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60 Cards in this Set

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What were the 3 reasons for European exploration in the New World
God, Gold & Glory
The 1st successful Britsh settlement in North America in 1607?
Religious Revivals in the 1700s
Great Awakening
Two factors of Mercantilism
export more than import
What European nation lost most of their land in North America in 1763
Which enlightened thinker believed people should be served by an elected body to protect life, liberty & property
Enlightened thinker believed in seperation of government powers into leg. exe.& jud.
1st direct tax placed upon colonist by the British
Tea act
Successful tactic utilized by colonists to end repressive taxation policies of the British
British wanted to pass the Tea act so the colonists
accept taxation w/o representation
Declaration of Independence was largly written by
Thomas Jefferson
Connecticut Compromise
Bi cameral congress; senate & representative
Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
no taxing & no control over trade
Beliefs of the Federalists & Anti Feds
feds: national government
anti-feds: bill of rights
Federalist Papers
85 essaya defending the constitution
Article 1,11,&111 of the constition established what branches of government
1.leg 2.exe 3.jud
First ten amendments to the constition are termed
the bill of rights
First Amendment to the constitution
freedom of speech,religion & peacable assembly
Court case that established judicial review
marbury vs madison
war of 1812 was fought against what nation
missouri compromise
admitted missouri as a slave state, maine free & extended the 36'30 line to divide territories as free or slave
Andrew Jackson
sought to end the influence of the u.s. bank
Seneca Falls Convention
Elizabeth Stanton & Lucretia Mott womens suffrage meeting
Manifest Destiny
United states should own north america land to the pacific ocean
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Repealed Missouri compromise allowing for popular sovereignty to decide issue of slavery in states
Dred Scott
Slaves in free states does not make the slave free; slaves are property
Gains of Compromise of 1850
north: cali free state

south:stronger fugitive slave laws
John Brown
attempted slave rebellion that sought to seize the federal arsenal at harpers ferry
Emancipation Proclamation
Pres. Lincoln issued freeing slaves in the states fighting the union
was the turning point of the war for the union
Freedmans Bureau
provide free slaves & refugees with food, clothing, shelter & education
13th amendment
abolish slavery
14th amendment
equal protection under law
15th amendment
blacks can vote
robberbarons & captains of industry
rockefellar & carnegie
Social Darwinism
rich are superior to the poor
Purity Crusaders
individuals in the 2nd great awakening & social gospel
Haymarket Riot
labor dispute in 1886 at chicagos mccormick reaper factory where 7 police and several protestors were killed
Homestead Strike
directed at Carnegie;steel
Pullman Strike
President Cleveland sent fed. troops tp end the protest pf the American Railway Union
Spanish American War
the Delome letter & the sinking of the uss maine were precipitants to this war
plessy vs. ferguson
"seperate but equal" legitimized Jim Crow Laws; legally segregationg African Americans
Open Door Policy
Upton Sinclair wrote THE JUNGLE about
the meat packing industry
Roosevelt Corollary
U.S. had the authority to intervene in the western hemisphere
The Gentlemens Agreement
Limited number of Japanese immigrating to the U.S.
Square Deal
Theodore Roosevelt policies with anti-trust legislation
Muck rakers
"yellow journalism" & sensational stories
Boxer Rebellion
US military response to Chinese nationalist killing missionaries & attacking colonial holdings
Triangle ShirtWaist Fire
improved policies regarding workplace safety regulations
dollar diplomacy
american investments in latin america & abroad
Mother Jones
advocate for miner's union & ended child labor in the US
Shanks Trail
immigrants were convicted of murdering payroll
Scopes Trail
between U.J. Bryan & C. Darrow about evolution & creation
Espinoge & Sedition acts
crime for a person to convey information with intent to interfere with the operation or success of the armed forces of the United States or to promote the success of its enemies
18th Amendment
Prohibition sale of alcohol
19th amendment
womens suffrage
League of Nations
organization to avert war
14 Points
treaty of versailles
Treaty of Versailles
Sought to create eternal peace