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The first permanent, successful British colony in North America


The crop that saved Jamestown from failure


It's nasty

The name given to the trade between the americas, europe, and Africa

Triangular trade

Between 3 points

The _____ is the term used for voyages made by slave ships from Africa to the americas

Middle Passage

Ships travel on a passage in the middle of Africa and the americas

A military struggle in which British fought against the French and their native American allies

The French and Indian war

British fought against French and Indians

The act that required the colonies to provide the British soldiers with food and shelter

Quartering Act

Had to provide quarters to live in

The Sugar Act and Stamp Act are examples of how the ...

British tried to raise money in the colonies

They tried to raise money by having taxes

-> Sugar Act and Stamp Act

Many colonists insisted that they should not be taxed by parliament because

Taxation without representation was wrong

What led to the Intolerable Acts?

The Boston Tea Party

Thomas Paine persuaded many colonists to favor American independence by writing _______

Common Sense

Isn't it common sense that the colonists want independence?

The phrase, "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness," as found in the Declaration of Independence, refers to ...

Specific inalienable rights

A British advantage at the beginning of the Revolutionary War

The British navy controlled the seas

Has to do with British and seas

An American advantage at the beginning of the Revolutionary War

The American soldiers were fighting for their homeland and liberty

American land advantage. And freedom of course it is America

What year was the Declaration of Independence approved?


America's first constitution is...

Articles of confederation

The initial purpose of the Constitutional Convention was to...

Amend the articles of Confederation

James Madison is called "The Father of the Constitution" because he

Attended every meeting and his notes are the best record or these meetings

What issues did the Great Compromise resolve?

Representation in the Congress

The Three-Fifths Compromise resolved the issue of...

How enslaved people were to be counted for representation

He believed he could sail west and reach Asia. Instead, he landed on an island in the Bahamas. He made four voyages to the New World.

Christopher Columbus

Who was the conquistador responsible for conquering the Aztecs?

Hernan Cortez

Who was the conquistador responsible for conquering the Incas?

Francisco Pizzaro

Although he did not complete the voyage, who is credited with making the first voyage to circumnavigate the globe?

Ferdinand Magellan

Which American victory marked a turning point in the war? (After this battle the French entered the war.)


What was the last major battle fought during the American Revolution?


Starts with Y at end of alphabet

This is where the first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired. As the British marched back to Boston, the Americans shot at them all the way.

Lexington and Concord

The Americans held their position at ______ until they ran out of ammunition during the third attack made by the British soldiers.

Bunker Hill (Breeds Hill)

Which colonists supported King George III and did not support independence from England?


Which patriot group often used violence and/or intimidation to get other colonists to abide by boycotts?

Sons of Liberty

Which colonists supported American independence?


George Washington commanded these soldiers. They were the "professional" soldiers of the American Army.

Continental soldiers

Soldiers of America their continent

This is a program of required military service. The North and South used this to fill the ranks during the Civil War.


This is a tactic in which an enemy is surrounded and starved in order to make it a surrender. General Grant would use this tactic against Vicksburg.


This term is used to identify soldiers killed, wounded, or missing in action during a battle or a war.


This means not taking sides in a conflict it dispute.


He was a popular hero from the war of 1812 He was known as Old Hickory. He was "cheated" out of the presidential election in 1824. And use the veto more than all previous presidents prior to his term.

Andrew Jackson

He was the commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution. He was the first president of the United States. After serving two terms as president, he returned to his home at Mt. Vernon.

George Washington

He became president of the US after the war of 1812. The time of his presidency is known as the Era of Good Feelings. His name was given to an important foreign policy doctrine that was in that year.

James Monroe

*Monroe doctrine*

He is known as the father of the Constitution. He was president of the united states during the war of 1812. His wife's name is Dolly.

James Madison

This person, a former slave, led hundreds of African Americans to freedom along the Underground Railroad. She became known as the "Black Moses."

Harriet Tubman

This person, a radical abolishionist, published The Liberator.

William Lloyd Garrison

This African American abolishionist published The North Star, wrote an autobiography, and was a powerful speaker.

Frederick Douglass

He invented the cotton gin.

Eli Whitney

This general was the commander of the Army of the Potomac. He was fired several times by Lincoln. He tended to be very cautious and never seemed quite ready to fight.

George B. McClellan

This general commanded the force that captured Atlanta and marched from there to the sea.

William Tecumseh Sherman

Crazy, destructive general.

This general commanded forces that captured Ft. Henry and Fort Donelson. He also was responsible for capturing Vicksburg. *He was made the commander of all union forces in 1864.*

Ulysses S. Grant

He was president of the united States during the civil war. He wrote the Gettysburg Address.

Abraham Lincoln

This venal and his name "Stonewall" during the First Battle of Bull Run. After the Battle of Chancellorsville he as accidentally shot by his own soldiers and died as a result of these wounds.

Thomas J. Jackson

*Stonewall Jackson*

At the beginning of the war, Lincoln offered him command of Union forces. He later became the commander of the Army of Northern Virginia. He surrendered to General U.S. Grant at appomattox Court House.

Robert E. Lee

This general led an infantry division in a deadly charge against Union forces during the Battle of Gettysburg. His name is forever associated with this failed charge.

George Pickett

He was the president of the Confederate States of America

Jefferson Davis

This businessman founded the Standard Oil Company

John D. Rockefeller

This person coined the term "Gilded Age."

Mark Twain

This person was the "king" of the US steel industry.

Andrew Carnegie

This person invented the telephone.

Thomas A. Edison

Who was the commander of the Union Army from 1864 to the end of the civil war?

General Grant

How did the book "Uncle Tom's Cabin" affect American society in the 1850's?

It convinced many Northerners that slavery was evil and would destroy the nation

Th Northerners don't like slavery so it made an impression on them

The system of checks and balances is designed to ensure that

No one branch of the government will gain to much power

The Constitution gives the power to make laws to the...

Legislative branch

Because they are the "legit"slative branch

This amendment protects 5 basic rights: freedom of religion, speech, the press, assembly, and petition

1st amendment

The basics rights come first

This amendment deals with our right to bare arms

2nd amendment

First u find food (basic need/right) then second you get a weapon for protection

Which president was in office and responsible for the Louisiana purchase?

Thomas Jefferson

Which country sold the Louisiana purchase to the united states?


Who was the author of The Star Spangled Banner?"

Francis Scott Key

He is the key to our national song

The name of the foreign policy statement that Monroe made during his presidency: told Europe not to form new colonies in Latin America and to mind is own business

The Monroe doctrine

By the 1820's,the south's most important crop was...


There were still slaves picking this plant

The journey where 4,000 Cherokee died was called...

The trail of tears

In the 1840s, the phrase Manifest Destiny referred to the idea that the United States would

spread across North America from the Atlantic to the pacific

They were going to mani-infest all of North america

Abolishionists all agreed about...

The need to end slavery

Which reform movement caused the greatest tension between North and south


(Slaves issue)

The purpose of the Fugitive Slave Act was to

Force all Americans to help catch escaped slaves

The author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is...

Harriet Beecher Stowe


Who was the slave that sued for his freedom on the grounds on the grounds that he had lived in an area where slavery had been outlawed?

Dred Scott

He didn't win. How Dredful

Abolishionists objected to the Dred Scott decision because...

It meant Congress had no power to ban slavery anywhere

Who won the presidential election of 1860?


What was the first state to secede from the Union?

South Carolina

They wanted to be part of the South

Where were the first shots of the civil war fired?

Fort Sumter

Union advantage at beginning of war

The Union had more raw materials, factories, people, and money

Had more things because they were bigger

Confederate advantage at beginning of war

The south had a long military tradition and some of the nation's best officers

The first battle of the civil war

First battle of Bull Run

Bull Runs to be first

The bloodiest one-day battle of the civil war

Battle of Antietam

General Lee marched his troops into Pennsylvania because he

Hoped to win a victory on Union soil

Name of battle in Pennsylvania that Included Pickett's Charge

Battle of Gettysburg

Why was the battle at Vicksburg important to the north?

It helped the Union gain control of the Mississippi River and devided the Confederacy

Who was the Union general that marched through Georgia destroying the most property in his army's path?

General Sherman

The Emancipation Proclamation freed

The slaves that lived in Confederate controlled states

Where did Lee surrender to Grant?

Appomattox courthouse

Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln?

John Wilkes Booth

Who became president of the united States after Lincoln was assassinated?

Andrew Johnson

The civil war determined that...

The federal government was supreme, and states had no right to secede

Which of the following outlawed slavery in the united states?

Thirteenth amendment

Slavery is bad. 13 is a bad number

Which amendment granted the former slaves citizenship?

Fourteenth amendment

Which amendment granted African American men the right to vote?

15th amendment

The main goal of the Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction was to...

Prevent African Americans from exercising their rights

During the late 1800s, children often worked in factories because...

Families needed the income to survive

One tactic that labor unions use against employers...


The _______ era was an effort to address the ills of American society standing from industrial capitalism organization and political corruption.


Which author wrote the novel "The Jungle" which exposed the unsanitary conditions of the meatpacking industry?

Upton Sinclair

The _______ is the Prohibition Amendment which outlawed the manufacturing, sale, for transportation of alcoholic beverages in the United States.

18th amendment

Women gained suffrage in national élections thanks to the...

19th amendment