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19 Cards in this Set

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Progressive Movement
-Progressives--Roosevelt, Wilson, mugwumps
-Regulate big business, more centered on middle class (they wanted more representation)
-Wanted to break-up/regulate trusts, killing political machines, improbe conditions in cities, consumer protection, improve labor conditions, voting reforms, conservation, banking reform, prohibition, female suffrage
-Major reform that shaped the America we have today, changed to a new way of thinking
-Stanton, Stone, Catt, Paul
-Fought for women's suffrage, faced jailing and lots of oppression, gained membership and fought to get rights first state by state then petitioned for an amendment
-Wanted to gain the right to vote for women and wanted equal rights
-19th Amendment passed, lead to Women's Party
Square Deal
-His various progressive reforms such as trustbusting with the Sherman Anti-Trust Act,Interstate Commerce Act and railroads
-Meat Inspection Act The Jungle, Pure Food and Drug Act
-Early 1900s
-Roosevelt felt that parts of America was corrupt, and parts needed reforming
-Changed health with food inspection acts, and lots of change in railroad and more
Pure Food and Drug Act
-Halted the sale of contaminated foods and medicines and called for truth in labeling
-The Muckrakers, such as Sinclair, wrote books like the jungle to expose gross conditions
-Made it safer for civilians to purchase and consume food and drugs
Bill Moose Party
-Progressive Party
-Direct election of senators and adoption in all the states of the initiative, referendum, and recall. Also women's suffrage, improved working hours, federal law against child labor, and federal trade commission to regulate business
-They believed America needed changes in these departments and wanted to help
-Many important reforms were made leading up to the Wilson administration
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
-Congress, Wilson
-To strengthen the Sherman Antitrust Act. Prohibited corporations from acquiring the stock of another if doing so would create a monopoly, and would be persecuted if they violated it. Also allowed labor unions, and peaceful strikes
-To prevent monopolies and regulate big business
-Succeeded in regulating trusts, and prevented businesses from taking over
Acquiring Alaska
-William Seward
-Purchased for 7.2 mil, 2 cents an acre from Russia, at time was thought of as a silly purchase by Congress
-Wanted to expand US through Imperialism
-Alaska in later years was found to be oil rich and very valuable, good deal for US
Yellow Journalism
-Pulitzer and Hearst
-Brought horrors of war through pictures in newspapers, sometimes they exaggerated or didn't show the whole truth to shock audience.
-Early 1900s
-To shock people and spark War Fever
-Did lead to the War vs. Spain, example of how public opinion can control stuff
Rough Riders
-A volunteer cavalry, fought in the Spanish-American war. Didn't really know a lot about fighting, victory at San Juan Hill
-Early 1900s
-Normal people had war fever and wanted to join the war effort
-Won some battles, everyday people rising up and having nationalism
Platt Amendment
-America to Cuba
-Stated that Cuba 1. couldn't make treaties that might limit it's independence or a foreign power to control any part of it's territory 2. the US reserved the right to intervene 3.could not go into debt 4. US could buy or lease land for naval and refueling stations
-To have control over Cuba without owning it
-Cuba was tricked into to thinking they would have freedom, but US was similar to Spain
Boxer Rebellion
-The Boxers (secret group)
-Killed hundreds of missionaries and other foreigners, and Chinese that converted to Christianity but was put down by the international forces
-China was weak and scared of being taken over by European countries
-US then feared that European nations would use their victory to take even more control of China, so Hay issued a second set of Open Door Notes
Roosevelt Corollary
-Added to the Monroe Doctrine warning that disorder in Latin America might force the US to exert international police power
-Because he wanted to protect the US's economic interests in Latin American
-Not taken as a joke like the Monroe Doctrine, exerted military force in Latin counrtires
Panama Canal
-US and Panama
-Canal from Panama to the US, US aided Panama revolt from Columbia. Americans paided $10 mil and an annual renting fee, but basically had compete control over the canal
-Early 1900s
-Because US wanted to expand trade routes and gain access to other contries
-Expanded trade and connections with other countries, still used today, very profitable for US
-A ship that was sunk by a German U-boat, made Americans very angry because there were Americans on the ship
-Coast of Ireland
-Germans defended it saying there was ammunition on the ship
-Reason for America entering the war
Zimmermann Note
-British, Germans, Mexicans
-A telegram sent from Germany to Mexico, but was intercepted by the British
-Germany to Mexico
-Germany wanted Mexico to join them and turn against the US and in return promised to try to get them Texas and other territories
-One of the causes of WWI
Selective Service Act
-By Congress
-Required men to register with the government in order to be randomly selected for military service. Out of 24 mil, 3 mil went to war
-USA needed more soldiers to right in WWI
-Made joining the military neccessary, whcih was a burden to families who didnt want to participate inthe war
Great Migration
-African Americans
-Large-scale movement of hundreds of thousands of Southern blacks to cities in the North
-Had already started before war, but increased tremedosley during war. Blacks felt there was less prejudice in the north
-Major migration, showed how much segregation there was in the south
Treaty of Versailles
-All nations involved in war
-Established 8 new nations, shifted boundries of other nations, barred Germany from maintaining an army, they had to give Alace-Lorraine back to France, and had to pay 33 billion to the Allies
-To end WWI
-Ended the war, but basically destroyed Germany and it's economy
Fourteen Points
-A speech before Congress that stated: 1. there should be no secret treaties among nations 2. freedom of the seas should be maintained 3. tariffs and other economic barriers among nations should be lowered or abolished to protect free trade 4. amrs should be reduced during diplomatic crises 5. colonial policies should consider the interests of colonial peoples as well as imperialist powers
-They were issues that he believed had to be addressed to prevent another war
-Lead to the creation of the League of Nations