding Fathers failed to eliminate slavery because
a fight over slavery might destroy national unity
As a result of Revolutions emphasis on equality, all of the folliwng were achieved except
full equality between white women and men
One reason that the US avoided the excesses of the French Revolution is that
cheap land was easily availbe
The economic status of the average American at the end of the Revolutional War was
probably worse than before the war
The articles of Confederation left Congress unable to
enforce a tax-collection program
A major strength of the Articles of Confederation was its
presentation of the ideal of a United Nation
Shay's Rebellion was provoked by
foreclosures on the mortages of backcountry farmers
Under the Articles, the relationship between the 13 states
convinced many that a stronger central government was needed
The Constitution Convention was called to
revise the Articles of Confederation
The delegates whose contributions to the Philidelphia Con. were so notable that he has been called "Father of the Constition" was
James Madison
The Great Compromise at the Constitional Convention worked out an acceptable scheme for
apportioning congressional representation
The one branch of the government elected directly by the people is the
Under the Constitution, the president of the US was elected by a majority vote of the
electoral college
Probably the most alarming characteristic of the new Constitution to those who apposed
the absence of the bill of rights
Despite the flourish cities, America's population was still about
90% rural
One of the first jobs facing the new government under the Constitution was to
draw up and pass a Bill of Rights
Which of the following pairs of items are not directly related to each other
states rights-loose construction
All of the following, were part of Alexander Hamilton's economic program except:
paying only domestic debts but not foreign debts
All of the following are guarantees provided by the Bill of Rights except
the right to vote for all citizens
Alexander Hamilton's proposed bank of the United States was
based on the "necessary was proper" or "elastic", clause in the Constitution
The Whisky Rebellion of 1794 arose in the southwestern Pennslyvania when the federal government
levied an excise task on whiskey
Washington's Neutrality Proclamation of 1793
was based on calculations of American self-interest
In Jay's Treaty, the British
promised to evacuate the chain of the Old Northwest
The United States acquried free navigation of the Mississippi River in
the Punckney Treaty
The main purpose of the Alien and Sedition Acts was to
silence and punish critics of the Federalists
Thomas Jefferson recieved the bulk of his support from the
South and West
By 1810, most insistant demand for a declaration of war against British came from
West and Southwest
Only argument not put forward by the
war hawks
Post-War of 1812 nationalism could be seen in all but
revival of American Religion
Tariff of 1816 was the 1st in American History that aimed to
protect American Victory
Henry day call for federally funded roads and canals recieved wholehearted
endorsements from the weest
When the US entereted the war of 1812
it was military unprepared
Outcome of the War of 1812 was
embarassement of American dipolomacy
Most devestating defeat of war of 1812 was in
New Orleans