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56 Cards in this Set

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HMS Beagle
Name the famous vessel that Darwin traveled on to collect data
On the Origin of Species
Identify Darwin’s most famous publication
Alfred Russel Wallace
Who was the other person who developed a nearly identical theory of evolution as Darwin?
It made Darwin begin to work on his own publication with a feeling of necessity to publish his ideas first.
How did Alfred Russel Wallace influence the the publication of Origin of Species?
1. Focus on animal psych, which formed the basis of comparative psych.
2. An emphasis on the functions rather than the structure of consciousness.
3. The acceptance of methodology and data from many fields.
4. A focus on the description and measurement of indiv. differences.
In what ways did Darwin’s theory influence psychology?
Trial of Scopes v. State of Tenn. over the teaching of evolution in schools.
What is the 1925 Scopes “monkey trial?”
Juan Huarte
Who is credited with pioneering work on the psychology of individual differences?
Francis Galton; that greatness or genius occurred within families too frequently to be just through environmental factors
Who wrote the classic, Heredity Genius (1869)? What is it's main point?
Francis Galton
Who is famously associated with developing the idea of eugenics?
Galton's theory that humans could be through artificial selection
Adolph Quetelet
Who pioneered the use of statistics, including an early version of the correlation coefficient?
Francis Galton
Who was the first person to experimentally study word associations?
Karl Pearson (Galton's student)
Who pioneered the correlation
1. The diversity of associations of ideas.
2. Reaction time
What two problems in word association did Galton work on?
George Romanes. Developed a mental ladder which he ranked animals by how intelligent he found them to be.
Who wrote Animal Intelligence as the first book on animal intelligence.
C.L. Morgan
Who developed the law of parsimony?
Law of Parsimony
What is the notion that animal behavior must not be attributed to a higher mental process when it can be explained in terms of a lower mental process.
Charles Darwin (Comparative psych; evolution theory), US/Pragmatism, Francis Galton (Indiv. differences; methodology and statistics)
Identify the three major forces that lead to the development of functionalism.
Herbert Spencer
Argued that the development of all aspects of the universe is evolutionary, including human character and social institutions. Coined the phrase "survival of the fittest." Proposed the theory of social darwinism.
Samuel Butler
Theorized that like animals machines could evolve and underwent natural selection as newer machines cause older ones to become obsolete
Principles of Psychology (1890)
Book by William James that was written with clarity rare in science, opposed Wundt's goal of the analysis of consciousness into elements, and offered an alternative way of looking at the mind. =Said the goal of psych is no tthe discovery of the elements of experience but rather the study of living people as they adapt to their environment. The function of consciousness is to gide us to those ends required for survival.
a condition referred to by George Beard as a peculiarly American nervousness, depression and loss of will among the upper class. suffered by William James.
Psychology as defined by James
Psychology is the study of the causes, conditions, and immediate consequences, so far as these can be ascertained, of states of consciousness… such as sensations, desires, emotions, cognitions, reasoning, volitions, and the like…
For free will!

1. people are free agents in their world.
2. behavior changes consciousness (change in behavior produces change in attitudes)
3. We can create the ‘meaning of ourselves’.
What was James’ position on free will vs determinism?
Very little before moving on...more philosophical.
How much of his professional life did James devote to psychology?
He only worked in psych for a small amount of time, did not like experimentation, favored pseudo-sciences, yet still made a huge impact on the field.
Much is paradoxical about William James and his role in American psychology - explain
Mary Calkins
Who was the first woman president of the APA?
variability hypothesis
the notion that men show a wider range and variation of physical and mental development that women; the abilities of women are seen as more average.
Mary Calkins
Woman James helped overcome barriers of sexism. developed the paired-associate technique used in memory study. Never given a PhD by Harvard.
Woolley and Hollingsworth
Who is credited with conducting the first empirical test of gender differences in
intellectual abilities?
Leta Hollingworth
Conducted extensive research on the Variability hypothesis, made considerable contributions to school psych. Coined the term "gifted".
Granville Stanley Hall
Credited with founding the APA and also the first president of the APA
Dewey and Angell
Who are the two founders of functionalism?
John Dewey
Who established a “laboratory school” to study innovations in educational practices?
Dewey's "The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology"
Which article is regarded as the publication that launched Functionalism?
John Dewey, James Angell, Harvey Carr.
Who was associated with the Chicago School of Functionalist Psychology?
Robert Woodworth
Who was associated with the Columbia School of Functionalist Psychology?
Harvey A. Carr
Who is credited with polishing functionalism into its final, peak form?
Who developed a model of psychology called “Dynamic Psychology”?
Dynamic psychology
Woodworth's system of psych. which was concerned with the influence of causal factors and motivations on feelings and behavior.
-Research on animal behavior became a vital area of study.
-Also incorporated study of infants, children and people w/ mental disabilities.
-Used more than simply introspection and as measurements which then became respectable sources of info.
-Application of the methods and findings of psych to the solution of practical problems.
Identify the main contributions of functionalism
Chicago School
School of functionalist thought with emphasis on mental processes, activities, or operations of the mind. And on utility/purpose of consciousness.
Columbia School
School of functionalist thought with emphasis on motivational aspects of behavior.
Public Education
At the end of the 19th century, which field most demanded the application of
James Cattell
What psychologist provided the foundation for the mental testing field?
Binet and Simon
Who developed the tests of mental age?
children will perform just as well as adults on sensorimotor tests, but tests of cognitive ability the performance lacks.
How did Binet and Simon feel about the malleability of intelligence?
Lewis M. Terman 1916
Who developed the famous Standford-Binet intelligence test?
They were shorter and easier to administer.
How did the Army Alpha and Beta tests differ from Binet’s?
greatly increased the availability and use..along with some invalid forms.
How did the Army tests influence the use of tests in other domains of society?
He administered it to 36 college students who all did bad on it. This got a lot of bad publicity and the public lost faith in testing and psychology's prestige
What was the impact of Thomas Edison’s IQ test?
Clifford Beers
Former mental patient that wrote "A mind that found itself" and focused public attention on the need to deal humanely with mentally ill people. With Adolf Meyer founded the mental hygiene movement (eventually the NMHA)
Emmanuel Movement
Developed in 1906 by Rev. Elwood Worcester, a method of healing “moral or psychological” problems through a mix of medical examination, hypnosis, relaxation training, and spiritual advice
Lightner Witmer
Founded Clinical Psychology and started the first American psychology clinic. Returning soldiers needed psy services for adjustment difficulties, posttraumatic stress, rehab. psy. VA biggest employer
WWII, due to the psychological needs of soldiers.
When did clinical psychology really take off? Why?
Hugo Munsterberg
Who pioneered work on eyewitness testimony and promoted industrial psychology?