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55 Cards in this Set

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Disease causes by invisible living creatures
A. leeuwenhoek
Father of microbiology; Drew and described bacteria and protozoa ; described in royal society of London transactions
R. hooke
Publish first drawing of microorganisms in Micrographia
spontaneous generation
Spontaneous generation
Can living organisms develop from nonliving material
Pro spontaneous generation
aristole John Van Helmont John needham Georges Leclerc
J NeedHam
vital force
J v helmont
Mice from wheat
against spontaneous generation
Louis Joblot Francisco Redi lazzaro spallazaniAnton Lavoisier Theodore schwann Matthias Schleiden Schroder, van Dush Rudolf Virchow Pasteur
L Joblot
found microbes in hay

described protozoa

air may carry germs described bacterial binary fussion
A Lavoisier
air contains oxygen not enough oxygen in closed flask to support microbes
T Schwann
discovered yeast where living cells fermentation
M Schleiden
Proposed plants consisted of cells discovered mycorrhizae
Henrich George Schroder & Theodor Van Dusch
filtered air with cotton plugs
R Virchow
All cells come from other living cells
final refutation of spontaneous generation also worked with anthrax

Killing of all organisms on/in an object

Critical for development of microbiology

Canning/ preservation of food cotton stoppers used in microbiology

R Koch
found spore like bodies in Bacillus anthracis; developed postulates relating causative agent to disease; developed methods of growing pure cultures of bacteria
J Tyndall
heat resistant life forms present; dust does carry microbes
F Cohn
Named heat- resistant forms of bacteria ( endospores)
Imbalance between four humors( blood, phlem, yellow bile, black bile) caused disease
G fracastoro
Invisible organisms (germs) caused diseases such as syphilis
Agostino Bassi de Lodi
Silkworm disease caused by fungus ( botrytis )
M.J. Berkeley ; Heinrich Anton de Bary
Potato blight in Ireland Caused by fungus –like oomycete phytophthora infestans Smuts and rusts caused cereal crop diseases
L Pasteur
Discovered that pebrine disease of silkworms due to microsporan Nosema bombysis Revised germ theory of disease
Jacob Henle & Robert Koch
Both studied anthrax Henle established criteria to relate to bacillus anthracis Koch performed empirical studies Koch used postulates in etiology of tuberculosis
kochs postulates 1882

Microorganism present in every case of the disease

microorganism must be grown in pure culture same disease when second host inoculated with pure culture

the microorganism must be isolated from the infected host

molecular postulates

Virulence traits seen with pathogenic strains, not nonpathogenic strains

inactivation of genes associated with virulence decreases pathogenicity

replacement of the mutated gene with wild- type gene restores pathogenicity

gene should be expressed some time during infection & disease process

Antibodies/ immune system cells directed against gene products protect host

I semmelweis
hand washing prevents puerperal fever; used chlorine as antiseptic
J lister
Sterilization of instruments with heat; use of phenol as antiseptic
First vaccination (small pox)
Polysaccharide from seaweed
Fannie Eilshemius Hesse & Walther Hesse
Used agar to solidify media
Richard Petri
Developed container to hold solidified media
S winogradsky
Described lithotrophy; used model ecosystem
M beijerinck
Use of enrichment cultures; described nitrogen fixation
Hans Christian Gram
Developed differential staining method for bacteria
World wars 1 and 11
Development of antibiotics Further definition of different branches of microbiology Koning McCardyDevelopment of Virology Development of genetics and modern molecular biology
Suggested role of fungi in decomposition
Developed fecal coliform test for analyzing water quality
R Atlas
Modern methods of microbial ecology; involved with deepwater horizon oil spill
R colwell
Worked with vibrios; marine microecology ; coined “ viable but nonculturable bacteria”
L Marguelis
endosymbiotic hypothesis Parasitic bacteria in eukaryotes gave rise to mitochondria and chloroplasts
T Brock
Discovered archaeons
N pace
Sequenced thermophiles
C woese
Described archaeons ; used 165 rRna to characterize species ; developed domains
R patrick
fresh water ecologist and phycologist
T Hazen
worked with deep water horizon oil spill
D. Jay Grimes
Work with deepwater Horizon oil spill; work vibrios
J venter
First to sequenced bacterial genomes ( haemophilus influenzae)
C fraser
Sequenced bacterial genomes with venter
K Nelson
Showed lateral gene transfer from archaeons to bacteria; sequenced thermotoga maritima
H smith
Nobel Laureate for co-discovering of restriction enzyme; first to sequence bacterial genomes ( haemophilus influenza) with venter