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151 Cards in this Set

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Red Scare

the fear of Communist inspired radicalism in the wake of the Russian Revolution.

Palmer Raids

Government roundup of some 6,000 suspected alien radicals in 1919-1920. Ordered by AG A. Mitchell Palmer and his assistant J. Edgar Hoover. The raids resulted in the deportation of 556 immigrants.

Great Migration

population shift of more than 400,000 African-Americans who left the South beginning in 1917-1918 and headed north and west hoping to escape poverty and racial discrimination. During the 1920s another 800,000 blacks left the South.

Teapot Dome Scandal

Oil and land scandal during the Harding administration that highlighted the close ties between big business and the federal government in the early 1920s.

New Woman

1920s term for the modern, sexually liberated woman. The new woman, popularized in movies and magazines, fluted traditional morality.

Lost Generation

A Term used by Gertrude Stein to describe the writers and artists disillusioned with the consumer culture of the 1920s.

New Negro

1920s term for the second generation of African Americans born after emancipation and who stood up for their rights.

Marcus Garvey and the UNIA

Jamaican-born immigrant in Harlem, leader of black Nationalism. Universal Negro Improvement Association. Wanted to repatriate black Americans to the homelands, and help overthrow colonial authority in Africa to assist black people throughout.

Sacco and Vanzetti

1920. Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti(shared radical anarchist views and evaded WW1). Trial was based on their foreign birth and ideaology more than fact. Slurs were used by the judge. Huge uproar, Sacco and Vanzetti became "martyrs" Show of american nativism.

National Origins Act

1924. Limited the annual number of immigrants who could be admitted from any country to 2% of the number of people from that country who were living in the US in 1890


resurrected in 1915. New Klan targeted Catholics and Jews. Massive growth probably as a result of a desire to restore morality than outright hatred of blacks. W.J. Simmons revived.

Black Tuesday.

October 29, 1929. Massive amounts of stock were sold on one day, and investors could not repay the banks that lended them credit. Causes were deeper than that. Disparity of wealth, inadequate consumptions, and overextension of credit.

Herbert Hoover

President at the beginning of TGD. Gunshy of getting the government too involved, he expected municipal and state government to shoulder the burden of providing relief. Also, he feared the deficit more than unemployment(Hawley-Smoot). He tried to give money occasionally, he was too scared.


Housing for the homeless consisting of cartons, newspaper, and cloth.

Bonus Army

WWI Vets were promised a 1000 dollar bonus in 1945. They couldnt wait that long, so in 1932 20,000 of them marched to DC. Nothing came of it.

New Deal

policies and programs that FDR initiated to combat TGD. The New Deal represented a dramatic expansion of the role of government in American society.

Agricultural Adjustment Act

Paid farmers subsides to produce less in the future, and for those who had already produced they paid to to plow under a portion of their harvest. Overruled, then brought back in 1938.

National Recovery Administration

1933.Established by National Industrial Recovery Act. Allowed business, labor, and the public to create codes to regulate production, prices, wages, hours, and collective bargaining. Didn't work, business didn't have enough restraint.

Civilian Conservation Corps

recruited unmarried men, took them for 2 years, and put them to work planting forests, cleaning up parks, building bridges. got paid, and the gov. sent money to their families.

Huey Long

Louisiana Senator who established the Share Our Wealth program. Provided families with a 5,000 homestead and a guaranteed annual income of 2,000. Achieved by taxing the wealthy.

Francis Townsend

A retired physician who formed the Old-Age Revolving Pensions Corporation. Would have the government give all Americans over the age of 60 a monthly pension of 200 if they retired and spent the entire stipend each month.

Works Progress Administration

Provided jobs for the unemployed. Harry Hopkins headed it. Did a great deal of good.

Social Security Act

At age 65, eligible workers would receive retirement payments funded by payroll taxes on employees and employers. Excluded farm, domestic, and laundry workers. Provided relief to the unemployed and welfare for the disabled.

Wagner Act(NLRB)

1935. Created National Labor Relations Board, protected workers' right to organize labor unions without owner interference. Labor numbers rose dramatically

Court-packing plan

Plan of FDR to appoint new SC judges b/c of "workload" and "age". Really because he wanted to get the New Deal extended. Backfired and he got called a dictator. Preserved the New Deal, but it damaged him and his plans for more reform.

Neutrality Acts

passed during the growing turmoil of WW2 and sought to ensure that the US would not get involved. made no distinction between aggressor and victims, stopped them from assisting allies (Britain, France)

America First!

America First Committee. Largest anti-war organization in US history. Dissolved after Pearl Harbor

Lend-Lease Act

Roosevelt had to keep his promises(neutrality). Lend-lease allowed the US to lend/lease equipment to Britain. They'd protect british supply ships, which would get sunk by Germany. undeclared war until Pearl Harbor.

Atlantic Charter

Signed by FDR and Churchill, stated war aims: principles of freedom the seas, self determination, free trade, freedom from fear and want. laid the groundwork for the UN.


Normandy Landings. Largest seaborne invasion in military history. June 6 2014. Made possible by American deception. Operation Overlord was the entire mission, Operation Neptune was Normandy.

Yalta Agreement

Meeting of the Big 3 heads of state(FDR,Churchill,Stalin) to discuss the post war organization of Europe. Called for establishment of permanent gov's in poland and eastern europe(interpreted differently by Russia), agreed on UN, Soviets would fight the Japanese after German surrender, and Germany would be split among the big 3 and france, and berlin would be split like this as well.

Manhattan Project

R and D project that developed the first atomic bomb. headed by J Robert Oppenheimer. 1942-1946.

Enola Gay

B-29 Super Fortress that delivered the Atomic Bomb to Hiroshima. August 6 1945.

War Production Board

Directed conversion of industries from peacetime work to war needs, allocated materials, established priorities in distribution of materials, prohibited nonessential production.

Fair Employment Practice Committee

Executive Order 8802. required companies with gov contracts not discriminate on the basis of race or religion. intended to help AA and other minorities get jobs on the homefront

Zoot Suit Riots

series of riots in LA between American sailors and Latino youths. Mexican Americans joined gangs in la(wore zoot suits, colorful and loose, very identifiable) Offended white sensibility, so the sailors attacked them. Mexicans were arrested.


Executive Order 9066. Forced relocation or detainment of Italians, Germans, and Japanese. Germans or Italians were questioned on an individual basis, but Japanese were all suspected(because of pearl harbor)

Lost Generation

Group of Writers and artists, who became expatriates in Paris in the 1920s

Marcus Garvey

Found of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and leader of the first great Black mass political movement

New Deal

Legislative policies put forward by the Roosevelt administration to combat the Great Depression

Atlantic Charter

Set of War Aims set forth by FDR and Churchill in August of 1941

Executive Order 8802

Created Fair Employment Practices Commission

National Origins Act

Set quotas on the numbers of immigrants allowed into the US each year and was a measure of America's growing intolerance in the 1920s

Civilian Conservation Corps

Sent unemployed Americans into rural areas to build infrastructure.

Court-Packing Plan

FDR's political efforts to restructure the SC to his own liking

Red Scare

first wave of anticommunist hysteria that swept in the country in 1919

America First! Committee

ultraconservative political organization that attempted to keep the US from confronting fascism by maintaining neutrality

Huey Long

Louisiana gov who proved a major political threat to FDR until his assassination


US and allies occupied France, June 6, 1944

Teapot Dome Scandal

scandal over the oil shales during the Harding Administration

Wagner Act

created the National Labor Relations Board

Black Tuesday

day the Stock Market crashed and sent the country into the Depression.

Palmer Raids

anti-radical police raids during summer of 1919

Agricultural Adjustment Act

federal legislation that attempted to breath life into the agricultural sector of the economy by creating subsidies

Lend-Lease Act

legislation that transformed neutral America into the "Arsenal of Democracy"


Italian immigrants who were tried for murder and political beliefs

Zoot Suit Riots

weeks of anti-Hispanic rioting in Southern California

Enola Gay

plane that dropped the A-bomb on Hiroshima

Great Migration

remarkable demographic shift during WW2/redrew the racial map of the US


racist organization that served as the equal opportunity haters of the 1920s

Herbert Hoover

republican president at the time the Depression began


program of forcefully relocating Japanese and Japanese Americans to concentration camps for "disloyalty"

Yellow Journalism

sensationalist journalism that contributed to America's "War Fever" in 1898 and led us into the war with Spain

Dawes Act

federal legislation that was designed to help Native Americans into society by breaking up reservations and planting native families on small farming plots

Samuel Gompers

Jewish cigar maker turned labor leader who was the longtime leader of the AFL


cheap apartment buildings that were common to ethnic ghettos in the late 19th/early 20th centuries

Jane Addams

pioneering settlement house worker whose "Hull House" was a model for social workers during the Gilded Age.

Vertical Integration

ownership of all the means of production, from the extraction of raw materials to the sale of the finished product

Laissez-Faire Economics

economic theory that the government should never intervene in the market economy


workers organizations dedicated to improving working conditions, gaining better wages, and other workers welfare issues


the hatred and fear of foreigners during the last great age of immigration

Booker T. Washington

African American leader whose "Atlanta Compromise" speech attempted an accommodation with the white South

Social Gospel

theological position that good Christians had a duty to work for the betterment of their communities and bring forth the Kingdom of God on earth

Transcontinental Railroad

"golden spike" and Promontory Point, Utah,

The Grange

angry farmers whose political agitation led to the state efforts to regulate railroad freight rates

Anti-Imperialist League

organization that challenged America's taking of empire after the Spanish-American War because it was believed un-American to subjugate other nations


belief in selective breeding practices to purify the American population

Bull Moose Party

Teddy Roosevelt's progressive or_____ Party

Plessy v. Ferguson

case gave the federal governments blessing to the system of racial segregation emerging in the South

Homestead Act

allowed citizens to claim 160 acres of federal land so long as they lived on it for 5 years

Knights of Labor

labor brotherhood that emerged to national prominence after 1869 by welcoming all workers into their organization. collapsed after Haymarket


investigative reporters whose shocking Gilded Age exposés introduced Americans to the poverty, greed, and corruption of their society

Chinese Exclusion Act

one of the earliest pieces of anti-immigrant legislation to pass the US congress, forbade immigration from China

Eugene Debs

American Railway Union organizer who achieved notoriety during the Pullman strike and emerged from prison to the lead the new Socialist Party of America

Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act

legislation passed in the wake of the assassination Garfield which required candidates for government jobs to take a test

Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

Roosevelts foreign policy doctrine which declared that the US would be "policemen of the hemisphere"

Dollar Diplomacy

Taft's foreign policy which relied more on foreign aid money than military intervention

W.E.B. DuBois

African American intellectual who argued the "talented 10" strategy.

Battle of Wounded Knee

last great massacre of Native Americans, which signaled an end to "Indian Wars"

Jim Crow Laws

system of racial segregation in the American South


political 3rd party that emerged from the Farmer's Alliances of the South and Midwest and which advocated such radical measures as a graduated income tax, 8 hour workday, and federal ownership of the railroad

Convict Lease

Southern system of renting out imprisoned inmates for forced labor

The Jungle

Upton Sinclair, about the meat packing industry, lead to the Pure Food and Drug Act

Andrew Carnegie

Steel tycoon, advocated Philanthropy, centers for educational and economic advancement, as opposed to charity. Rich had a mandate to be philanthropic

Social Darwinism

"survival of the fittest" theory applied to econ. Businesses that were saavy enough to survive would, and the weak ones would die out.

Women in Progressive Reform

settlement houses, middle class and college educated. suffrage as well

Links of Immigration and Industrialization

Chinese immigrants were used to construct the Intercontinental Railroad, large number demanded increased production

Truman Doctrine

Efforts to contain communism, said that the US would assist any nation who was threatened by communism

George Kennan

His writings led to the Truman Doctrine and containment of the soviet union.

Doctrine of Containment

US policy to prevent spread of communism by actively assisting by both economic and military means countries that were threatened by communism

Marshall Plan

American initiative to help rebuild war-torn europe. wanted to take down trade barriers, modernize industry, make europe profitable again.

National Security Counci

created in 1947 by the National Security Act, it advises the president on military and foreign affairs.

Berlin Airlift

US efforts to airdrop supplies and cargo into section of Berlin that had been closed off by Soviets. lasted for more than a year


policy paper that outlined US foreign policy for the next 20 years. made communist containment a top priority.

GI Bill

legislation after ww2 that provided veterans with benefits

Taft Hartley Act

hampered ability of unions to organize, and lessened their ability to go on strike if national interests were seen to be at strike

Congress of Racial Equality

formed in 1942, fought against racial exclusion in public accommodations

To Secure These Rights

report issued by Truman that advocated extending racial equality. led to the desegregation of the military


house committee established to investigate domestic communism. conducted highly publicized investigations of communist influence in government and entertainment

Federal Employee Loyalty Program

a board investigates employee to see if reasonable grounds existed for disloyalty


informal list of individuals banned from the entertainment industry as a result of suspected Communist connections


term used to describe harassment and persecution of suspected political radicals. Joseph McCarthy was one of many government officials who help incite anti-communist behavior

Sun Belt

the southern and western parts of the US. after WW2, many americans moved out there for climate and jobs in defense, petroleum, and chemical industries

National Interstate and Defense Highways Act

Act that led to the construction of 41,000 miles of interstate across US.


a small group of young poets, writers, intellectuals, musicians, and artists, who attacked mainstream American politics and culture in the 50s

Brown v Board of Education

landmark supreme court case that overtunred the "separate but equal" doctrine established by Plessy v Ferguson, though few schools in the south were desegregated for more than a decade

Rosa Parks

African-American civil rights activist, refused to give up her seat to a white man

Montgomery Improvement Association

Organized the Montgomery Bus Boycott

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

group from by MLK and others to spread nonviolent protests throughout the south

Little Rock Nine

9 students who attended classes at the newly desegregated Little Rock Central High School

Greensboro Sit-ins

4 students sat at white only counters at diners

Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee

sought to challenge racial inequality but also to establish interracial communities based on economic equality and political democracy.

New Look

foreign policy strategy of Eisenhower that emphasized the development and deployment of nuclear weapons in an effort to cut military spending

Mutually Assured Destruction

defense strategy built around the threat of a massive retaliatory nuclear strike, led to escalation of the arms race

Eisenhower Doctrine

guided intervention in the Middle East. Congress granted eisnhower power to send military to combat communism, he sent troops to lebanon


the popular name for the National Liberation Front. Waged a military insurgence against the US backed and received support from North Vietnam

Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution

gave Johnson the power, without a formal declaration of war, to use conventional military force in SE asia. Gave him unlimited power to make military decisions.

Tet Offensive

offensive mounted by Vietcong and North Vietnamese against population centers in South Vietnam. Turned back, but shocked many Americans and increased opposition of the war

Freedom Rides

integrated bus rides through the south organized by CORE to test compliance with SC ruling on segregation

March on Washington

rally by civil rights organizations in DC that brought increased national attention to the movement

Civil Rights Act of 1964

wide ranging civil rights act that prohibited discrimination in public accommodations and employment and increased federal enforcement of of school deseg.

Freedom Summer

1964 civil rights project launched by a bunch of groups, volunteers worked on voter registration drives and in freedom schools to improve education of rural black youngsters

Voting Rights Act of 1965

outlawed discriminatory voting practices( literacy tests)

Great Society

Johnson's vision of social, economic, and cultural progress in the US

Students for a Democratic Society

student activist organization that advocated the formation of a "new left" that would overturn the social and political status quo

Port Huron Statement

SDS manifesto that condemned liberal politics, Cold War foreign policy, racism, and research oriented universities.

Free Speech Movement

movement protesting policies put in place by UC-Berkeley that restricted free speech.


a group advocating the use of revolutionary violence, formed in 1968 by dissident members of SDS. Went underground to avoid prosecution


young cultural rebels of the 60s who rejected conventional moral and sexual values and used drugs to reach a higher consciousness. bonded together in their style of clothing and love of rock n roll

National Organization for Women

Feminist Organization formed in 66 by Betty Freidan and like-minded activists

Roe v. Wade

73 SC opinion that confirmed a women's constitutional right to abortion

Black Panther Party

founded in 66 by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale to advance the black power movement in black communities

New Right

the conservative coalition of old and new conservatives, as well as disaffected Democrats. Came to power with the election Reagan in 80


nixon's strategy of turning over greater responsibility of fighting the Vietnam War to the South Vietnam Army

War Powers Act

1973 act that required the president to consult with Congress within 48 hours of deploying military forces and to obtain a declaration of War from congress if troops remained on foreign soil for more than 60 days


organization formed by oil-producing countries to control the price and supply of oil in the global market

Affirmative Action

programs meant to overcome historical patterns of discrimination against minorities and women in education and employment. established guidelines for hiring and college admissions


scandal and cover up that forced the resignation of Nixon. Break in to the DHC and coverup of it


disillusioned liberals who condemned the Great Society program they had originally supported. Concerned about affirmative action programs, domination of campus discourse by the new left, left wing criticism of the use of the military to advance political and economic interests overseas


Reagans economic theories that were based on the theories of supply-side economics and centered on tax cuts and cuts to domestic programs


Immune disorder that reached epidemic proportions in the US in the 80s